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I started Echoes last night, funny as not only do I not enjoy it as much as the first, it also doesn't look as good, which is odd.


well if you're playing the trilogy version then I have heard that they never updated the graphics even slightly for echoes. They couln't for some reason


whereas they added bloom and shit to prime.


That and echoes just isn't as good as the original.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I beat Echoes at the weekend 100% Scans and 100% Pickups in just over 11 hrs and I really enjoyed it on the whole.


The thing that probably annoys me most about echoes is that you can't get many of the Sky Temple Keys without the light suit so it makes the quest almost something you have to put off until the end - and thus making the backtracking all the more obvious.

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Finally finished Echoes. A rocking 15 hours and for some reason only 66%. Which I found bullshit.


Now time to start Corruption, the only one out of the trilogy I haven't actually played. I'm feeling nervous.


Play it on Veteran if you didn't have problems with the previous two. That way it will be on par difficulty wise.

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I'm going through Echoes at a decent pace, and I must say I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did on the Gamecube. What's more it seems to look really nice and a lot better than I remember it which is odd as they didn't update the graphics as much on Echoes as they did on Prime. I think they redid some tectures but they never added bloom or anything else as they stated they couldn't for some reaon.

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Play it on Veteran if you didn't have problems with the previous two. That way it will be on par difficulty wise.

Nah, I've decided to go normal because I'm a rebel. This game is pissing me off to the Nth degree with the amount of computer consoles/contraptions you can scan in the first ten minutes.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I don't know about anybody else, but whilst I think Metroid Prime features the better realized world, I would argue that Echoes features a more alien world.


Prime had wonderful environments, but part of me feels like it's not too far removed from what you could find on this world, something I couldn't really say with it's sequel.

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I beat Echoes at the weekend 100% Scans and 100% Pickups in just over 11 hrs and I really enjoyed it on the whole.


Superb performance there. It took me about 26 hours!


I don't know about anybody else, but whilst I think Metroid Prime features the better realized world, I would argue that Echoes features a more alien world.


Prime had wonderful environments, but part of me feels like it's not too far removed from what you could find on this world, something I couldn't really say with it's sequel.


Yes, that's true actually, especially the third area, which was too techno for me, but definitely alien.


just completed prime 2 again. its soooo much easier with wii controls. gunna start prime 3 now...


Hmm, I might buy the Trilogy then if I like Prime 3 (which I've tested round my friend's, but hope to start properly tonight).

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I must be slow, still on Prime 1.


No, these other guys are just way too fast. Finishing a Metroid Prime game in 10 hours is just way too fast. These are games to savour, at the minimun 20 hours. It took me 27 hours to finish the 1st, 33 for the 2nd and I think the 3rd one was somwhere around the 1st one, something between 25 and 30 hours. I played them each on their respective consoles.

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To be fair to the fast people, I'm sure they savour it first time round, but it's fun to do speed runs afterwards.


I started playing the 3rd one properly last night and I'm enjoying it. Not to be rude, but it does feel a bit like "Barbie in Space" - Barbarella, perhaps!


I'm very impressed with the storytelling - the way you can see the story unfold behind windows, even when you're in a Morph Ball tunnel. It does actually feel next gen.


As for the graphics, for some reason they don't look as good as the GameCube games. Is this just because I have my Wii set to widescreen? It's probably on 50hz too. I only just finished Metroid Prime 2 (on GC), so I'm not being nostalgic - the graphics actually look worse, not just worse for their time.


The controls feel better than when I tested it before, although I still can't land a Charged Shot. It feels more sensible to just tap the button. The thing with the GameCube games was that, yes, they were difficult, but the controls were 100% precise, so it really was the player's fault if they couldn't do it. This just feels a lot more fiddly to me. Still, it's a new Metroid Prime game, so I can't complain!

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Is the detection slower on Corruption than in other games? I'm finding myself having to swing my remote around more than with the previous two.


I've not played the Trilogy, but my cannon does get stuck quite often in Prime 3. I know my set-up's good too, as it's accurate the vast majority of the time.


Plus the lock on keeps tripping out, most displeasing.


I thought I was imagining it.

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Well, I finished Corruption today. Got all the scans and items in around 12:26 which is my best for this game so far.


No, these other guys are just way too fast. Finishing a Metroid Prime game in 10 hours is just way too fast. These are games to savour, at the minimun 20 hours. It took me 27 hours to finish the 1st, 33 for the 2nd and I think the 3rd one was somwhere around the 1st one, something between 25 and 30 hours. I played them each on their respective consoles.


I also played them on their respective consoles before finishing them again on Trilogy. It took me a little bit more than 20 hours to finish Prime 1 on my very first playthrough and around 10:30 to beat it on Trilogy, yet I can't say I was speedrunning.

I still scanned everything that was scanable, read through all the logbook entries and examined the rooms pretty well. I also had to fight with some reading errors.

On the other hand though, after having examined them once, I usually rush through the rooms ignoring most of the enemies and hazards. I don't even fight back when the enemies attack me and I just try to dodge their fire. Sometimes I also run through the the lava in Magmoor, just because I don't feel like doing platform jumps (the game gives you more than enough energy tanks after all).

But all that are just general gaming habits of mine and I really don't care much about achieving record-breaking times.


Plus the lock on keeps tripping out, most displeasing.


Does that happen when you're fighting Space Pirates? Because those (and a few other enemies) have special manoeuvres to "unlock" themselves.


Should I buy this game and play the fuck out of it during my Autumn-Break?


If you don't own the 3 games already you shouldn't even think about NOT buying Trilogy!

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Is the detection slower on Corruption than in other games? I'm finding myself having to swing my remote around more than with the previous two.


Plus the lock on keeps tripping out, most displeasing.


I think I remember the lock on "tripping out" on MP3, yeah. I'm not sure if it's a Z button thing on the Nunchuck or if it's just a feature that they added to the game, enemies being able to "dodge" the lock-on, to make a bit more challenging.



I also played them on their respective consoles before finishing them again on Trilogy. It took me a little bit more than 20 hours to finish Prime 1 on my very first playthrough and around 10:30 to beat it on Trilogy, yet I can't say I was speedrunning.


Yeah, I guess I wasn't considering people who already finished the games. If someone is replaying it, it's natural to take less time. But still, I find a time of 12 hours with 100% for Echoes to be very impressive... It is a massive game, I think.



If you don't own the 3 games already you shouldn't even think about NOT buying Trilogy!


This is tr00th. This is clearly the best gaming deal since the Orange Box.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well i wasn't attempting any kind of speed run and I wasn't using any kind of advanced techniques to shorten my time. I had to go back at the end to get some of the pick ups I'd missed along the way too so that wouldn't have helped.


Speed Demos Archive has a fastest 100% completion time for Echoes of 2:25 so my time by comparison is dreadful. When I first completed it on the GC, I think my time was around the 18 hr mark.


Whilst it is a big game, if you know what you're doing, you can easily figure out the quickest route from one to point to another to minimize the back tracking and keeping your time down (as well as any sense of frustration about having to backtrack).


Should I buy this game and play the fuck out of it during my Autumn-Break?


Yes, yes you should.


And that's not a recommendation by the way - that's an order!

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Speed Demos Archive has a fastest 100% completion time for Echoes of 2:25

I'm getting this, because I smell bullshit.


One thing I couldn't "understand" about Echoes was during the key hunt. If you turn up with, let's say 7, it puts them into the pillars, and they have a new opportunity to scan as they've turned red. But if you turn up with the rest later, in go the keys and you can't scan the rest as they bugger off. How can you get 100% scans?


EDIT: Watching this speed run now, he doesn't seem to be scanning shit at the moment, I assume he'll do it all on the way back.

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Guest Captain Falcon
I'm getting this, because I smell bullshit.


One thing I couldn't "understand" about Echoes was during the key hunt. If you turn up with, let's say 7, it puts them into the pillars, and they have a new opportunity to scan as they've turned red. But if you turn up with the rest later, in go the keys and you can't scan the rest as they bugger off. How can you get 100% scans?


EDIT: Watching this speed run now, he doesn't seem to be scanning shit at the moment, I assume he'll do it all on the way back.


I'm not sure it's a 100/100 run - I thought it was just pick ups.


As for the scanning thing you've mentioned - you don't need to bother. In the first Prime, you can scan the pillars of the Artifacts to get the clues in your log book, but if you just collect the Artifact, it completes the entry anyway. In Echoes, although the Key Holder part turns red once returned, the scan doesn't put anything in your log book.

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As for the scanning thing you've mentioned - you don't need to bother. In the first Prime, you can scan the pillars of the Artifacts to get the clues in your log book, but if you just collect the Artifact, it completes the entry anyway. In Echoes, although the Key Holder part turns red once returned, the scan doesn't put anything in your log book.


Aside from that, in Trilogy, all of the scans from your previous playthroughs get carried over, like in the original Corruption. So, if you really want to scan everything, you can just do it on future playthroughs.

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