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Erm... Hai?


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Other than that, I'm a nice guy.


Don't be afraid if anything seems 'in-joke-y' or whatever. Just chill-oout, and don't be one of those people who just posts for three days then forgets us. We do kill.


It's cool, I'll just be the guy who nervously laughs whilst making the 'I-have-absolutely-no-idea-whats-going-on' face. ::shrug::


I'll try not too. I've stuck this in my links bar, next to the other site I visit. BUT RELATIONSHIPS ARE A TWO WAY THING, REMEMBER THAT =[

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Welcome! :D


In the nicest possible way...your username sounds like a virus :heh:


Mid post I've realised it's probably Rikki. Yep.


A virus... O.o What kind of virus?!



(Got it working :3)

Edited by R1kk1
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Welcome to the loving embrace of my capable arms.


but this one is extremely tight. I like it. =]


Thats what she said.


Thanks! :D I've said it before but I shall say it again I main dream is to right my epic trilogy. I have it all thought out! now I just have to learn how to write! :grin:


Message me your idea. I demand it.




The place where magic is made.


Thanks, I was starting to urinate a little.


I like this guy. He's cracking out the penile functions a mere 10 posts in.

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Hi there. I'm one of the more mature members of the forum. I try to keep all the pervy comments about women and masturbation down to a minimum. But you always get a few weirdos who continue to post such filth.


I see a tonne of people have Gamertags too, so it's lucky I got my 360 elite the other day :laughing:


Ooh metric, very nice.

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Hi there. I'm one of the more mature members of the forum. I try to keep all the pervy comments about women and masturbation down to a minimum. But you always get a few weirdos who continue to post such filth.




Ooh metric, very nice.


Damnit... Just when you think you've found a place you fit in...


Will definitely check out the poetry/prose threads. And on a slightly related topic, where would one post reviews etc? I like writing them. :3

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