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Exam results 2009


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A levels out tomorrow and all that, thought Id make a thread for those in the same boat.


Needing AAB meself, and as I stumbled across the Art department's marks sheets and found I have a healthy B, means I need 2 A's tomorrow :S Anyone else waiting?


Oh and does anyone know if the rumor that UCAS track is updated at midnight is true?

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Oh and does anyone know if the rumor that UCAS track is updated at midnight is true?


Been a while since I got my results, but if I remember correctly back then UCAS didn't update until 9am in the morning. I doubt they'd do it at midnight.


Good luck to those getting results tomorrow, and remember if you don't get what you needed its not the end of the world. :)

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I'm after BBB myself.


Maths - Messed up big time, C4 was a bastard and C3 wasn't much better. I'm hoping mechanics will save me some what. I'm thinking the B I got at AS will most likely fall to D at A level. Which ruins my chances of the first choice (UEA).


ICT - Based on the teachers marking I should get a B, however i don't trust her at all so i'm thinking a C here.


Biology - I think I've got a B here, maybe an A, you never know.


Ahh well, there's always clearing.

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I remember going into my 6th form to get my results. But the next year I checked in the morning for my girlfriend on the UCAS site and then text her her results (she asked me to, I wasn't just being mean or anything).


I get my GCSE results on the 27th, not that they matter but still, quite tense.


Of course they matter! It's all important man, good luck.

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Why does results day have to be my birthday =P Or clearing day, for me. Since I did the International Baccalaureate and got my results on the 6th of July, I have been preparing myself thoroughly for clearing and making sure I know what to say and which unis to ring. Wanting to do Politics and if Exeter reject me (I'll be amazed if they don't) I think I'm going to try and get into Lancaster on any kind of Politics course :P

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Wow dwarf, didn't realise you are only GCSE age. Explains alot :p


Us Scots got ours a week ago. I got 4 As and a B in modern studies. dunno where that came from, was getting 80-90% the whole year. Dodgy marking or something, appeal should up it to an A.


Good luck for all you southerners!

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Congratulations Strider, that's fantastic!


I just got:


The current status of your Application is:


Congratulations! Your place at The University of Sheffield (S18) to study Chemistry with Study in Europe (4 years) (F107) has been confirmed.


I think I might cry, I was set on the thought I'd failed!

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