LegoMan1031 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 100% ON SPECIAL OP MISSIONS GET WOOOOOOOOO. Just need to go back through the campagin for the intel files and i think ive got one other achievment outstanding for shooting 20 people while in a vehicle.
Babooo Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I think your not looking at the big picture...I constantly get shot through walls by people sniping from parts of the map I didn't even know existed. Now if the game gave the option to get bundled with other lower level players you could have a much more progressive experience where you can all learn together.As you then slowly progress through the levels and then the new game modes slowly open up to as the perks etc... do as well. So your playing say at level 10 and its the first time playlist X comes up you'll be playing with players who are also yet to encounter those modes on those levels. Instead I get dumped into different maps every time and don't learn them very well before being sent to another map. I'm not saying it should be the only way to play just an option to matchmake to make things that bit easier for the new player. I'm looking at this as a new player whose getting used to the way it plays as an online experience who is trying to cut it with level 45+ who clearly have years of COD4 experience as well as a lot more time than me to play the current game. Why can't I play with like minded players who want a more gentle experience as they learn the game. Matchmaking is a simple feature and one that can greatly improve the experience. I'm going to stick with it but I will likely slowly level up and then the point will become null and void. I just think holding the gamers hand sometimes isn't such a bad thing in terms of initial accessibility to a very bewildering genre. Well said mate. For me, personally, I'm not too bothered but for others, it can definately ease you into the game.
LegoMan1031 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Why can't I play with like minded players who want a more gentle experience as they learn the game. Matchmaking is a simple feature and one that can greatly improve the experience. I'm going to stick with it but I will likely slowly level up and then the point will become null and void. I just think holding the gamers hand sometimes isn't such a bad thing in terms of initial accessibility to a very bewildering genre. If my memory is serving me correctly i remember Treyarch had a option in WaW for their deathmatches to only play with people up to a certain level before being forced out with the rest. IW obvious didn't like the idea of that.
Charlie Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Is there no kind of matchmaking in the online multiplayer I'm about to enter a game where I am the lowest ranked person by 15! Played against a team where the lowest rank was 37. They all seem to have crazy shit perks.... It's a bit of a shitter. I only got the game 4 days late and all the problems I thought would arise if I bought COD4 a few months late are already arising, its mental. . Yeah I'm all with you on that one. It basically means people who play the game more start off with advantages. I thought it was poor that the original MW didn't have a matchmaking option and MW2 not having it is awful. There's no reason that there isn't an option to play with people your own level. My mate's getting the game soon and is inexperienced with FPS and has never played one online before. How are people like this meant to cope? I can see him playing it for a while; losing and not killing anyone repeatedly then getting bored and turning it off. Muting in game can have costly effects. Come one, people very rarely say anything worthwhile in games. A few times I've been in objective based games and people occasionally say things but not often enough to not warrant muting someone because of it.
lostmario Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Anyone interested in doing a MW2 (360 version) N-E night? Go through all the online modes in 2 hours or so??
stuwii Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I think that's what the ACS module was all about - you and Soap retrieve it from the Russians, and then later during the invasion cutscene the controller talks about scanning for a possible fault in their ACS module. While bogeys appear to be on radar in the west, the Russians actually invade from the East. Obviously the Ruskies hacked it and used it to bypass and confuse the US defences. Surely the americans would still notice all the planes in the sky and how in gods name was the russian army supplied
Dan_Dare Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 they used the space time vortex created by a massive plot hole to move ammo and armour in from Moscow.
flameboy Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Well said mate. For me, personally, I'm not too bothered but for others, it can definately ease you into the game. If my memory is serving me correctly i remember Treyarch had a option in WaW for their deathmatches to only play with people up to a certain level before being forced out with the rest. IW obvious didn't like the idea of that. Yeah I'm all with you on that one. It basically means people who play the game more start off with advantages. I thought it was poor that the original MW didn't have a matchmaking option and MW2 not having it is awful. There's no reason that there isn't an option to play with people your own level. My mate's getting the game soon and is inexperienced with FPS and has never played one online before. How are people like this meant to cope? I can see him playing it for a while; losing and not killing anyone repeatedly then getting bored and turning it off. I have to be honest it just doesn't make sense why they wouldn't offer something like this and judging by your responses I'm not alone in thinking. There are millions of new PS3 and 360 owners this year let alone the 2 years since COD4 came out. With all these potential new customers having never picked up a MW game before so they should be catered for and frankly there is no reason why both these new gamers and the hardcore can't be looked after. I'm gonna take it even further to suggest you should be able to match back by kill ratio or win ratio etc...not just by level. Say the day comes where I hit level 50. There is no doubt I will not be as good as the people with a 1.00+ kill to death ratio and who are already up in the higher levels. This would mean even if you spend hours and hours on the game but never truly get any better you would still be able to play with players of similar levels of skill to you. I've played 4 and a half hours of multiplayer now and that safe from a quick game last has all been today. That's the most I am ever likely to fit in a single day bar a particularly slow day off. Let's get a petition going because it was so successful in bringing dedicated servers.....oh wait...
flameboy Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 You'll get there. If your current setup doesnt work then try something different. E.g use red dots, maybe FMG etc. All fps games are like this. you start off as canon fodder. My current set up seems to be doing alright using red dot to help with aiming and my accuracy is my biggest downfall... My point still remains though, why does it have be accepted that canon fodder as you put it has to be the way of life at the beginning. It's just non-sensical to at the very least have player level matchmaking. Its a lazy decision to not include such features especially if World at War had them. I just don't see why it should be commonly accepted that this is the way, a way which after just 5 days makes the multiplayer barrier to entry level higher and all the more intimidating for the newcomer. The suggestions I've made wouldn't affect the hardcore players but would greatly improve the experience for those people who'd like to be able to just dip in and out without the level of commitment. Another bizzare thing I've noticed in my stats page under single player it says I've played close to five hours multiplayer whereas if I go on the Leaderboard and scored it says I've played just 3 hrs 11 mins.. Anyhow I'm at Level 12 my kills stand 144 with 302 deaths so thats a ratio of 0.48...thats not too bad is it? My highest streak is a 6.
James Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 nah mate dont be so put off with it, like people have said you really get the best stuff at the start anyways, use the kill cams as much as you can, learn where people are hiding/camping, look at what they are using perks etc, anything like this can give you an advantage. also, my best bet for your class/rank would be stopping power with steady aim and add a little of slight of hand. beasting. also some things you might know already, but an SMG has dog arse range, so dont alert your postion by shooting off when you know you got a pretty crappy chance of killing them. Get you jog on and kill em closer. another one I would suggest as you think your getting closer to the enemy team, just as your checking round corners, going in looking down the sight of the gun as this can give you a distinct advantage. Also @Dan Dare, FAL rocks, with a heart beat sensor especially!!
LegoMan1031 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I agree with ur what ur saying flameboy, it's easy for someone like me to forget since i put like 48 hours in CoD4 online over both consoles and like another 12 or so on WaW and i can just get right into it kinda thing and even then i'm still dieing alot from campers and the like. (And that is not even including the amount of hours ive put into other FPS's like Killzone 2) I can't imagine what it must be like for a new player to these kind of online games! In other news, 1000/1000 points is mine!!!
Dan_Dare Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Yeah SC the gun is a beaut! I went on an absolutely apocalyptic spree earlier with it- I was just casually headshotting guys with it easy as anything. It's probably the most ammo efficient gun in the game by my reckoning too which is really useful. I'm also deep in to a love affair with the Spas-12. few tips if anyone's struggling: the best basic set up is marathon, Stopping Power and Steady Aim use an assault rifle like the FAMAS at range. Get some scopes unlocked and practice long range shooting Take the Spas-12. Always. Up close and with Steady Aim you can just fire off the hip on reflex and kill anyone up to a room away easily. Marathon is crazy useful. The best tactic in the game is too move at speed and flank the enemy. Marathon does that for you. also: play stealthy. The UAV radar operates on sound so as long as you don't fire your guns before you have a kill shot, your enemy won't be able to track you. Once you make the kill, move. Often, lazy players come to look for you where they saw you stand on the kill cam so the best place to move to is somewhere you can cover that same spot. oh and when possible, kill silently. Knives and and silenced weapons are your friend. If the enemy team sees an orange dot line up with a skull marker, they'll come looking for a fight. Kill quietly and they have no idea where to look. oh and learn to love stun grenades. They're savagely effective, especially combined with the shotgun.
McPhee Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I think your not looking at the big picture...I constantly get shot through walls by people sniping from parts of the map I didn't even know existed. Now if the game gave the option to get bundled with other lower level players you could have a much more progressive experience where you can all learn together.As you then slowly progress through the levels and then the new game modes slowly open up to as the perks etc... do as well. So your playing say at level 10 and its the first time playlist X comes up you'll be playing with players who are also yet to encounter those modes on those levels. Instead I get dumped into different maps every time and don't learn them very well before being sent to another map. I'm not saying it should be the only way to play just an option to matchmake to make things that bit easier for the new player. I'm looking at this as a new player whose getting used to the way it plays as an online experience who is trying to cut it with level 45+ who clearly have years of COD4 experience as well as a lot more time than me to play the current game. Why can't I play with like minded players who want a more gentle experience as they learn the game. Matchmaking is a simple feature and one that can greatly improve the experience. I'm going to stick with it but I will likely slowly level up and then the point will become null and void. I just think holding the gamers hand sometimes isn't such a bad thing in terms of initial accessibility to a very bewildering genre. I found the same problems. Doesn't last long though, my first 5 or so games I did shocking! By the end of that evening I was Level 15 and I was starting to pull my K/D ratio back. It's less about your level and more about knowing the maps though really. All a higher level will give you is better equipment. Anyone else think it's odd that Deathstreaks are unlocks? I thought they were supposed to help newbies, but some aren't unlocked until level 30-something (when you really shouldn't be deathstreaking anyway...) Surely the americans would still notice all the planes in the sky and how in gods name was the russian army supplied They did, they just noticed a bit late. The real question you should be asking is how the Ruskies managed to get that much armour to the US coastline without any other countries noticing? If they flew then they must have gone over Europe. Any other route and they'd run out of fuel. If they sailed then they must have gone past Istanbul and Gibraltar or through the Baltic and either up through the North Sea or across the English channel. The only other possibility is that they have developed a navy capable of sailing through the arctic circle The Yanks not noticing is explained (albeit in a dumb way) in the game. How nobody else noticed is the plot hole. The only way to sail without coming within spotting distance of another nation's coastline is to move the whole navy overland to the north coast and then sail through the Arctic, or develop the most advanced air force in the world (i.e. one capable of transporting the whole army, including armour, 2/3rds of the way around the world without refueling/only refueling mid-air).
James Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 I pimp out with launchers for my Assault Class, and shotgun for my sub machine gun class, not sure why, but I get alot of joy of shooting a UAV down and helicopters. Using the FAL I manged to get two 8 kill streaks which got me two emergency airdrops in one game!! I love seeing the hercules fly over which kindly dropped two stealth bombers, air strikes, UAV jammers and various other awesome stuff, loooooool. some of the deathstreaks are poo, last stand should be one of the first for the n00bs. and that painkiller should be longer than 10 seconds, jesus, by the time you find the enemy on the some of the maps, the time limit has gone.
Kav Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Loving the M16 (of course) and also the ACR, the gun is so accurate, hardly any recoil at all. Does anybody know if you get anything for prestiging at all?
Cube Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Loving the M16 (of course) and also the ACR, the gun is so accurate, hardly any recoil at all.Does anybody know if you get anything for prestiging at all? Emblems and extra Create A Class slots.
Caris Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Can you get 2 attachments for a single gun in multiplayer?
LegoMan1031 Posted November 15, 2009 Posted November 15, 2009 Can you get 2 attachments for a single gun in multiplayer? Yes, but you need to have unlocked the 'Bling' perk from Perk slot 1 and have it selected.
martinist Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 Hell yeah i just finished it on Veteran! just have all the Intel to find and the story will be 100% wooooo
James Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 The laptops that are dotted around the maps, that unlock various cheets, or at least they did in COD4
Ganepark32 Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 the best basic set up is marathon, Stopping Power and Steady Aim oh and learn to love stun grenades. They're savagely effective, especially combined with the shotgun. I'd have said that the Slight of Hand perk for faster reloading would be more beneficial to start with, seeing as to start you're gun of choice is likely to be some form of assault rifle that you'll be spraying bullets from. But each to their own. Think it just depends on how you're going to be playing it. I personally move around alot but most of that time is spent crouching so as to not appear on the enemy radar. Agree with the grenade thing though. Learn to use them wisely and you'll be unstoppable. Favourite attachment is as always the grenade launcher attachment. So useful. I know most people pick it because it's an easy way to clear out enemies but I'm so used to using it that I only ever use it for tactical strikes, such as hitting snipers at long range or to nail the guy hiding by the car.
Dan_Dare Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 The laptops that are dotted around the maps, that unlock various cheets, or at least they did in COD4 lulz. I had no idea about them at all. I'd have said that the Slight of Hand perk for faster reloading would be more beneficial to start with, seeing as to start you're gun of choice is likely to be some form of assault rifle that you'll be spraying bullets from. But each to their own. Think it just depends on how you're going to be playing it. I personally move around alot but most of that time is spent crouching so as to not appear on the enemy radar. Agree with the grenade thing though. Learn to use them wisely and you'll be unstoppable. Favourite attachment is as always the grenade launcher attachment. So useful. I know most people pick it because it's an easy way to clear out enemies but I'm so used to using it that I only ever use it for tactical strikes, such as hitting snipers at long range or to nail the guy hiding by the car. Personally I think Sleight Of Hand is a little...superficial. Loading very rarely lands me in any kind of hot water. You absolutely have to use it for an LMG class, but for an AR I think you can use the slot better. I should work on getting it pro though. That gets you to scope faster, as well as reload. That sounds pretty pimp.
Ramar Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 I'm a shit person, went to a LAN this weekend saw all my mates playing it and I broke under the pressure, bought it this morning £35 for PC. Bit steep, but meh.
Dan_Dare Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 haha great game. I'm sure you'll dodge purgatory or whatever.
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