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GAAAAAAHHHH! Trying to find a decent, young midfielder is like trying to find David Cameron at a Posh Twat Convention! :angry:


That and my youth failing to bring up the next Otto Sheldon means I might start the season with a disadvantage.


*Gives Dyson incentive to start season next Tuesday.*




Bought a lovely midfielder today, for just over half a mill under what his value is :) Noice


And you still have more money than me! :sad:


Another 3-3 draw for me! Shouldn't have gone offensive but was a laugh tried out new striker and junior keeper they both let me down lol

Talk of starting the season and we only have one new member. Don't we need about two/three more?


We do indeed whats the plan forum asking? Anyone got any friends who want to join?


Btw congrats on getting your young mf at last I know from last season how annoying the transfer market can be :p


I still don't have my new team. I have made a new account, but I want to keep my old user name. Someone said something about using the new account to take over the old team but I don't see the option?


Told you you should have fixed it in my favour Odwin ;)


Btw godamn Villan level 6 junior. I take my congrats of his midfield purchase back. The only good thing is his training bills are gonna be sick unless he is going to chuck a few of his army of midfielders down the drain.


It's been a busy week, what with acquiring a girlfriend (obviously not as important as X11 guys I promise) and work being hectic with modern warafre or whatever :p


I'll try running the next season and see how it goes. If I find I don't have the time for it I'll pass it on.



Right, I was going to set the league to start but I'm not sure if people would rather I wait so we can fill the gaps, or go ahead and get it underway. Tales, I think you'll need a new username to get it working, I've blocked and deactivated your old team. I won't start the swain without you though.

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