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Ine picked this up for me for Christmas, which is great because I really wanted to play this.


My impression so far is that I like it a lot. In fact, I love it. Very much my type of game, particularly like the way you can switch to first person, especially during boss fights to hit weak points.


I know a lot was said about the "concentration" method by gamers, but I'm rather quite fond of it. Another point is the voice acting for Samus. Not to everyone's tastes, but it works for me in this game. She reminds me of a cross between Ripley at the start of Alien3 and Scully from The X-Files. A detached character with a slight superiorty/inferiority complex, strong yet vunerable.


First of all, I think that this is quite an inventive idea. It shows that Samus still looks up to him as a boss yet Fatherly type of figure. However, it would have been good if some parts had been authorised before some sections of the game took place. For example "Ok, you're about to enter a heated area, so I'm authorising the varia suit" or something. A slight niggle but it doesn't detract from the game too much.



Overall, really pleased with it and loving every second.


Speed Booster > YOU.




When playing this, I do get an un-easy feeling whilst walking around. Its very atmospheric, tense and unsettling. I love it.



First of all, I think that this is quite an inventive idea. It shows that Samus still looks up to him as a boss yet Fatherly type of figure. However, it would have been good if some parts had been authorised before some sections of the game took place. For example "Ok, you're about to enter a heated area, so I'm authorising the varia suit" or something. A slight niggle but it doesn't detract from the game too much.



I kind of wish there were times she ignored orders and went with her instinct as well, just to show her independence as a bounty hunter


I kind of wish there were times she ignored orders and went with her instinct as well, just to show her independence as a bounty hunter


I agree, although I can understand why she didn't. Its meant to reflect her "old self" I think, where she was part of the Academy. Thats what it felt like to me anyway.


Can't wait to play more!



I'm looking forward to starting this, just Goldeneye, DKCR, SMG2 and Sonic Colours to tackle first, one at a time! :p


No no, that can't be right. My Wii is gathering dust and has been the biggest disappointment this generation. ;)


I don't own any of those games that you just listed. I feel greedy for already owning 30+ games, yet there's so many more I still want to play.

I kind of wish there were times she ignored orders and went with her instinct as well, just to show her independence as a bounty hunter


You mean like the few times where she does that?


No no, that can't be right. My Wii is gathering dust and has been the biggest disappointment this generation. ;)


yet there's so many more I still want to play.



Too right, I haven't even had a chance to think about buying Sin & Punishment 2, Silent Hill, PunchOut, Resi 4 Wii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Party, Epic Mickey and Black-Ops yet! :p

You mean like the few times where she does that?


I'm not too far into the game. Actually, I have no idea how far I am into it!


Got the Speed Booster recently and the Spineshark ability.





Too right, I haven't even had a chance to think about buying Sin & Punishment 2, Silent Hill, PunchOut, Resi 4 Wii, Wii Party, Epic Mickey and Black-Ops yet! :p


There is a lot of quality on the system, which...a lot of people just choose to ignore. I guess. Aw well, their loss. Probably my favourite all-time Nintendo console.

You mean like the few times where she does that?


God dammit, I need to get back into the game, my friend who borrowed the game has completed it and I haven't, heck he already has a copy for himself now...CURSE YOU DQIX MH3 AND DKCR!!!!!


I just noticed that it's Metroids 25th anniversary this year. Zelda too. Wouldn't it be awesome to get a box set, ala Mario 25th, of the first 3 games, maybe even Fusion? Maybe even release it on the 3DS and then finally, portable Super Metroid.


It's very doubtful though. The only thing I can see them doing (if anything) is a Metroid II re-release on the 3DS virtual console. That game turns 20 this year, too.



It's very doubtful though. The only thing I can see them doing (if anything) is a Metroid II re-release on the 3DS virtual console. That game turns 20 this year, too.


If they do that, which I seriously hope they do, they better update it an put a map in because it was so god damn confusing keeping track of where you were going and where items were in that game. It was at times almost incomprehensible when trying to figure out directions. A map screen would seriously help that game. Or hell, just re-make the damn thing in glorious 2d visuals on the 3DS and make use of the 3D tech.


I'm trying to enjoy this game, but finding it very clumsy.


One moment you're running round in 3rd-person perspective, the next you're forced to traverse a section in over-the-shoulder, where all you can do is walk very slowly. Then you're forced into 1st-person perspective and, without explanation, have to locate a tiny detail in the screen, unable to move until you've done so. Then you might have a Dragon's Lair (or Space Ace, rather...) moment where you have to do exactly the right thing or you totally fail.


I fought the boss shortly after getting the Varia Suit, which was less about utilising the skills you'd learnt so far and more about activating a semi-interactive sequence. It seemed designed to be "flashy" more than anything else.


Previous Metroid games (2D or 3D), like all the best games, were about consistent gameplay and controls - whether you were exploring, fighting normal enemies or fighting a boss, you could use the same skills. Metroid: Other M, on the other hand, seems to be about lining scenes up for you (fixed camera angles and all), rather than really letting you play and explore on your own.


This game has some redeeming features, but I'm afraid I'm finding it a chore at the moment.


OK, I take back the above rant.


Last night was a real turning point. I suddenly became used to the gameplay, the story became gripping and I'm now totally hooked! It was this general section:

[spoiler=]Got the Speed Boost, fought the traitor in the giant "fork lift" and got the Wave Beam.



It just suddenly became a lot more fun for me. The 3rd-person aspect and the beam stacking are very welcome. Think I needed to get some of those things off my chest before I could enjoy it properly!

OK, I take back the above rant.


Last night was a real turning point. I suddenly became used to the gameplay, the story became gripping and I'm now totally hooked! It was this general section:

[spoiler=]Got the Speed Boost, fought the traitor in the giant "fork lift" and got the Wave Beam.



It just suddenly became a lot more fun for me. The 3rd-person aspect and the beam stacking are very welcome. Think I needed to get some of those things off my chest before I could enjoy it properly!


I think it was around that point during players first run that they really started to get into it , including myself. You start to get all of these power ups that actually make you feel like you are getting more powerful and you're able to start blasting your way through the game at a much faster pace.


Glad you're enjoying it.

I think it was around that point during players first run that they really started to get into it , including myself. You start to get all of these power ups that actually make you feel like you are getting more powerful and you're able to start blasting your way through the game at a much faster pace.


Glad you're enjoying it.


Thanks very much.


Yeah, the upgrades come thick and fast after a certain point. The more powerful beams, in particular, make earlier enemies much easier, so it's much more fun to run round and explore.


I assume I'm near the end as...

[spoiler=]...I've got the Gravity Suit. The story leads you to think you only have to fight Ridley again, but personally, I'm finding it hard to believe I won't fight "MB" or any Metroids...


Also, the boss in Sector Zero was like a prototype of Fusion's "Nightmare", so that was a nice touch.


[spoiler=]...I've got the Gravity Suit. The story leads you to think you only have to fight Ridley again, but personally, I'm finding it hard to believe I won't fight "MB" or any Metroids...


Also, the boss in Sector Zero was like a prototype of Fusion's "Nightmare", so that was a nice touch.


It is Nightmare. You'll come across another Fusion reference soon.


It is Nightmare. You'll come across another Fusion reference soon.


I bet it's...

[spoiler=]...the Omega Metroid. Something about that loading area looks familiar, and it's suspicious that the doors to it have been locked for most of the game...


I'm trying to enjoy this game, but finding it very clumsy.


This game has some redeeming features, but I'm afraid I'm finding it a chore at the moment.


Happy days. You've seen the light! :bouncy:




OK, I take back the above rant.


It just suddenly became a lot more fun for me.




Alright, carry on your Metroid loving then. :(

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