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Car Boot Bargains!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Todays amazing pickups at the wet drizzly on/off car boot :) I FOUND A G&W !!!:):):)


prices and details to come later.



Zelda 2,Mario 3,Exitebike,double dragon,duck hunt solos,tetris, tailspin ,road fighter, donkey kong classics

dreamcast games + n64 games kirby zelda doom mario64 banjo ,+master system mortal combat£11 thelot:D


all the ps2 games about £6 the lot pokemon the movie 70p



brand new sealed 360 controller £10

more details on the way




isn't that gold NES Zelda cartridge worth a fortune, I'm sure I read that somewhere once, you might have just won the lottery.

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The gold Nintendo world championships cart I think is what your thinking of , it's worth several thousand and is considered one of the holy grails.



Ah that pic reminds me of good times ,


the car boots have well and truly dried up now I haven't found anything for over a year decent :(. Just too many traders who rape people's cars and too many gypsy types who are always very rude and aggressive to get in front of you . I like getting stuff but I'm not desperate like these losers.



Anyone had any luck this summer ?


All I ever find is modern tat .

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Anyone had any luck this summer ?.


Picked up a few things this summer, nothing really great like last year though.


gameboy player with start up disc - £2


6 button Official megadrive pad - 70p


Mint condition Ghouls n Ghosts for the Megadrive - 50p


Jet Set Radio Future for Xbox - 50p


MGS3 for PS2 - 50p



My best bargain this summer would be 14 mint condition South Park box sets for £10 that I got this morning, @welsh_gamer, good deal?



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Nobody else picking any bargains from car boots these days?


Anyway this morning I picked up:


Kirby's Epic Yarn for £2. Missed out on this when HMV had it for £10 so its one I've been looking out for.


Pokemon Crystal Version for 50p, bought this just to sell on as they usually go for at least £10

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Nobody else picking any bargains from car boots these days?


Anyway this morning I picked up:


Kirby's Epic Yarn for £2. Missed out on this when HMV had it for £10 so its one I've been looking out for.


Pokemon Crystal Version for 50p, bought this just to sell on as they usually go for at least £10


No car boots over here definitely missed them. There are flea markets but the people who have videogame stalls seem far to knowledgeable.

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Last week I picked up a boxed PS1 with a few games for £16.


This week I got...


An unboxed Ps1 with just the leads for £3

Both Gran Turismo 1 and 2 for 50p the pair

Freak Out and Tenchu: Wrath of Haven PS2 games for £3 the pair

Ninja Gaiden, Group S Challenge & Star Trek: Shattered Universe for £3 all three


Not a bad couple of weeks, but nothing really stellar either, still... ::shrug:

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  • 7 months later...

Car boot season again!


Went to one this morning and got all these for £6




Thought there would be a some resale value in them and after checking eBay and Amazon once I got home I found out Pokemon SoulSilver is going for around £40 if it includes the pokewalker which mine does.

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Car boot season again!


Went to one this morning and got all these for £6




Thought there would be a some resale value in them and after checking eBay and Amazon once I got home I found out Pokemon SoulSilver is going for around £40 if it includes the pokewalker which mine does.


Hell of a haul there, lostmario!

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I went to car boot sale last week. Absolute guff. Made me sad and angry. Paid 50p to get in. Best thing I saw (no joke) (and shockingly, this was the best thing by far) was a copy of Brain Training DS. Followed by a severely smoke damaged PS1.




Damn that really is bad... :(


Most times I'm at the car boot I find copies of Brain Training and regularly pass them up, I did buy both of them once but they were for someone else - I already have a copy of the first one - I must say though that even though the car boot down here has never quite been as bad as that even on a rubbish week, the general quality of items has certainly gone down over the last year or so.


It doesn't cost anything to get into but I do have to factor in the £7.50 return bus fare whenever I go - bus prices are a rip-off in Cornwall - so I usually end up just buying 'anything' game related that seems reasonably priced just so that it feels like a worthwhile trip. :indeed:


These days I'm a lot more discerning though but I do find some bargains every now and then, tending to go most weeks to my local car boot when it's good weather - no point in bothering if it's chucking it down - because diligently going to the same place each week can pay off eventually but sometimes you end up finding nothing much at all for weeks which can be a bit of a let-down. ::shrug:


Seems to be a bit of a gamble but I think it's worth going along on my day off just to get out of the house for a bit/fresh air etc but on a good week when you bag a load of bargains it is most certainly worthwhile. : peace:

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That reminds me, at the car boot last week my best buy had to be a copy of this...




For the princely sum of £2.




Hot damn! Great deal there! Been trying to track down a copy of that for ages. Missed the chance to pick it up relatively cheaply in GAME a few years back due to not having the money at the time when I went in but when I went back the next week, it was gone :(


Need to see if I can find some car boot sales near me and try and track down some of the rarer DS games that I've been trying to get my hands on (mostly in the RPG genre). Miss going round and finding bargains on games. Not that I really need more games (I am trying to scale my gaming back quite a bit, which isn't saying much as I really don't game that much anymore anyway).


Saying that, although it's not a car boot, I have found my local Cex has a copy of Klonoa on the Wii for £18 and I'm seriously tempted to buy it. Had it back when it came out and enjoyed it and there don't seem to be a lot of copies of it about so probably worth picking up.

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Went to the car boot this morning with my brother, spotted a stall unpacking some Playstation games to which I enquired the price of... £1 a piece, so I went for these ones...




And my brother decided to get these... (I already have 'D' on the Saturn)




Not bad for £5... : peace:

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Yeah I was looking the prices up on eBay and was pleasantly surprised at the price of both those games but I think I'll be keeping it, especially as you've given it a recommendation Hero. : peace:


(I must admit I just looked at it and thought... 'fighting game... Capcom... £1... buy it!') ;)


It doesn't have a manual - the only game that did was Blood Omen - but the discs seem ok so at least it's perfectly playable. :D


I'll likely sell both Final Fantasy games though as I already have them both physically and digitally. :)

Edited by S.C.G
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  • 3 months later...
Found a new vintage nostalgia store in a flea market and picked up these 3 for $20 when they should have been $10 each.







This brings back so many feels. My uncle used to come around with his MegaDrive and brought this game with him (along with Streets of Rage - the game that convinced me to get a MegaDrive).


Fuark. Want to play this so badly right now. I never finished it, it was always too damn hard. What the hell happened after the level where you protect old John Connor in the truck in the future? To Youtube, I go!

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This brings back so many feels. My uncle used to come around with his MegaDrive and brought this game with him (along with Streets of Rage - the game that convinced me to get a MegaDrive).


Fuark. Want to play this so badly right now. I never finished it, it was always too damn hard. What the hell happened after the level where you protect old John Connor in the truck in the future? To Youtube, I go!


Wait did we have identical childhoods? I didn't get a Megadrive till relatively late in it's life span with my parents insisting the Amiga was more than enough but my Uncle would come up and visit and brought this game along with his Menacer and Desert Strike!


Anyway as for game itself past the John Connor truck level you break into skynet...I seem to remember a bit numbered panels and stuff flying out of them and then you face off against something that's skynet and it has the same numbered panels either side of it...I'm not sure if you then go back in time or what....


It's brutally hard playing with a controller...not sure the menacer will work for me playing on a clone system and a HDTV.

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Got these for £12 this morning.




Not sure if it was a good deal or not... £3 each, not bad I guess.


@Zechs Merquise, boxed Probotector with instructions, cartridge case & polystyrene block worth £3?


He had a wavebird as well but without the wireless adaptor. It was in a poor state so I told him to hold onto it until he had found the adaptor and he would get more for it.

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