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*the drums from Jumanji are heard*




So yeah, I'm applying for art courses this year, and so it's a much more "UGH" procress of portfolio preparing/making and carrying to interview to show.


I applied this year to Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Kingston in London. Edinburgh and Glasgow decided to make all applicants do a "mini digital folio" of a select amount of photos sent with your application. This would decide if you got through to interview stage or not (this chane in process was due to art applications through ucas know being like all other subjects, rather than preferance based).


HOWEVER, I applied to film for Edinburgh, but 1st year (as far as i could tell, it was a sorta thing where you applied to the subject, and did the general year first). Film applicants had to answer questions instead of do this folio, which I did.


Anyway, got a swift reply saying I was unsuccessful because my answers were unsatsifactory, which pissed me off, as now I think I should have done like pages for each questions rather than half a page or whatever. BUT ANYWAY I didn't really wanna stay here so I'm phased by not getting in.


I got an invitation to interview for Film in Kingston today. For the life of me IDK why I applied there, since I want to have a first year in halls and stuff (this is the pure 3 year course without a first year). The info sheet they sent made me realise I do not have anywhere near enough film work to show them...I only just started (about to finish) my first film project. My portfolio would be this short (not exactly thrilling) film project on DVd, a few horrible storyboard things and then just full of paintings and drawings.


The fact I don't want to go to London or miss out on a first year, combined with the fact it would just be embarassing to go along with what I have, I'm seriously considering just not going for interview. However, that means all my eggs are in 2 baskets, Dundee and Aberdeen.


But then the eggs I'd put in the Kingston basket would be rotten.


I'm not sure If I should go and try or just realise that it's just laughable to do so and stick to applying confidently to places I actually want to go to?


Sorry this is so long and rambling.

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A three year course still has a 'first year' ungraded general getting-used-to-life where you live in halls and everything. Some universities offer I-forget-what-they-call-them preliminary and general-topic-covering year before the proper 3-year course begins - but these are usually for students who didn't quite get the grades the university requested they get in order to simply start the proper course, but the uni is still willing to accept the student (and their thousands of pounds).


FOUNDATION! That's the word.


Does that make sense? You still get this 'first year'. If you don't want to go to london then... don't?


As for the portfolio - don't freak yourself out. The uni isn't expecting students to have a back-catalogue the size of spielberg's, they will just want to see some examples of what you know so far to see if you're at the right stage to begin the course.


And good luck!

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*the drums from Jumanji are heard*




So yeah, I'm applying for art courses this year, and so it's a much more "UGH" procress of portfolio preparing/making and carrying to interview to show.


I applied this year to Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Kingston in London. Edinburgh and Glasgow decided to make all applicants do a "mini digital folio" of a select amount of photos sent with your application. This would decide if you got through to interview stage or not (this chane in process was due to art applications through ucas know being like all other subjects, rather than preferance based).


HOWEVER, I applied to film for Edinburgh, but 1st year (as far as i could tell, it was a sorta thing where you applied to the subject, and did the general year first). Film applicants had to answer questions instead of do this folio, which I did.


Anyway, got a swift reply saying I was unsuccessful because my answers were unsatsifactory, which pissed me off, as now I think I should have done like pages for each questions rather than half a page or whatever. BUT ANYWAY I didn't really wanna stay here so I'm phased by not getting in.


I got an invitation to interview for Film in Kingston today. For the life of me IDK why I applied there, since I want to have a first year in halls and stuff (this is the pure 3 year course without a first year). The info sheet they sent made me realise I do not have anywhere near enough film work to show them...I only just started (about to finish) my first film project. My portfolio would be this short (not exactly thrilling) film project on DVd, a few horrible storyboard things and then just full of paintings and drawings.


The fact I don't want to go to London or miss out on a first year, combined with the fact it would just be embarassing to go along with what I have, I'm seriously considering just not going for interview. However, that means all my eggs are in 2 baskets, Dundee and Aberdeen.


But then the eggs I'd put in the Kingston basket would be rotten.


I'm not sure If I should go and try or just realise that it's just laughable to do so and stick to applying confidently to places I actually want to go to?


Sorry this is so long and rambling.



What happened with the Glasgow (School of Art?) application?


If you do end up not going to the interview at Kingston then make sure you tell them! It means they can potentially offer the interview to someone else who really wants the place.

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You could just work really hard to put together a portfolio before the Kingston interview.


Like film things solidly, and make a stunning video of your life.


I'd rather do something well than have loads of utter shite made it 2 weeks. Which is what it would be. Bearing in mind I'd need storyboards and loads of sketchbook stuff for each project or whatever.




I'm doing a foundation year at the moment at a private/independant art school. Also, Scottish art colleges automatically "attach" a foundation year, rather than it being considered really seperate from a specialised (3 year) course.


Plus, I haven't applied for a foundation course, it was just straight film making.


Yeah, it's just "art" is now a zillion times more competitive with the application change from Route B to Route A (how all non-art applicants apply), and...I know I haven't got what they want. It's not like I'm overreacting or panicing or anything, like "FUCK! I'M SHIT!", it's just that I clearly don't.


And I hear such horror stories from going to uni in London. And I just...don't want to go... (that should really make it obvious, but then I worry about whether I should do what I want or try anyway. It's just that it'd be the most embarassing thing I've ever done, and not in a "OMG I CAN'T DO THIS LOL" way, just in a I haven't got anything they want, why am I here? way. And I can't bullshit my way through things either).


I'll talk to my UCAS lady of the lamp at college.


What happened with the Glasgow (School of Art?) application?


If you do end up not going to the interview at Kingston then make sure you tell them! It means they can potentially offer the interview to someone else who really wants the place.


I didn't apply to Glasgow. At the time I had reasons that I can't remember now. Feels a bit pointless now, not doing it. I was adamant I didn't want to go, but I can't remember why and I had a whole extra space I could have used. *sigh*


EDIT: and yeah, of course I'll let them know.

Edited by Paj!
Automerged Doublepost
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Well you've done some film stuff. If they've asked you for an interview (which is when btw?) they have some interest in you. Can't you go along with what you have, some transferable art stuff (pieces that show a clear understand of framing/cropping, lighting, mis-en-scene etc) and, presuming you actually want to do this/a similar course, explain how you may lack the experience in film-making but have other artisticary (perhaps not use fake words though) pursuits and have begun to experiment with films which shows your commitment. PLUS film has never been offered to you before, hence why its not something you've not done much of. But, talk about what you have done, how it has sparked a passion, how you are continuing to further this prior to the commencement of the course. Hell you could say you're going to do (and do) an "intro to film-making course" to show your dedication.


Don't be afraid to ask them what level of experience they expect of candidates, as long as you're willing to sell your "I can do that/learn to do that!" attitude. Many courses, even specialists ones like this, will have the first few weeks as introductory stuff anyway, to make sure everyone is on a level playing field/get an understand of individual abilities.


The only thing that would prevent you from getting it is not the lack of experience, but the lack of confidence </CBS special>


Think of this course as Tori Amos, calling you into her bosom for a warm embrace.


(unless you really don't wish to move to London and all that, but I did promise you that drink :heh:)

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I think it might just come down to "Realistically I don't want to go study in London".


However, I'll talk to my tutor/s. Rereading the info from Kingston it says this;

Portfolio/Interview Guidelines:

Carefully select and edit your portfolio/work to produce an exciting, creative and representative showreel of moving image work and other material, which informs us about your skills, interests and ambitions. You should bring any of the following:

• recent moving image on DVD (clearly with your name and contact details firmly attached)

• include current student work (photographic, drawing, projects, if relevant)

• include professional work (if relevant)

• include examples of preparatory creative and research work (sketchbooks, ideas, storyboards etc.)


Which does make it seem like they aren't expecting tonnes of amazing filmwork. Or rather you don't have to have done it.

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Yeah it does seem like they want lots of film work, just some if you have some.


Whats with the nono on London btw? Out of curiosity.


Its a shame unis aren't more like colleges in America and have visitation weekends whereby you get to know the place/location a bit better.

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Whats with the nono on London btw? Out of curiosity.


Well I haven't applied for a foundation year, which I should have really but didn't really think about before. (I was abit confused as to what Jay said, if they'd still offer student accom or not applying straight into the 3 year course or not, but anyway)


Also, a friend of mine is doing film in London some place (the fact he's doing film is irrelevant) and he says it's hugely alienating...all his course-mates are dotted all over london (he's in a flat with his brother) and he just feels a bit lost in the city etc, the people on his course aren't all friends or whatever. So i'd be in a flat in london and it's just a bit "...". And money. I hate the spending of.


EDIT: Also my aunt went to Uni there for a bit (I know this was like the 80's) but she said it was such a hassle to get anywhere and she had to leave things early just to get home etc.


I'm so bored of hassle.

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I'd definitely go with the "I've not had the opportunity to do that much film-making, but but having worked with film in my foundation course I'd really like to pursue it" stance.


Be like "I'm versatile in regards to creating art, and I have the interest and determination to make something truely exciting out of this course."


Just generally pretend to be excited about every prospect. In my Oxford interview, I spoke for about 5 minutes how the prospect of being in an environment where study is the most prominent thing excited me greatly.


Also latch onto a "hero". Like, take an influential film-maker (for example Derek Jarman or David Lynch - I don't know how "cliche" both of them are though, I suspect loads of applicants rave about the latter), and say how you're inspired by their work etc etc.

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Well I haven't applied for a foundation year, which I should have really but didn't really think about before. (I was abit confused as to what Jay said, if they'd still offer student accom or not applying straight into the 3 year course or not, but anyway)

Oh! You still get student accomodation for 3 year courses :) non-foundation courses are, I'd've thought, the norm, and all unis have student accomodation -- either uni owned or uni regulated.


To try and clarify what I was saying; I am doing a 3 year course, in my first year I was in halls, and the first year of my course does not go towards my final overall grade.


This is teh status quo for all courses at all universities, as far as I am aware.


It would be nice to hear from more london-based students in regards to people-dotted-everywhere, but if your guts/heart/soul is saying 'nooooooooo' (or "...", I guess) then yeah, don't give it another thought.


Moving away from home, a massive distance, too, is something greatly life-changing. I didn't really think twice/at all about it, and the homesickness never really hit me - it's more of a sort of white noise that's perpeptually buzzing at my mind's ears... But moving away is totally worth it. London is so busy culturally and always awash with things to occupy your time with, and university life is hectic and social - you won't be a pillar of solitude.


I've forgotten where else you've applied for - my faltering memory assumes all scottish places. Well every city will present you with scattered-amigos from 2nd year onwards, and the 'hassle' of getting around to see them is... well, life, really.


Best of luck to you with it all, anyway. I personally don't really think interviews/personal statements/portfolio presentations should be anything to worry about. All that matters is your own desire to do it - with kingston you don't have the desire, so don't bother.

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Moving away from home, a massive distance, too, is something greatly life-changing.



My friends at uni often go home at weekends, just because they might as well - they live relatively close by, but for me, it's unfeasible to go home, because if I did, I'd miss out on so much (Oxford goes so fast paced) - I have deadlines at regular intervals throughout the week, and I have to hand my work in physically.


That said, I don't get homesick. I don't know why? Possibly because Edinburgh and Oxford both stun, but Oxford more.


I've forgotten where else you've applied for - my faltering memory assumes all scottish places. Well every city will present you with scattered-amigos from 2nd year onwards, and the 'hassle' of getting around to see them is... well, life, really.


The thing is, London has more people living in it than the whole of Scotland put together. Comparing life in Dundee and life in London is like comparing the taste of apples and oranges.



Best of luck to you with it all, anyway. I personally don't really think interviews/personal statements/portfolio presentations should be anything to worry about. All that matters is your own desire to do it - with kingston you don't have the desire, so don't bother.


Yeah, it feels pointless if you don't want to go there. But then you have to analyse what you're basing your judgement off. Have you been to Kingston and seen what it has to offer? Bear in mind we all hated the idea of Aberdeen before we actually went.




Living in England just feels way more you're involved in life. London, I can imagine is that feeling x10. Like actually going to see bands (everyone stops off in London during their tours), and from what I've heard, there's loads of stunning communities (like anarchistic commune and squat ravers etc etc). Also, I could come and visit easily.

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Yeah I'm crying at not being able to see bands. :p Well, famous ones. Except P!nk. For some reason she tours Aberdeen.


Yeah, I like the idea of like wafting around London, like "Hey! What the fuck am I going to do today..?" wearing joke clothes. I'd also smoke and write songs on the harpsicord.


But then realistically.


But yeah...I'll talk to Shit-face McKenzie (my tutor) tomorrow (he's coming around..don't ask) and maybe go in tomorrow afternoon for a better chat/do that on Thursday when my personal tutor is actually in.


Also; I'm really up for leaving home, that's why I was literally indifferent to being rejected by Edinburgh. I didn't even want to stay here anyway. I love Edinburgh, but I'd rather come here from living somewhere else. I want to actually live my life somewhere else for once. The thing I'm most looking foward to is packing to leave. Finally leaving my room of mess and starting afresh.

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The thing I'm most looking foward to is packing to leave. Finally leaving my room of mess and starting afresh.


Once you pop you can't stop. This is my 9th house/flat in four years.


I'm trying to think of London students. I know Daft is, but he lives at home, is The Bard? I think maybe Haden went to uni in London too...


Location is important. Quick look and Kingston is just out of centre ne? 25 minute train ride apparently but from the propaganda pictures they have on the uni site it looks like a nice river-side location, so that will probably help you unwind a bit (London is nice, but is full of fake plastic trees :p)


You seem fairly social. I'm sure you would permeate your way into different groups without much worry. Plus a course like film-making requires group work.

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I know Kingston mildly. Well. If knowing means I've been there several times.


(London is nice, but is full of fake plastic trees )




You seem fairly social. I'm sure you would permeate your way into different groups without much worry. Plus a course like film-making requires group work.


I hope so.

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My friends at uni often go home at weekends, just because they might as well - they live relatively close by, but for me, it's unfeasible to go home, because if I did, I'd miss out on so much (Oxford goes so fast paced) - I have deadlines at regular intervals throughout the week, and I have to hand my work in physically.


That said, I don't get homesick. I don't know why? Possibly because Edinburgh and Oxford both stun, but Oxford more.

So true - I actually only live an hour away from Cambridge, but have never got homesick nor had time to go home in term time.


Anyway, I know a couple of people at university in London, including my sister. The obvious advantage is the bigness of it all, and you'll always find more things to do should you look, but it can also be a bit daunting, and accommodation is very expensive.

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So true - I actually only live an hour away from Cambridge, but have never got homesick nor had time to go home in term time.


Anyway, I know a couple of people at university in London, including my sister. The obvious advantage is the bigness of it all, and you'll always find more things to do should you look, but it can also be a bit daunting, and accommodation is very expensive.


See when I looked into it London wasn't that much more expensive then what I was paying when I lived in Worcester. But then, it seems I was paying more than everyone else (at other unis...namely Sheffield) anyway. So who knows....

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I have officially accepted my offer - As of September 2010 I will be a student of Theoretical Physics at Glasgow University.


I is well excited innit. Just accepted it now even though the deadline for receiving offers isn't even past yet because I got all 5 back as unconditionals and I knew I wanted to go to Glasgow anyway. This way I can get accommodation application stuff in early and hopefully get my first choice hall.

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I'd also smoke and write songs on the harpsicord.


I'm so there for backing vocals and as chordy engineer.


I have officially accepted my offer - As of September 2010 I will be a student of Theoretical Physics at Glasgow University.


I is well excited innit. Just accepted it now even though the deadline for receiving offers isn't even past yet because I got all 5 back as unconditionals and I knew I wanted to go to Glasgow anyway. This way I can get accommodation application stuff in early and hopefully get my first choice hall.


Wow that's fantastic, congratulations!! :grin:

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I have officially accepted my offer - As of September 2010 I will be a student of Theoretical Physics at Glasgow University.


I is well excited innit. Just accepted it now even though the deadline for receiving offers isn't even past yet because I got all 5 back as unconditionals and I knew I wanted to go to Glasgow anyway. This way I can get accommodation application stuff in early and hopefully get my first choice hall.


*high five*


i had an unconditional offer when i went to uni (didnt even realise till AFTER results came out`)

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I have officially accepted my offer - As of September 2010 I will be a student of Theoretical Physics at Glasgow University.


I is well excited innit. Just accepted it now even though the deadline for receiving offers isn't even past yet because I got all 5 back as unconditionals and I knew I wanted to go to Glasgow anyway. This way I can get accommodation application stuff in early and hopefully get my first choice hall.


Good man! The NE Glasgow crew is rapidly expanding! Now we just need to convince more people to come here.


Make sure you get halls in Murano Street as that's where it all happens. Not sure about individual buildings as I go to Strathclyde but I know that Murano Street is the place to be!


Have you been to Glasgow much before?

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Good man! The NE Glasgow crew is rapidly expanding! Now we just need to convince more people to come here.


Make sure you get halls in Murano Street as that's where it all happens. Not sure about individual buildings as I go to Strathclyde but I know that Murano Street is the place to be!


Have you been to Glasgow much before?


Actually I've been told by a couple of friends who go there to avoid the Murano street halls. When I went to the open day I had a look around Kelvinhaugh, which seemed really nice, so I'll probably put that as my first choice. Plus, Kelvinhaugh is nearer to Sauchiehall Street, which I can see myself being at quite regularly for gigs and whatnot.


I've not really spent all that much time in Glasgow, like I say Sauchiehall Street for gigs is about all I know. Oh, and Byers Road on the other side of the uni is where all the good pubs are at I've been told. But I'm looking forward to living there, my cousin is there, I'll be near enough to Parkhead to get in for the occassional game, and theres always something going on :grin:

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