Hero-of-Time Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 I thought a topic like this would be a nice dose of positive energy for the forum. I've picked a few of the titles heading for your Wii this coming Christmas (crosses fingers for Final Fantasy ) and hopefully you will find something to be excited about. What are you looking forward to? Do you think there will be any hidden gems? Did I miss a game off the list? ENJOY! Lets keep this thread positive people, if you want to vent your frustration about the lack of software that appeals to you then feel free to do it elsewhere. Dead Space Rabbids Go Home Wii Fit Plus New Super Mario Bros. Wii Slient Hill Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics Spyborgs Muramasa: The Demon Blade TMNT: Smash-Up Boy and his Blob Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Shino Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Sure buys: Muramasa and FF if it comes out, otherwise I'll buy NSMBWii. Probably will end up buying all three even if it isn't Q4. Maybe: DeadSpace, Silent Hill if they turn out REALLY good since I don't buy horror games. Spyborgs seems really fun but I'll have to see more of it. And Boy and his Blob if I have some spare money left.
dazzybee Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Games I'm looking to get for Wii: Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Muramaa, Mario and Sonic Winter Games, NSMB, Pro Evolution Soccer 10, Boy and his Blob Possibly - Wii Fit Plus, Turtles and Rabbids
D_prOdigy Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Silent Hill is on the very top of my list, and I am still keeping up the whole looking at no more previews, videos, screens and strictly no reviews. Tales I will no doubt get, but not sure when. I'm hoping it will drop down to a very tasty price before Xmas. Add those two with Scribblenauts, and three games are more than enough to satisfy me for three months, especially considering I've got this place to focus on, college work to keep up with and a girlfriend to try and appease. I wouldn't dare say anybody who demands a half-a-dozen 'AAA' games for the holiday season has far too much time on their hands for gaming, but... you know...
Jonnas Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Muramasa, Tales, Silent Hill, TMNT and Boy&Blob interest me However, I'm more interested in DS games right now. I have Scribblenauts, Zelda and Castlevania:OoE (w/recent price drop) in my sights.
NintendWho Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 It's around this time of the year when my girlfriend asks me for my games wish-list for Christmas. Not just for her to choose from, but for my family too as they always say they don't know what to buy me and a game is a safe bet The wish-list so far includes: Cursed Mountain - I know it's out but I'm leaving it alone until Christmas, Metroid will be keeping me busy for a while and I've enough to buy for everyone else without buying more games for myself at the mo. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Even though I loved Resi4, Eternal Darkness was always the scarier game for me, and this reminds me of it in so many ways. With horror films these days being crap, I'm relying on my Wii for scares Endless Ocean 2 - Loved the first one and the real ocean fascinates me anyway, one of my real-life loves! Wii Fit Plus - This looks better at tailoring a fitness regime around what I actual want so it's on my list too, but can be dropped to sacrifice for any of the above. And on the DS: Professor Layton & Pandora's Box Also, these look intriguing from flicking through ONM but I still need to read the actual previews and look them up online: The Calling Spyborgs
S.C.G Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Sure buys for me... New Super Mario Bros Wii Resident Evil : Darkside Chronicles Marumasa : The Demon Blade A Boy And His Blob Tales Of Symphonia : Dawn Of The New World Holy shit... that's actually not bad for the last few months of this year, heres hoping they all make it in time, if they do I'll be happy.
NintendWho Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 dazzybee said: Endless ocean 2 is next year Aw no way! Oh well, I'll just settle for some horror this Christmas
Ganepark32 Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Spyborgs is out next Friday in the UK/Europe and I've heard little about it in terms of reviews. It's something I've looked at but have been unsure of as I've seen little of it in terms of footage, although I guess there is plenty out there. I may get it. Depends on the money and other factors that may prevent me. Realistically for me, I think the games I'll be getting on the Wii for the end of this year are the likes of Muramasa, A Boy and His Blob, probably Dead Space Extraction, and perhaps Silent Hill although I've never played any of the others. I didn't like New Super Mario Bros. DS and the likelihood is I'll not like the Wii one as it looks to share many elements even though it is bringing some new stuff with it. I'll probably end up buying it out of curiousity though. When you actually sit down and look at what's coming for the Wii at the end of the year, it's actually not that bad. There are definitely some big hitters amongst what is getting release and while they may not be able to compete with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the other consoles for sales (although I think the pricing of that may impact ever so slightly on sales but not much), things like Mario and Sonic along with Wii Fit Plus are guaranteed to be big sellers.
Emasher Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 I'll be picking up NSMB:Wii at some point this year. I might get FF:CB at some point as well. A boy and his blob is on my list too.
NintendWho Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Ganepark32 said: Realistically for me, I think the games I'll be getting on the Wii for the end of this year are the likes of Muramasa, A Boy and His Blob, probably Dead Space Extraction, and perhaps Silent Hill although I've never played any of the others. I didn't like New Super Mario Bros. DS and the likelihood is I'll not like the Wii one as it looks to share many elements even though it is bringing some new stuff with it. I'll probably end up buying it out of curiousity though. When you actually sit down and look at what's coming for the Wii at the end of the year, it's actually not that bad. There are definitely some big hitters amongst what is getting release and while they may not be able to compete with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the other consoles for sales (although I think the pricing of that may impact ever so slightly on sales but not much), things like Mario and Sonic along with Wii Fit Plus are guaranteed to be big sellers. With the installed userbase I think the Wii will own Christmas thanks to the likes of Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort. They're two huge franchises for the Wii and with the advertising campaign that no doubt will be all over our screens come November/December time I think Nintendo are on to a winner with both. I, too, am not too sure about NSMBW as after playing the previous game on the DS I much prefer the 3D Mario games these days, but I'm sure it'll go down well and sell a ton and if I get to try it I may end up really liking it and changing my mind. As it is though, I can tell the multiplayer will be absolutely great but I'm not convinced on the single-player game as the DS one didn't grab me as Galaxy or Sunshine did.
Cube Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 From the NGamer preview a few months back, the Dead Space game sounds pretty good.
darksnowman Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 You listed a nice mixture of titles. I'm gonna be unimaginative and have a run through them, describing whether I'm interested in them or not. To keep things positive I'll not go into detail about the ones that don't appeal to me. Dead Space Rabbids Go Home I like the Rabbids and I'd like this to turn out to be a quality title. Wii Fit Plus I'm curious about the potential of new Wii Fit activities but if I'm honest, Wii Fit Plus isn't far up my priority list at all. One of those games that I'll probably own at some point- and it'll likely make me say wow when I first try the new stuff. New Super Mario Bros. Wii I bet this one will be a blast in multiplayer- but sure I'll state the obvious. Slient Hill Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (However I really enjoyed some co-op in the Umbrella Chronicles so hopefully someone I know will buy DC as it looks like a quality follow up. Can't see it being added to my own collection though...) Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics Probably not buy it but I wanna play it. Snow snow snow. Spyborgs Been keeping an eye on the 'borgs and wanna see what the consensus is like when it sees its release. Looks like it could be fun. Muramasa: The Demon Blade Do want. :awesome: TMNT: Smash-Up Somehow this fighting game has gone from being an absolute farce to actually garnering genuine respect and anticipation from gamers and TMNT fans alike. If only it was a proper throwback to the good old days of the turtles! Boy and his Blob I borrowed this on the Gameboy way back when but couldn't properly appreciate it as a kid. Its looking gorgeous on the Wii and thus falls into my do want category! Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers Yes yes yes. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World Here's an interesting one. I love Tales of Symphonia like so many others and I want to play DotNW (with the right level of expectancy) but I just wish they had managed to bring it out over here a few months ago. I think I might skip on this one for the time being and pick it up further down the line when I've managed to clear my backlog of RPGs a bit more.
Shino Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Is Tatsunoko Vs Capcom out this year? I might give that a buy.
Mokong Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 I'm looking to get Silent Hill, Resi: Darkside, FF: Crystal Bearers and Muramasa Blade (though I don't expect FF out here this year) Already have Tales (imported and Homebrew Channel to play)... still can't believe it's not out here yet. But am looking forward to Tales of Graces NSMB:Wii just not interested in... would have prefered Galaxy 2
Hero-of-Time Posted September 17, 2009 Author Posted September 17, 2009 Shino said: Is Tatsunoko Vs Capcom out this year? I might give that a buy. I think its next year ( Feb/Mar time ) which is a shame as I can't wait to get my hands on it.
S.C.G Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Just pre-ordered Muramasa plus A Boy And His Blob but I'm gonna hold out on Umbrella Chronicles for now...
dazzybee Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 S.C.G said: Just pre-ordered Muramasa plus A Boy And His Blob but I'm gonna hold out on Umbrella Chronicles for now... But you can pick up Umbrella Chronicles for about £10 now, well worth it. Don't wait!!!
Hero-of-Time Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 S.C.G said: Just pre-ordered Muramasa plus A Boy And His Blob but I'm gonna hold out on Umbrella Chronicles for now... I think a Boy and his Blob is my most wanted Wii title this year, especially after watching that trailer. Its a platformer, its 2D and it has a unique art style. Aslong as it plays fine this is gonna be gaming gold for me.
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