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Your Imaginary Friends (Mine were real, though)


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When I was younger, the Fonz (actually I think several Fonzs...) used to be my imaginary friend.


I also had another imaginary friend who was a acrobat. I only saw him when I was in a car and as the car moved he'd somersault and stuff on the pavement keeping up with the car, hanging from lamp posts and stuff like that. Yes, I came up with parcour before it was real.


Did you have, or still have (nutter), any imaginary friends?

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I sort of had one. There was a man in my head. He didn't have a face but he wore a suit. He just had a presence you could feel.

Anyway he was in charge of my dreams. I could only 'see' him at night before going to sleep. I used to think my dreams were like a library full of videos stored on VHS tapes. He was the man who showed me good dreams if I asked of course.

No... I'm not making it up.

I actually remembered about him last night so it's funny that I come on here and see this thread.

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i had one called liquid licker.


he was a teenage spider, imagine the book/cartoon spider stuck over some ones face. thats exactly it, it was so crap, the leggs were like on his "face" i dunno, i was messed up.


any way, he used to drink washing up liquid and had a sister named rosie. that was my sisters input.


mates sister had a pair called big dick and little dick.






ive read a few of thouse articles aimed at women who never had kids, they claim if had a lot of invisivble friends and a child, your psychic. personaly i think it just shows people who belive they are psychic are lonely and a little crazy.

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When I went for a shit I imagined the walls would give way and there would be a stadium of little people who'd I converse with.


Good times.




After watching the X-Files episode Squeezed I used to be scared of sitting on the bog because of Tooms.

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I also had another imaginary friend who was a acrobat. I only saw him when I was in a car and as the car moved he'd somersault and stuff on the pavement keeping up with the car, hanging from lamp posts and stuff like that. Yes, I came up with parcour before it was real.


Holy crap! I used to imagine exactly the same guy. Seemed to make the time go quicker during dull car journeys.


Other than car acrobat man, there was "Tony" who was the little boy who lived in my mouth. I stopped talking to him though after my dad went insane and chased me with an axe. Good times.

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I had an imaginary friend called Tom. I also used to imagine that anyone over about 25 could read minds but it was a huge secret you were sworn to when you learned about it. And I thought aliens had kidnapped my real parents and were keeping them in a cave somewhere, and had replaced them.

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I used to imagine (not to the degree of them having any personality/being a friend) a character, most likely Sonic, to be running and jumping over the roofs of parked cars we passed in the car.


It was depressing when there were no more parked cars, as I just imagined him looking around, distraught, wondering what to do with his life.

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I had an imaginary friend called Tom. I also used to imagine that anyone over about 25 could read minds but it was a huge secret you were sworn to when you learned about it. And I thought aliens had kidnapped my real parents and were keeping them in a cave somewhere, and had replaced them.


I used to think that, except it was eyes in the back of your head as opposed to mind reading :D

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