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Shineys and rares only. All sets considered, as long as the condition is amazings. Pics wanted.


Large lots preferably. I doubt I'll consider anything less than 10 cards.




Hax xxx

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Got a bunch of 'mon cards lying in a box somewhere, with there being quite a few shinies. Off the top of my head, I know that there are 3 shiny Misty's Seadra, Pre-release, cards, think there a Kabutops, Nidoqueen, and others. I can look them out if you want.


Ok, just pulled them out to look through them. These are the shinies I have/could find.


Zapdos, Ampharos, Meowth (Promo), Vaporeon, Misty's Seadra (3 of them), Feraligatr, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Dark Weezong (2 of these), Muk, Yanma, Hypno, Gengar, Poliwrath, Hitmonchan and Hitmontop.


Don't know about the rarity of any of the other cards, although I have a none shiny Moltres card. Don't have time just now to look through all of the rest but I'll see if I can tomorrow but these are what I've found and they're all in good condition.


How good condition? I know it sounds like I'm being mega fussy, but I'm only interested if they are mega good condition. Ie no scratches, bends, or marks basically.


If they are then I am definitely interested.


I still have this picture from my Imageshack :





I'll have a look and see if there are any shinies in there.


Well, there are quite afew shinies (Altough it seems I am missing a crap load of them as I swear I had the shiny Charizard ¬_¬)




ElectaBuzz + Dragonite + Pikachu + Mewtwo are all from the promo of the first film.


Then shinies are:


Machamp (Is still sealed and a 1st edition)


Brock's Rydon



Dark Slowbro


There are other cards too, not sure if they are rare or not.


Chrizkerr, I've got the majority of those, so wouldn't offer too much for them really. (If you do want to get rid of them)


WAC, I'll take all the shinies, but not interested in the rest?

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