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And then he showed me his email address...


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Hotmail is a dumb word. It sounds juvenile (and quite rightly, it's aimed at juveniles)


Gmail is...far less loaded. If anything, it's a fairly cold, bland word. It's far more functional, only evoking it's connection to the well accepted Google name with it's clean G prefix.


That reads alarmingly like total bollocks, but it's not ;)


Let's face is, hotmail's for gays and gmail for pimps. It's clearly in the name.

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Hotmail is a dumb word. It sounds juvenile (and quite rightly, it's aimed at juveniles)


Gmail is...far less loaded. If anything, it's a fairly cold, bland word. It's far more functional, only evoking it's connection to the well accepted Google name with it's clean G prefix.


That reads alarmingly like total bollocks, but it's not ;)

And Yahoo! reads as a mounds of fun email. Which it really is.

Well to be fair, it depends on how you interpret the word(s?) "a lot".

I thought it was depending on how you interpreted the words "Hang out"

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Hotmail is a dumb word. It sounds juvenile (and quite rightly, it's aimed at juveniles)


Gmail is...far less loaded. If anything, it's a fairly cold, bland word. It's far more functional, only evoking it's connection to the well accepted Google name with it's clean G prefix.


That reads alarmingly like total bollocks, but it's not ;)

Face it, it was a load of bollocks.

Its not any more professional than hotmail, or yahoo, admit it.


Hotmail is aimed at anyone who wants free email, you can just catigorize it that way. Too many people use it.


How is it a cold word? Clean G prefix, that makes no sense what so ever.

How about G-unit or the many other childish things that spawned from that?

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Okay. I wasn't all that fussed about the GMail/Hotmail argument.


But Dan and myself are right on this one. Even if you don't have a stupid "lolz_philly_98" user name the Hotmail still makes anything look rubbish. Hotmail... Jesus, it just rings out 9 year-old. Sorry.

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Face it, it was a load of bollocks.

Its not any more professional than hotmail, or yahoo, admit it.


Hotmail is aimed at anyone who wants free email, you can just catigorize it that way. Too many people use it.


How is it a cold word? Clean G prefix, that makes no sense what so ever.

How about G-unit or the many other childish things that spawned from that?


Just because you don't get it, it doesn't make you right.

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Good thread, though I read it finding myself wondering, are you even gay/bi? Either way, amusing story, though unfortunate for you. I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation, but I'd definitely fuck him about a bit for lols.


Looking back its pretty funny but at the time I was just pretty shocked :P

I am gay and its when he found out that he started all of this!


I also use Hotmail and after this huge debate I think I might take it off my CV :P

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Gmail more "serious" than Hotmail? Hm, one is a free e-mail service, and so is the other. And ... well, that's it. If you think there's a difference in "seriousness", you're simply being superficial. That's not to say there aren't people who'd say that one was more "serious" or "respectable" than the other, but it's still, as they say, "only in their minds". To think otherwise is just plain silly.

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Yeah you're right. My Gmail account is no different from my free @free-webz-hosting-uk.co.uk


EDIT: I just read my comment and that made no sense. Where is my self-destruct button?

But it isn't different. Only in people's minds. And while that can be a factor to consider, I don't want to adhere to other people's silly ideas. :heh:

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Yeah. People dress differently, more smartly in most cases to go to interviews for jobs, to give the impression you are professional.


That's a superficial concept (whether or not you dress like that every day of your life or never), trying to impress through appearance of importance and professionalism. Same with this e-mail address thing.

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Yeah. People dress differently, more smartly in most cases to go to interviews for jobs, to give the impression you are professional.


That's a superficial concept (whether or not you dress like that every day of your life or never), trying to impress through appearance of importance and professionalism. Same with this e-mail address thing.

My point, exactly. Except you worded it better, I think. :heh:

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Sure they are both free. but most young teens use hotmail as opposed to gmail. So hotmail has the connotations of immaturity, whereas gmail doesn't. Don't get me wrong a more professional email (such as work) is better than both, but out of the 2 gmail is better.


But it isn't different. Only in people's minds. And while that can be a factor to consider, I don't want to adhere to other people's silly ideas. :heh:


Then you wouldn't get very far in the world of business.


Also you may think you don't adhere to society's ideas and concepts, you almost certainly will do.

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Sure they are both free. but most young teens use hotmail as opposed to gmail. So hotmail has the connotations of immaturity, whereas gmail doesn't. Don't get me wrong a more professional email (such as work) is better than both, but out of the 2 gmail is better.




Then you wouldn't get very far in the world of business.


Also you may think you don't adhere to society's ideas and concepts, you almost certainly will do.

I won't adhere to silly ideas. ;)


And that's exactly why I most likely wouldn't do well in business. Because I don't like adhering to other people's ideas if I don't agree with them. :heh:


But it's not like I'm very fussed about it. Gmail, Hotmail, I don't really care. I have both, actually, although I use my Hotmail. If I ever apply for a job in business, I'll probably use my Gmail after this conversation, since that would appear to help my chances. :heh:

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Sure they are both free. but most young teens use hotmail as opposed to gmail. So hotmail has the connotations of immaturity, whereas gmail doesn't. Don't get me wrong a more professional email (such as work) is better than both, but out of the 2 gmail is better.


Yeah, you're probably right. Gmail is probably less well known, especially since UK created e-mails are @Googlemail now. But I would always suggest using something more professional if it was for a CV. They're both a bit amateur, lol.

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Seriously... it really does not matter, I put my hotmail address on my CV when I last applied for job, got asked to attend an interview a week later and I've been there for about five years now... ::shrug:


If it really mattered as much as people are saying it did then my application would have been binned instantly, I really think this stupid 'rule' about professional e-mail addresses really only applies if your applying for a really well-paid job. :heh:

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