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Super Mario Galaxy 2


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From ign's interview with Reggie:

What Mr. Miyamoto has shared is that if the first Galaxy was maybe more inviting in terms of all the audiences, what Galaxy 2 is going to be is maybe a little more Nintendo fan / harder gamer focused. A little tougher. The use of Yoshi makes it a little more challenging. We showed some of the snippets of some of the activities -- it's a bit more challenging. It's going to be, if you will, for more of that passionate Mario fan who grew up getting challenged with Super Mario World. It's going to be much more in that area.




Edit: shucks, got there before me - but YAY anyway!!!!

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reggie's interview is kinda interesting..

GN: You didn't show Pikmin 3, which is what we were expecting you to show. That kind of surprised us. Why not?


Reggie: Matt, we're all about surprises. We will show that game when it's ready. At the right time. Close to when it's going to be launched. It's not there yet. But Mr. Miyamoto still has his roundtable to do, so maybe you'll see. Maybe you might get that surprise after all.



hmm you think something else might be revealed at that?

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I'm surprised this showed up instead of Zelda. If I had to pick one of the two, ready thought it would be Zelda to be shown since that was out for a few years.


I'm expecting Zelda or Pikmin at Miyamoto's roundtable soon. I'm more inclined to say Pikmin since showing Zelda would be a bit over the top with what we already have.


And to hear that Galaxy 2 will be harder is damn good news. Exactly what I wanted.

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I'm surprised this showed up instead of Zelda. If I had to pick one of the two, ready thought it would be Zelda to be shown since that was out for a few years.


I'm expecting Zelda or Pikmin at Miyamoto's roundtable soon. I'm more inclined to say Pikmin since showing Zelda would be a bit over the top with what we already have.


And to hear that Galaxy 2 will be harder is damn good news. Exactly what I wanted.


Haven't you been pushing for weeks that Zelda Wii won't be shown because of Spirit Tracks?


E3 Mode takes over, methinks :heh:

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Haven't you been pushing for weeks that Zelda Wii won't be shown because of Spirit Tracks?


E3 Mode takes over, methinks :heh:


I've been saying Zelda Wii should appear trailer wise, then Spirit Trackers playable.


The IGN interview with Reggie got me interested:


IGN: You didn't show Pikmin 3, which is what we were expecting you to show. That kind of surprised us. Why not?


Reggie: Matt, we're all about surprises. We will show that game when it's ready. At the right time. Close to when it's going to be launched. It's not there yet. But Mr. Miyamoto still has his roundtable to do, so maybe you'll see. Maybe you might get that surprise after all.


IGN: Yeah, that's the next question. Mr. Miyamoto didn't have a stage presence here today. The first question is, why not because he usually does? And then, he is here. He has a roundtable. Can you give us a hint as to what it's about?

Reggie: Sure. Well, first off, if you look at how Mr. Miyamoto has interacted in our press conferences, it's been a wide range -- everything from making an appearance at the end in 2004 to being on hand to do a demo. This year, given all the content that we had, we thought it would be best for him to go in-depth with a handful of games during his developer's roundtable and that's what he's going to do later today.


IGN: So you think we might get a surprise or two out of the roundtable?


Reggie: Again, we're always trying to surprise you. So we'll see.


Zelda and Pikmin!

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Zelda wont be shown now because it would be really odd for a title that massive to miss the conference.


Obviously it happened with Brawl but well that was Sakurai's baby and it kinda made more sense for it to be separate. With a big "Miyamoto franchise" like Zelda you'd expect it at the conference or not at all.

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I wasn't expecting a Wii Zelda this year, realistically. Next year, definately. I know it's been a while since the last one, but I didn't see it being ready yet. I seem to remember comments being made about completely overhauling Zelda, making it fit the Wii in a good way. I think next E3, with a Holiday 2010 release is most likely.

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I think so aswell. At first I was thinking Zelda instead of Mario, guess it'll be the other way around. Still, least we have some news coming later on. And if we already know about Pikmin 3, it wouldn't really be a 'surprise'. And if there's a handfull of games, even more awesome if there was more than Pikmin.

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I'm honestly surprised a Zelda Wii hasnt even been teased in any form yet. I dont think Nintendo themselves even really recognise that Twilight Princess doesn't really count as a Wii Zelda....the entire game was designed with the Gamecube in mind, then lazily ported over (by lazy I mean the whole mirroring thing).


For me I played TP on Gamecube (in its ORIGINAL FORM), so I haven't experienced Zelda on any form on Wii.


I was about to say there isn't a single exclusive Zelda title on Wii but I guess Nintendo count Crossbow training. I don't of course!

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I really expected a Zelda instead of both Metroid and Mario! Being a port from the gamecube, its been 3 years since its release! I didn't expect it to be playable but a teaser trailer like they did for TP would make more sense than, actually, anything they showed.

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Yup same here. Expected it more than anything, it's been ages since the last iteration and now we have Galaxy which hasn't been out for that long.


Someone will no doubt ask about Zelda in an interview during E3 if it doesn't get shown at the roundtable, then hopefully we can learn something about it. The thing we were expecting the most out of a group of franchises didn't show when the next one is kinda due. Surprising to say the least.

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I bet when Miyamoto is asked about Zelda he'll probably be groaning and thinking "That's all they care about. We show Mario, they ask for Zelda too."


I think He'll be saying that, not just thinking it. It depends how the question is worded though.

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Firstly, I'm really surprised to see some negativity in this thread. Shame on you.


Mario Galaxy was simply a joy to play so I'm automatically gonna welcome a sequel with open arms! The trailer was great- it showed Yoshi, it showed snow... and then the music really kicked in. :) A great moment! There's still plenty of wacky things they will be able to think up for Mario to do- no complaints from me!

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So that's what happened to the Mario 128-demo. ;)


OK, technically, it was turned into Pikmin, but this pic brings out some fond memories. Now all we need is a giant pizza-shaped planet! :D


Perhaps I sounded overly pessimistic. This looks great! I hope it's Lost Levels-style. Mucho Difficulto!

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