Pookiablo Posted May 26, 2010 Posted May 26, 2010 Oooooooooh, it's so shiny Can't believe it's Number 1 - surely some less favourable reviews must still need to come in?
Gizmo Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I want this game in my life right now. Like, right now. I hate Americans.
Fused King Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Didn't take long to jump to number 1. You know, I still like the games with this Mario better though. Oh well, I guess SMG2 will just have to do for now....
Kav Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I know it's knocked Ocarina off top, but I can't help think it wouldn't have done so if the majority of Ocarina's reviews were given at the time of it's release. Half of the reviews for Ocarina are from 2-6yrs after it was released... surely this will have had an adverse effect in the impressions of the reviewers! Even so... SMG2 looks Godly!
D_prOdigy Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Galaxy 2's actually gone back down to number two. Guess I won't be buying it after all.
Pookiablo Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I know it's knocked Ocarina off top, but I can't help think it wouldn't have done so if the majority of Ocarina's reviews were given at the time of it's release. Half of the reviews for Ocarina are from 2-6yrs after it was released... surely this will have had an adverse effect in the impressions of the reviewers! Even so... SMG2 looks Godly! OoT is back on top now. It would be refreshing to see it dethroned (I do agree with your review point, although I remember most publications at the time rating the game in the mid-to-high 90s, rather than it getting the slew of 10s that SMG2 appears to have gotten). I say that, despite the fact that I adore OoT, but it a bit of a shame that nothing else appears to have bettered it since its release over 10 years ago. Saying that, it's very hard to compare all these games, they're all so blinkin' different that the top 4 or 5 games on that list might as well be considered as good as each other (with the exception of SMG1 + 2 of course).
Kav Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I like a point someone made in regards to SMG2, although I can't remember where I read it. They had said that whilst playing it they thought "this is what SMG should've been like". They then stopped and thought "hold on, SMG is one of my favourite games and I thought it was utterly amazing". It was at that point when they understood just how good SMG2 was!
dazzybee Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I know it's knocked Ocarina off top, but I can't help think it wouldn't have done so if the majority of Ocarina's reviews were given at the time of it's release. Half of the reviews for Ocarina are from 2-6yrs after it was released... surely this will have had an adverse effect in the impressions of the reviewers! Even so... SMG2 looks Godly! Bizarre, I think the exact oposite. BECAUSE the reviews were much later, the game has taken on an almost godly presence; it has so much reverence all the later reviews just creamed themseleves over it; I really don't think it would be scored as highly now (nor was it at the time). It's like rotten tomatoes, Godafather is the number 1 film with 100%...if that film was released now it wouldn't have... (not that I'm slagging either GF or Zelda, both incredible, just syaing)
... Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 I know it's knocked Ocarina off top, but I can't help think it wouldn't have done so if the majority of Ocarina's reviews were given at the time of it's release. Half of the reviews for Ocarina are from 2-6yrs after it was released... surely this will have had an adverse effect in the impressions of the reviewers! Weren't you around at the time Ocarina was released? It was praised even before it was released. Ocarina's success is not a case of nostagia. It was always considered a masterpiece and got 10's in most or all magazines at the time, even with little internet activity. And so was Mario 64.
mcj metroid Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 http://www.thekartel.com/zylvin/blog/2010/05/26/why_super_mario_galaxy_2_doesnt_deserve_10s check out this horrible article
Pookiablo Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Weren't you around at the time Ocarina was released? It was praised even before it was released. Ocarina's success is not a case of nostagia. It was always considered a masterpiece and got 10's in most or all magazines at the time, even with little internet activity. And so was Mario 64. This is the thing really, at the time it was the best game ever. But reviews in a sense can only be reflective of the time in which they were made. It's silly to say that if OoT was released today, it'd get lower scores because the simple fact is that it most likely wouldn't be released in the form that it exists in today's gaming environment. My only issue is that people see a game at the top of the ratings pile and claim that its the most incredible game ever and that nothing comes close. Lots of games since OoT have made huge advances in technology and gameplay aspects and in a sense do more. Really, all a review does is give you someone's opinion at the time, telling you whether or not you should buy the game. OoT was a brilliant game in 1998. It's still a brilliant game now for people who initially played it in 1998, because it was so well made. I imagine most younger gamers who give it a go will likely find it not so great because it doesn't consist of what they typically find/enjoy in a game. As for the less decent retro games, I imagine they must find them pretty poor! This is a generalisation but I do think it applies. Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying that OoT is your favourite game. But the point is can we really hold a 12 year old game up as the standard for which modern games are compared to? http://www.thekartel.com/zylvin/blog/2010/05/26/why_super_mario_galaxy_2_doesnt_deserve_10s check out this horrible article The author's arguments did seem a little excessive - I suppose it depends on how you look at a ratings system - I, like most folk, believe that a 10/10 doesn't equal a perfect game, I think it just means that if you own that console, and furthermore, if you like that type of game (there's plenty of people who won't like SMG2 because they don't like platforming games and that's fair enough), then they're saying that it's worth all your pennies!
Zechs Merquise Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 http://www.thekartel.com/zylvin/blog/2010/05/26/why_super_mario_galaxy_2_doesnt_deserve_10s check out this horrible article The sad thing about gaming today is articles like this. When you compare SMG2 with RDR I don;t think anyone would dare to slag RDR even though it shipped full of bugs (especially in the multiplayer). When it's a Nintendo game there's always some clown ready to have a go...
... Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 OoT was a brilliant game in 1998. It's still a brilliant game now for people who initially played it in 1998, because it was so well made. I imagine most younger gamers who give it a go will likely find it not so great because it doesn't consist of what they typically find/enjoy in a game. As for the less decent retro games, I imagine they must find them pretty poor! This is a generalisation but I do think it applies. I don't think it applies, no. Just like the majority of modern cinema audiences can't really stand a b/w movie (even if it's a modern one), that doesn't mean b/w movies suck in comparison to colour ones. Just an example. A game (or any other object) has to be judged based on the year it was made. Zelda OOT was a milestone in 3D gaming. Something as simple and today vulgar as Z-targeting (even though the only console to ever feature a button called Z was the N64 (and GC), as far as I know) came from it. But no game prior to OOT had that and someone had to come up with it. Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying that OoT is your favourite game. But the point is can we really hold a 12 year old game up as the standard for which modern games are compared to? But of course you can't use the same judgment to analyse a 1998 game as for a 2010 game, that's just common sense. Things have to be considered relatively, just like some less gifted people argue that a Wii game can't possibly get a 10 in graphics because even an average game on the 360 will look better. You can't analyse Wii games using 360 criteria, and you can't analyse 1998 games using 2010 criteria.
Pookiablo Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 I don't think it applies, no. Just like the majority of modern cinema audiences can't really stand a b/w movie (even if it's a modern one), that doesn't mean b/w movies suck in comparison to colour ones. Just an example. You do realise that that example and your point agrees entirely with what I was saying? I wasn't saying that older games suck in comparison to newer games and rather I was suggesting that newer gamers might not appreciate them as much as those who played them at the time.
tapedeck Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Did you just slag Z-targetting?!? It's still needed in a ton of titles and was arguably optional! :-P
... Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 No, I didn't slag Z-targeting, I used the word "vulgar" as in "common", "frequent", most every game has it, etc. Even Red Dead Redemption has it, and that's the game of the moment. :p
Pookiablo Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Even though outstanding at the time of their release, some graphics or gameplay mechanics just don't feel right anymore. Indeed, as per our discussion the other day however, it holds up a lot better than Boy Harvest does in the control department! That game's controls sucked at the time, let alone a decade on, lol!
STOOPIDDITTIES Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Indeed, as per our discussion the other day however, it holds up a lot better than Boy Harvest does in the control department! That game's controls sucked at the time, let alone a decade on, lol! Sounds like a game developed for paedophiles.
Tphi Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 (edited) Up to World 4 now and it's effing fantastic. I can see why people are saying its better than the original, there is much more to do - and the stars are spread over a larger number of galaxies. Was unsure about Starship Mario at first, but it feels so much more your ship than Rosalina's ever was. It's becoming a trophy case for all the items I've found and friendly races I've met. Nothing too difficult so far although some of the Prankster Comet levels are noticeably harder. Nice challenge for those who completed SMG1. Edited May 28, 2010 by Tphi Automerged Doublepost
Mike Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 I'm away in London over the weekend, and I've just found out that there's a review copy (no box though! ) of this waiting for me at home for when I get back on Sunday night! Can't wait!
The Lillster Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Bought a second hand Wii today, after I bricked my old one and thus hasn't been in service for nearly a year. I've pre-ordered Mario Galaxy 2, now let the count-down begin!
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