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Metroid: Other M


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Guest Captain Falcon


You're right, I had though about it earlier, but forgot to mention it. Since they already simplified the controls, I'm sure they can spare a button on the nunchuck to map the switch on. There's no diagonal aiming (all auto-aim unless in FPS mode), no switching weapons I believe? I mean, you just have the D-pad, and the A, 1 & 2 buttons now.. Mapping controls on a remote/nunchuck combo could go something like this:

C = FPS mode

Z = morph

B = jump

A = fire

Same number of buttons + C.

More aren't needed I think? Anyway, this way would be more fluid, and less awkward than the current way. Another advantages is that the stick is free in FPS mode, so you could add (some) movement to the FPS mode.


Swap C and Z and then you pretty much have the Prime control scheme.

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I gonna hold off commenting on the controls because honestly i still have no idea how this game really works and somehow i get the feeling I won't know until I get the controller in my hand.


You know something i've noticed though. This is a very supringly positive thread. I thought moving away from the prime universe would upset a lot of people. Personally I think a nice change was needed does everyone feel the same way?

I mean if this sort of change happened in the zelda universe there would be hell to pay I think.

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I'll agree that side-stepping an enemy in one of the many corridors (and similar areas) this game will likely have, probably won't be a problem, but I'm sure there are plenty open areas as well, which you didn't have in beat'em ups. Digital controls just don't feel right in real 3D (polygonal) games, can't recall any console games which have them, but there are probably some on the DS.


I recall playing Spyro and Crash on the PS1 before, though I doubt Metroid will be that slow.


We still don't know if the open areas will actually have hordes of enemies at once, though. And even if they do, I still trust Team Ninja to do this right.


You know something i've noticed though. This is a very supringly positive thread. I thought moving away from the prime universe would upset a lot of people. Personally I think a nice change was needed does everyone feel the same way?

I mean if this sort of change happened in the zelda universe there would be hell to pay I think.


Probably because Metroid Prime was itself a change from the Metroid series, so this isn't the first time it happened.

Plus, of all the franchises that Nintendo could turn into a 3D action game, Metroid was it. The positive fan response certainly proves this.

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You know something i've noticed though. This is a very supringly positive thread. I thought moving away from the prime universe would upset a lot of people. Personally I think a nice change was needed does everyone feel the same way?

I mean if this sort of change happened in the zelda universe there would be hell to pay I think.


Arguably (and I'm not knocking Prime) putting a game, any game, entirely in 1st-person perspective is an odd idea anyway. It's not so bad if the franchise was invented as an FPS, but people are used to Metroid and Zelda being in 3rd-person.


Whilst Prime adapted the Metroid gameplay into 1st-person brilliantly, Metroid was always going to need to be at least partially 3rd-person in future games. It's like Zelda: the gameplay should be mainly 3rd-person, with the ability to switch into 1st-person when the technology allows it.


I can't imagine Other M is the perfect solution, but I hope both franchises will be switchable between 1st- and 3rd-person next gen, with the player able to move whilst in either.

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You know something i've noticed though. This is a very supringly positive thread. I thought moving away from the prime universe would upset a lot of people. Personally I think a nice change was needed does everyone feel the same way?

I mean if this sort of change happened in the zelda universe there would be hell to pay I think.


Na, they all wasted their energy when they saw Metroid Prime a first person game rather then a style like Super Metroid and also non-3rd person and such.


I guess from the look of the game it's a blend, so people are a bit more positive, if anything, the negative were the people moaning about Team Ninja being behind making this game with Nintendo.

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Metroid has been delayed in US till August! I reckon we'll get it September! More fair, but bang goes the reason to import it! (maybe).


I'm just hoping we get our Zelda in 2010 still, but obviously we have the whole of Q4 for Nintendo releases still!

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I hope it's the case that we don't get a delay to Qtr 4!


I'm guessing:


Metroid: September

Wii Relax and vitality sensor: October

Zelda: December


I'm preying Metroid won't be a fill in for a huge delay of Zelda, :hmm:

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Personally I don't care about Metroid, I just really hope they don't rush and bring out a half-arsed Zelda.


Sucks for Metroid fans though, at least there's Galaxy 2 to enjoy in the mean time. This year always seemed a little too cramped IMO

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Personally I don't care about Metroid, I just really hope they don't rush and bring out a half-arsed Zelda.


Sucks for Metroid fans though, at least there's Galaxy 2 to enjoy in the mean time. This year always seemed a little too cramped IMO


Have you played any of the Metroid games? It's a great series, quite under-rated.


I'm a bit gutted by this. Really was looking forward to this. But, it's not the end of the world. It's not like they've decided to cancel the game, or anything. That is a disaster. :heh:

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"The launch date for Metroid: Other M has shifted to Aug. 31. As you may know, this game is the product of a unique partnership between longtime Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto, Team Ninja and many other individuals and groups, all of whom have set very high standards for this latest installment in the series,"


Metroid is scheduled to ship on August 31, and Sin and Punishment is coming June 27 for those in North America.



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Personally I don't care about Metroid, I just really hope they don't rush and bring out a half-arsed Zelda.


Sucks for Metroid fans though, at least there's Galaxy 2 to enjoy in the mean time. This year always seemed a little too cramped IMO


oh kiss my ass!



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Have you played any of the Metroid games? It's a great series, quite under-rated.


I'm a bit gutted by this. Really was looking forward to this. But, it's not the end of the world. It's not like they've decided to cancel the game, or anything. That is a disaster. :heh:

Bullshit anyone?

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Bullshit anyone?


Bullshit yourself. :heh:


I think they're a bit under-rated. Sure, you'll get the hardcores who will love it to death. But, on the whole, I think the series itself should be loved a bit more. And when I say series, I'm not just refering to the "recent" Prime series, I'm refering to Metroid as a whole. :heh:

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Metroid is scheduled to ship on August 31, and Sin and Punishment is coming June 27 for those in North America.




This is good news, with Metroid: Other M and SMG2 coming out so close and S&P2 coming right in the middle of those 2 games, it was a suicide for S&P2 if it wants to make just a tiny amount of sales, this spread I am really ok with to be honest.


(Oh I don't care for Zelda this year, too many games out this year already, I will happily like to play a new Zelda on the Wii next year)

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I think they're a bit under-rated. Sure' date=' you'll get the hardcores who will love it to death. But, on the whole, I think the series itself should be loved a bit more. And when I say series, I'm not just refering to the "recent" Prime series, I'm refering to Metroid as a whole.[/quote']


Either way, there's no way it's an underrated series. Anyone that's played the game knows the reception it receives, that's why they try it. That's why it's in the main 3 Nintendo franchises.

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Either way, there's no way it's an underrated series. Anyone that's played the game knows the reception it receives, that's why they try it. That's why it's in the main 3 Nintendo franchises.


so its bigger than mario,zelda and pokemon? I dont think so :D


Metroid IS underated. The games should always reach the top ten in gaming sales but never really have.

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Either way, there's no way it's an underrated series. Anyone that's played the game knows the reception it receives, that' why they try it. That's why it's in the main 3 Nintendo franchises.


Sorry, have to disagree with you completely.


The 3 main Nintendo franchises are Mario, Zelda and Mario Kart. ;)


Metroid is very much a "gamer's game" in the sense that they're very well created games, not entirely accessible by all. It's a main Nintendo franchise, no doubt about that. But, it's only really received amongst the cult Nintendo following.

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Well when everyone talks about the games they want for a new system, it's always Mario, Zelda and Metroid. Not so much Pokemon, which is just a successful one-trick game.


I think you're just confusing your definition of underrated. Maybe the sales don't reflect the quality, but pretty much every Metroid game reviews well and it is generally well known by gamers that it is a solid series.

It's more that it's niche. Even if everyone bought it, it still wouldn't be underrated.

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