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Holy Hell, the theme to Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (stupid title) is awesome. So majestic!


I haven't even played the game yet, but I'm really digging New Super Mario Bros. Wii's World 1 theme:

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Edited by LostOverThere
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Posted (edited)
  tapedeck said:
I was just thinking about this thread and there must be a ton of new stuff to add in here since 2009! Maybe we could get it stickied?


So true, Kirby's Epic Yarn springs to mind immediately!


Oh... and Monster Hunter Tri!!!

Edited by Kav
  kav82 said:
So true, Kirby's Epic Yarn springs to mind immediately!


Oh... and Monster Hunter Tri!!!


Yeah, I've just got back into this and there are some stunning views in this game that I never properly noticed.

  LostOverThere said:

Huge production values ensued for some great visuals and sound design.


Oh yes, I certainly agree with that, especially the snow level was really great looking.



Anyway, my vote for best visuals goes to:

Endless Ocean 2



Here are some screenshots I took with the in-game camera:]uaZIF.jpg





  Adthegreat said:
Oh yes, I certainly agree with that, especially the snow level was really great looking.



Anyway, my vote for best visuals goes to:

Endless Ocean 2



Here are some screenshots I took with the in-game camera:]uaZIF.jpg





I got to be honest here: when I clicked on that spoiler tag and saw those screenshots I thought it to be real, and I mean better than any quad-processing shennanigens could ever produce.

Those screenshots look like genuine underwater photography to me.



  david.dakota said:
May I put forward Epic Mickey as a great looking game. I've not played much of it (thanks Dead Space 2..!), but from what I have seen it looks stnning, and remarkably well designed.


Damn straight! The cut-scenes are quite artistic as well.:hehe:


While it certainly wasn't the best game (although I loved it to bits), Fragile Dreams definitely deserves some props for putting together a fantastic audio and visual presentation.


Both came together to create one of the best atmospheres in a game I've ever experienced. For me, not even the monotonous gameplay could drag it down because they nailed the presentation with an absolutely beautiful and eerie soundtrack and brilliant art design, as well as the story and characters to a level that hadn't and hasn't been seen again yet on the Wii since it came out.


I also echo the praise of recent games like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey, and can't believe how good those screens of Endless Ocean 2 are. Really need to track down a copy of that game. Loved the first one for being so laidback.


Red Steel 2, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Monster Hunter Tri all prove that the Wii can produce truly stunning looking games.


Special props to Red Steel 2 and Kirby for being two games that look as good as anything on the HD consoles thanks to their fantastic visual style!

  tapedeck said:
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Just had to add the main theme from Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.


This is beautiful... :o I'm watching the LIVE: Japan earthquake coverage from BBC, and my eyes are just tearing up...there's hope people, there's hope...


That really is beautiful. Sound is under-rated in videogames.


This is the credits music from Other M. Sounds like it was taken right from the ending of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Fucking beautiful.

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and also this one, again from Other M. The alternative title music.


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I realized that I may do Endless Ocean 2 more justice if I show some photos with better focus and aperture settings (disclaimer: these aren't mine.)


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Adding to the Goldeneye love


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Pure Bond.


And lest we forget Super Mario Galaxy 2.


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Broadcast Yourself
Edited by david.dakota

I recently picked up Sin and Punishment 2 for the Wii, and it has completely blown me away, both as an amazingly classy game and a sheer audio and visual tour-de-force. That incredible level through the underwater tunnel, and the terrifying boss that climbs up the level lashing it's tongue out at you. For such a short game (though I haven't beaten it yet), it packs and incredible wealth of imaginative, exciting and surprising visual ideas.

  Adthegreat said:
I realized that I may do Endless Ocean 2 more justice if I show some photos with better focus and aperture settings (disclaimer: these aren't mine.)


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  Adthegreat said:
I realized that I may do Endless Ocean 2 more justice if I show some photos with better focus and aperture settings (disclaimer: these aren't mine.)


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  Fused King said:
So are you saying that the in game screenshots aren't this incredible, because DAMN!



What I mean is that the photos I took don't look as good as possible, because I messed up some of the camera settings. That's why I also showed some other people's in-game photos. Both EO1 and EO2 are really great games, in case anyone has ignored them so far. They may not seem very interesting from an outside perspective, but they offer a tremendous relaxing experience.


I'm going to add what I have to call Wiis graphically most uneven games. Some areas are blocky like an N64-game, while others are frankly jaw droppingly gorgeous.

Disaster Day of Crisis





And then there's the frankly obvious stuff.

  • 2 months later...

Seeing as I no longer have my Wii :( (sent it off for repair), I figured now is a good time to come back to this thread and add some more games. Stuff that I missed out of my previous post, new games that I've played since then and even a couple that I'm yet to play! :smile:


All music once again. Enjoy!:

: peace:


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God damnit, you two, now I want to buy Eledees.....


Not a bad thing, I'm just such a sucker for buying games people are recommending unless I'm sure I don't like the genre...

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