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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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Nah, it makes too much sense. A new game will come out where Robotnik is still Eggman, Sonic still runs around a world full of humans and a new character called Fudge is introduced.


in fairness robotnick was always called eggman in japan I think, So I suppose it makes more sense to unify them.


In saying that NOBODY prefers the name eggman to robotnick, why continue to piss old fans off?

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well will be playing it tuesday so gonna find out for myself what I think of it. Still stick by my guns from what EDGE have said it sounds like 7/10 is a fair score!


What is with these people saying how we get reviews out of 5 so many places do 10/10 or %'s way more than the 5 scale.

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this isn't a game that deserves to get 10/10 or 9/10?

first of all it stubbornly doesn't feature on-line and I don't care what miyamoto says people EXPECT it from all multi-player game. His opinions let these games down very often.


The Graphics COULD have been better. Wiiware titles like lostwinds look just as pretty.

The music is smeh and probably repeated.


I'm mostly speculating on why it wouln't get a perfect score. Something like on-line wouln't bother me personally mind you. That being said.


You don't NEED to read reviews for this. It's a super mario bros game, what else is there to say.

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Like Emasher said, Edge reviews titles on a 1-10 scale, not the usual 5-10 scale you see from most reviewers today. I mean, they gave The Conduit 4/10, whereas most critics gave it around a 7.


Most sites don't go below 50 for games unless they really want to point out that its a bad game. Yet they don't even review games that deserve below 50 by their scale. With Edge 5/10 = 7.5/10 on most sites. Or so I've been told.


That doesn't mean to say that the scale is only 5-10 just that for the vast majority of reviews they don't use it. Certainly with magazines as well though they don't review every game released and if they did the full scale would be used much more often. I'd even say to some extent it works with websites too as the vast majority of shovelware just doesn't get reviewed.


Also I think us gamers are as much to blame, in EDGE average is a 5/10 whereas because of our constant oh 7 is a shit score so its become the mark of an average game in our minds whilst not that of the reviewer who regards 7 as a good score.


where are you guys playing it next week?


Eurogamer Expo :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:

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edge are anal ,shooter fan boys its a fact,


mario kart wii is a classic, the person who wrote the review must be a billy no mates and just played the single player,which is worth more than 6 alone! i know the score doesnt matter the games are great fun, i will review edge i give them 5/10


anyway cant wait for this to come out


Seriously, how old are you?

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i speak the truth, if edge fanboys dont like the magazine being slatted i dont care,

anyway enough of this, everyone knows the game will be great fun,


You don't speak the truth, your being a prick...people are saying that perhaps Rehashed Super Mario bros Wii is only a 7/10 game. Your clearly the fanboy who can't take something you like being knocked...so your just spouting nonsense to try and prove some point saying Edge are PC/360 fanboys (as I've stated not true at all), Edge are FPS fan boys (again not true they've given plenty of high profile FPS's bad scores in the past)...

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7/10 does seem a bit harsh but it sounds like they've justified why they gave that. EDGE can't really be accused of being FPS fan boys, they have been very critical of a lot of the bigger titles over the years (But they do seem to be a little too fond of the Halo series). I've always found EDGE to be a little overly critical of Nintendo games but then Games TM seem to be the opposite - I just take an average of their two review scores most of the time.


Still, whatever score it gets I can't wait to play NSMB Wii (going to the Eurogamer Expo Friday!)

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I think people are forgetting that in Edge a FIVE is a completely average game. With nearly all other publications, both online and print, the score for a completely average game is nearer seven. A seven from Edge is still an above average game worth buying.


Edge aren't fanboys at all. I've heard them been accused of being biased and fanboyish to ALL the different consoles, usually, ironically enough, by uber fanboys themselves.


Get over it. Read the review. Take from it what you will. They've played it. You haven't. Bottom line, scores are not everything, merely one person's opinion.

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I think people are forgetting that in Edge a FIVE is a completely average game. With nearly all other publications, both online and print, the score for a completely average game is nearer seven. A seven from Edge is still an above average game worth buying.


Edge aren't fanboys at all. I've heard them been accused of being biased and fanboyish to ALL the different consoles, usually, ironically enough, by uber fanboys themselves.


Get over it. Read the review. Take from it what you will. They've played it. You haven't. Bottom line, scores are not everything, merely one person's opinion.


High Five, Sucker.


It also does bug me, like you say, when reviewers give an average game a seven. Basically, I try to visualise a line, with 0/10 on one side, and 10 on the other. You could also put "absolute trash, never play, never should have been made, etc" on one side and "perfection! Absolute perfection. Playing this game is finding what it means to be human" on the other. 5/10 is half marks. Giving a game something like a 7 just gives me that it is the impression that it is a good game, and much more than solid. 6 is solid. 8 and 9s are your "great, must have games".


I don't read many reviews at all, because as you say, it is only one person's opinion. I much rather waiting for impressions on this board or something. But, review scores are something that annoy me slightly. "Bah, this game is ordinary...Seven out of 10!" Hmmm. :p


I remember being horrified quite a few years back whilst reading a review for a Flight Simulator game. The review, to cut it short said "This game is basically the same as previous years. Adds nothing new. Its quite average, been jazzed up a little, looks quite pretty compared to last year and the year before. 9/10." I face palmed.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Personally, I couldn't care less about reviews, after about 30 years playing videogames I'm resigned to the fact most games I enjoy receive lukewarm critical reception (such as the Nintendo DS game Contact, one of the best games I played in many years IMO, and nobody cared about it), while MGS, Halo, GTA4, Modern Warfare, games that don't say a thing to me (heck, GTA4 bored me to tears) receive 9's and 10's all around.


It's perfectly natural for me to buy games on day one that were previously bashed by pretty much everyone, if I'm interested enough in something it's not someone else's opinion that is going to change my mind. We all have different tastes, just because some guy liked or disliked the game it doesn't mean I will like it/dislike it like he does, so I really don't get why some people only buy games that "x" publication gave grade "x" or more, because otherwise it isn't worth their time (it's their call, I guess).


That being said, regarding Edge's score, I read these discussions about a publication's score for this game, and I seriously have to ask: does anyone honestly care about review scores for New Super Mario Bros. Wii? By now, is there anyone that doesn't know how a 2D Mario game plays and controls? Would a 2/10 review stop anyone who played and enjoyed a 2D Mario platformer before from purchasing this game?

This is the kind of game reviews are even more worthless than usual. The game is going to sell loads because it's a 2D Mario platformer, the game is going to be fun and control stupidly well because of the same reason (read above, 2D Mario platformer :grin:), does anyone have any doubt it?

Edited by Funktion
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That being said, regarding Edge's score, I read these discussions about a publication's score for this game, and I seriously have to ask: does anyone honestly care about review scores for New Super Mario Bros. Wii? By now, is there anyone that doesn't know how a 2D Mario game plays and controls? Would a 2/10 review stop anyone who played and enjoyed a 2D Mario platformer before from purchasing this game?

This is the kind of game reviews are even more worthless than usual. The game is going to sell loads because it's a 2D Mario platformer, the game is going to be fun and control stupidly well because of the same reason (read above, 2D Mario platformer :grin:), does anyone have any doubt it?


Yeah, pretty much spot on.


We haven't had a debate about reviews for a while, and it's weird that the first one in months is about the one game that most DOESN'T need debating on. It's a Super Mario game. If anybody's in two minds about what to expect, then I truly feel sorry for their lack of Mario experience.

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Your Questions Answered - Part 3!


The new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine is on sale now and it's the only place where you can read a review of New Super Mario Bros. Wii! ONM's Chris Scullion completed the game for the review and in his blog last week, he asked ONM readers and followers of GoNintendo if they had any questions they'd like answered about the game. Our answers are split into three parts. You can read the first part here, the second part here, and you'll find out more details about New Super Mario Bros. Wii by reading the final part below...


About the soundtrack once again, are there many remixes of older tracks, such as the P block music or the Koopaling battles shown in the most recent trailers? Are they nice and well-made?

The Koopaling music is remixed, as is the "dum dum dum dummmm" song that plays in Super Mario Bros. 3 when you encounter an enemy on the map. There's also a great old theme later on in the game.


Are there any level-exclusive power-ups, such as the Goomba's Shoe? No need to name them.

No. Unless you want to count the Mini Mushroom, which I'm fairly sure only appears once in the whole game.


Is there anything you saw that you made you smile because you recognised it from an earlier Mario game?

There are loads of nice nods to the old games. One World has a red switch (not a Palace, mind, just a switch) that turns silhouetted blocks into solid ones as in Super Mario World, and it's also nice to see the return of POW blocks, which are actually really handy this time. Not only do they make enemies die as before, but the shockwave also causes any coins on-screen to suddenly drop onto the floor. This makes it perfect for grabbing otherwise impossible-to-reach Star Coins, because if there's a POW block nearby you can just throw it and knock the coin onto the ground.


Is there anything that didn't please you in the game?

I wasn't keen on the fact that you can't continue to ride Yoshi after finishing a level with him. He's limited to only the levels he appears in, which isn't actually that many. People buying the game just for Yoshi may be disappointed.


Is Boom Boom present in the fortresses, or did they replace him with someone else?

Boom Boom go bye-bye. Here's how the boss structure works. There are 20 boss fights in total. Each world has a Koopa Kid allocated to it. You fight the Koopa Kid in the mid-map fortress first, and then when you beat them they jump away and run off to the castle at the end of the map. When you get to the castle and encounter them again, Kamek appears and flies over, dropping magic dust over the room. This then makes something weird happen: either the platforms will start moving or half of them will go missing or something like that. As well as this, most of the Koopa Kids will change their fighting style the second time around so the same tactics won't work. Some of you using your maths skills will realise that eight worlds with two boss fights in each doesn't come to 20, but that's because there are a few extra ones that I'm not revealing.



Will the player be missing out on a lot of stuff in the game if they don't have more than one person playing?

No. As I said before, you're not punished for playing on your own, there isn't a single Star Coin you can't reach without another player. Granted, it may be harder getting them on your own, but it can definitely be done. The only thing you'll be "missing out" on is the co-op atmosphere, which can be hilarious if you all have a similar skill level.


Are there any secrets or unlockables that can only be found during multiplayer mode?



Also, would you compare the game more to Super Mario Bros. 3, or Super Mario World?

It's a mix of both.


Do the Koopa Kids use any of their old tricks from the other games they were in or do they have all new moves and locations?

The vast majority have all-new moves. The first couple will be similar but that's just because they have to be easy since they're at the start of the game. As the game gets harder, the boss fights become completely different to the ones in previous games.



Can you use the GameCube controller?



Do different coloured Yoshis actually have different powers, like in Mario World?



Does it have the dumb saving system as the DS one, where you can only save whenever you spend Star Coins? I hated having to play two more levels before I could save the game.

That's changed. You can now do a quick save that lets you save where you are on the map (regardless of where it is), and the next time you play the game you can take over from there. Once you load that save once, though, it disappears and rolls back to a save from the last checkpoint you were at. This is stop you re-loading the quick save every time you die.


About how long would it take to play through the whole game with four players, assuming that there was a minimal amount of getting stuck? (I know this one will vary but any kind of idea would help since I'm planning on having a marathon play through of the game with three other people).

This is a tricky one. It took me six or seven hours to play through the whole game in single-player, without getting all the Star Coins. It took me the same amount of time to do the first four worlds with four players. So it roughly takes just over twice as long to finish with multiple players because you'll find yourselves stopping at tricky bits and discussing how to handle it. Then there's the matter of going back and getting the rest of the Star Coins too. As a very rough estimate I'd say, getting all the Star Coins and "doing" all the "secrets", you're talking about 14 or 15 hours with four players.


Is multiplayer supported through the entire game? Or only for certain levels?

Entire game.


Are there any remakes of old worlds from previous Mario games? For example, a redux of world 1-1 from the original Super Mario Bros., or something along those lines?

Nope. One of the Coin Battle levels is similar to Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. but it's not a complete remake.



Is the progression of the difficulty of levels gradual, or is there a sudden increase at some point?

It's gradual, but it's a fairly steep curve round about World 5.


Does each character handle differently (jump, speed, traction, etc)?

No, they're all identical.


Have the graphics been improved considerably since the E3 2009 showing or is really a "freshened up DS game"?

They definitely have been improved since the E3 demo. Not only does 1-1 look much better now than it used to (you can see Peach's castle in the background now, giving the sense that Mario has walked over from there), the level is also laid out differently. It's a little longer and has a lot more blocks in different areas. This means all the impressions you've read about the difficulty of the E3 version are no longer valid because the levels have been made more complicated from as early as World 1-1.


Did you ever consider (even for a split second) using the Super Guide mode because you got stuck or frustrated and not just because you wanted to review all aspects of the game?

Nope. I actually didn't check out Super Guide until I'd finished the game, just so I could see how it worked and I could report on it. And even though I'd finished the game already and was only looking at it to see how it worked, I still felt dirty and useless using it!


Any chance for a return of Kubiro's Shoe?

Nope, sorry.


Does the game contain a medal/grading system?



How is the level design? Does it have a lot of variation?

Absolutely. It's similar to the DS game in that every single stage offers a new and unique gameplay mechanic. Most of the levels on the map actually have those mechanics nearby in the environment so you can identify the level by its surroundings on the map. That screenshot of World 5 that's floating around the net is a good example, since you can clearly see what to expect in each of those levels.



How does the Title Screen look? Is it like the DS Game's title screen or is it more like Super Mario World's Title screen where it shows a demo of a level in the game? By that I mean will it show Mario getting on a Yoshi or just getting out a shell and throwing it or will it show him dying by way of Goomba like in Super Mario Bros. for the NES?

It shows the four characters running from left to right. It's actually fairly basic.


Also, is it still fun to go through levels you've already completed if you play with friends? I remember when I played Zelda: Four Sword Adventures single player I never had as much fun as I could have with friends afterwards since I'd already seen everything.

I completed the whole game on single-player first then played through it with three players. I had a great time each time because, as I've said above, it feels like two different games altogether because even though the levels are the same, the tactics are very different.


Are the world themes the same as in New Super Mario Bros., just in a different order?

No, there are a few different ones. Can't say what though!


How tough is the toughest level in the game? Does it come even near to the difficulty of Lost Levels?

Nothing will ever come near that! But the toughest level in the game is mental. I lost count of how many times I died in it. I was frustrated but in a good way because I was glad to see that it was a challenge.


Is there any sort of achievement system present, such as found in the Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy games? Achievements being fast times, infinite 1ups, original ways of defeating enemies etc.

No, nothing like that.



Do we get the usual three save slots?



What is your favourite world/level?

I like World 4 the best.


Can you reserve items (like in the DS version) or did they take it out? Also, if you can, how?

You can no longer reserve an item on the bottom screen (for obvious reasons), but the game instead has the Mario 3 style of item storage. You can bring up a menu while on the map screen and choose from a list of power-ups you've collected. You get more items by playing the Mushroom house "match two" mini-game and by encountering and defeating enemies on the map. Just like Mario 3, in other words.


What was the best moment of this game for you ?

The final boss battle.


Does having to shake the Remote ever get annoying? Does it respond to a very slight shake? Did you ever perform the shake move when you didn't mean to on account of the Remote being too sensitive? Is there a button that the shake command is also mapped to?

The shake command is only mapped to shaking the Remote, nothing else. It's very sensitive so you don't have to shake it too much, but it's not so sensitive that you'll spin jump without meaning it. The only times I did that was when I put down my controller to type up notes, but you're not going to be putting down the controller halfway through a stage anyway so it doesn't matter!


And finally - how would you describe this game in exactly 3 words?

Read my review!


You can read my review in the new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine which is on sale now.

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You don't speak the truth, your being a prick...people are saying that perhaps Rehashed Super Mario bros Wii is only a 7/10 game. Your clearly the fanboy who can't take something you like being knocked...so your just spouting nonsense to try and prove some point saying Edge are PC/360 fanboys (as I've stated not true at all), Edge are FPS fan boys (again not true they've given plenty of high profile FPS's bad scores in the past)...





Firstly this is ment to be a respectable forum and almost all of you guys on here are good and know when to draw the line even in debate, but to be rude like that is uncalled for, I suggest you grow up and keep your petty name calling to your schoolyard chums


I have a 360 and ps3 im by no means a fanboy who hates other consoles or game types ,

Nintendo is my fav always has been, edge do prefer shooters and so called hard core consoles which is b/s


im allowed to say that I don’t like or trust edge reviews its my choice and many others would agree, but I would not be rude and slate others personally for liking the magazine.



grow up, and please lets get back on track and talk about the game ,

Edited by yesteryeargames
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Firstly this is ment to be a respectable forum and almost all of you guys on here are good and know when to draw the line even in debate, but to be rude like that is uncalled for, I suggest you grow up and keep your petty name calling to your schoolyard chums


I have a 360 and ps3 im by no means a fanboy who hates other consoles or game types ,

Nintendo is my fav always has been, edge do prefer shooters and so called hard core consoles which is b/s


im allowed to say that I don’t like or trust edge reviews its my choice and many others would agree, but I would not be rude and slate others personally for liking the magazine.



grow up, and please lets get back on track and talk about the game ,


Said the pastor who preached his word as the truth.

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Thanks for that Dante! really interesting info


Yeah, pretty much spot on.


We haven't had a debate about reviews for a while, and it's weird that the first one in months is about the one game that most DOESN'T need debating on. It's a Super Mario game. If anybody's in two minds about what to expect, then I truly feel sorry for their lack of Mario experience.


I have to agree with this. People are going to buy this whatever Edge say. And nobody here is going to go 'oh, only a 7, I was going to get it but now I'll avoid it' so it doesn't really matter what the score given is. Right? I personally will buy it if I can afford it (which I probably won't be able to), or whenever it drop in price. I enjoyed SNMB DS enough to warrant a purchase here, but we'll have to wait and see what my bank account says!


Said the pastor who preached his word as the truth.


Thinking back I cannot remember the last time that

a) you posted in a thread about any game with a positive remark

b) you posted in a thread to do anything but start/continue an argument, or flame someone.


This is probably going to get a lovely and hilarious dose of your sarcastic sense of 'humour', but all I'm going to say is grow up and start contributing usefully to this forum (by which I mean actually be positive about something for once) or there is no point in you even being here. Yes?




Now PLEASE can we move onto discussing the actual game rather than a magazine? Seriously guys, this is out pretty soon and all we're talking about is whether Edge likes FPSs or something!

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