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Yeah, of course! We really enjoy each other's company so we just hang out a lot together.


And you know, having someone around who you can go all googley-eyes at is fun especially when they go all googley back. I think for both of us, we can just relax, be ourselves and just enjoy it all.


Contrary to popular belief, relationships are not all about sacrifice and toil.


You fool, I meant if she did any of that stuff with the Simpsons-nut. It's pretty obvious she goes googley eyed across a candlelit dinner (that you probably cooked) at you, because you are infact sex on legs.


In fact, you're sex with legs, arms and a head.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Okay, if we're all quite done trying to have hot gay sex with Jamba... :p


Who else are they going to lust after?

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Did you actually do anything coupley? Like, ever hold hands, or go out for meals or days together?


Is Jamba loads sexier?


hold hands? no. he was too embarrassed.... nice!!

go out for meals? no. he was such a fussy eater that it wasnt worth it. he's the kinda guy that'd ask for fish fingers and chips in a nice restaurant.

days together? HAH! no.


jamba sexier? i CERTAINLY think so. and now you've got me started...

if we're going by personality - oh god yes. jamba is confident, mature, smart, funny, sociable... and i think the best thing if we're comparing him to my ex (why not, eh?!) is that jamba isnt complacent. if he doesnt like something - he'll work to change it.


that. is. awesome. (imo.)


and looks... well! i'm horribly bias so i'd say that jamba wins over joe anyday... hands down KICKS HIS ASS. but y'all decide;

(had to trawl myspace for this pic of joe! hah...poor guy)

please note: i have no idea why he's wearing an eye patch...






EDIT: i changed the pic to something of pat mid-opinion so you can get a better idea of what he looks like. it's weird to see him NOT talking :heh: you wouldnt recognize him at the meetup!

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Oh shit, he does look like Jayseven. Hahahaha. I actually thought it was a picture of him at first.


hold hands? no. he was too embarrassed.... nice!!

go out for meals? no. he was such a fussy eater that it wasnt worth it. he's the kinda guy that'd ask for fish fingers and chips in a nice restaurant.

days together? HAH! no.


Hahahah, what the hell? I hope you've learned the error of your ways.


jamba sexier? i CERTAINLY think so. and now you've got me started...

if we're going by personality - oh god yes. jamba is confident, mature, smart, funny, sociable... and i think the best thing if we're comparing him to my ex (why not, eh?!) is that jamba isnt complacent. if he doesnt like something - he'll work to change it.



That's more like it. Go, Ivysaur!

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Guest Jordan

To be honest, its nice to see one relationship go well around here. There's been enough doom and gloom (mostly from myself, being a complete penis!).


I'll spare you guys from now on. I'm still not totally happy with shit, but eh... I'll just torment myself instead XD.

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Guest Captain Falcon
To be honest, its nice to see one relationship go well around here. There's been enough doom and gloom (mostly from myself, being a complete penis!).


I'll spare you guys from now on. I'm still not totally happy with shit, but eh... I'll just torment myself instead XD.


Am I to take it you've been trying to wind folks up on purpose?

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To be honest, its nice to see one relationship go well around here. There's been enough doom and gloom (mostly from myself, being a complete penis!).


I'll spare you guys from now on. I'm still not totally happy with shit, but eh... I'll just torment myself instead XD.


It's ok dude. I think everyone here can sympathise a bit. Stuff will look up soon, you've just got a massive vacuum in your life atm and it's hard not to concentrate on it. Try and relax and fill it with good wholesome stuff!

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Guest Jordan
Am I to take it you've been trying to wind folks up on purpose?


What? No. Not at all.


I just wanted to get shit off my chest yesterday. I have good days and i have awful days. Yesterday was one of the latter.


Its like, i still hurt 'n shit constantly, but i have really bad days every so often. Anyway, i'll stfu.

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Guest Jordan
Joe uses eyepatch!


It's not very effective...


Jamba uses opinion!


Critical hit!


That was poor. I feel slightly ill after reading that. :(

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Guest Jordan

I don't think he's that bad looking... Tbh...


EDIT: Better looking than me anyway.




Wow, that's a bad picture of me... Beard 'n all.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Lol, why do you say she's being harsh? She's saying an her ex is much less attractive than Jay. I don't see the problem...


I think it's more perhaps the way she went about it.

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