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So I'm kinda happy


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Texas is southern US, it's coast is the Gulf of Mexico I believe well part of it. I'm in Michigan which is northern US east coast. I border Canada and the Great Lakes. Emasher is Canadian, and that's all I know from this side of the pond. I do know a Colombian from another site comes here for news though. I don't think he's on the forums though.

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Sadly we lost our only mexican. The unforgettable Laikmosh! At least i think he was the only one.


Do you have a strong Texan accent then Naomi? I met a few Texans when i was over there and, i dont know why, but i just loved the accent. Not too strong i guess, that would be annoying, but with a twang, i quite like it.


And we always like pictures. Brings everything to life and puts faces to names :)

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Guest Captain Falcon
Yes I know, I've been there.


Well your tone wasn't exactly clear and I've saved some people a good 5 seconds of google searching - I'm doing a public service here.

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Guest Maase
Wait, what, you're 14? Didn't know that.


That's a bad number, it's the same age as Maase. =/


Either way, good luck and whatnot.


Actually, I'm 15 now.

Also, she's 16, not 14, that was 2 years ago.


Also, about the "Gay Hate", you hate, you get a warning, you hate again, you get banned, no exceptions. So... you're safe here.


However, I do indeed find it very weird to have a lesbian relationship at 14.

Still, happy for you... Good luck.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Fair enough, jokes do get lost on the interwebs.


Tell me about it -then again, a lot of my jokes get lost in when I'm in person too so maybe it's just me.


Anyway, moving on...

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Guest Maase
That's not a rule.


It is, I got warned for saying that I feel discomfort with Gay, Bi, and Trans people.

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