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The ones who run around with Tactical Knife and Lightweight? Yeah they are annoying.

Also, the Model 1887 Akimbo re-balancing patch is out for PS3.


yep thems the ones...so your setting up positions etc... having firefights with other people who are playing properly and then bam dead with no warning...

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a hell of a lot of handgun kills. I recommend the revolver or the M9


Its handy to try using last stand, it helps getting up in kills with a handgun, got it with the usp, its good for close quarter situations



is it me, or for a game 4 years in the making, have a hell-a-lot of glitches, and not small, you can get outside the map if you jump here, crouch here and stand up EXACTLY here ones. Its something i'm only very slightly willing to over look only because they're bringing out patches (which they shouldn't have to bring out so much so soon after releasing it)

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i cant stand those private matches on rust, i did go into a unlimited domination match on terminal though, which was a right laugh, got to 300 - 60ish and it all ended wit a nuke, i must of had about 10 AC130's lol.


Cant wait till the models and private match glitch is fixed, i wonder what glitch we'll all be moaning about next week!

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Got thrown into a crazy never ending unlimited ammo game on RUST the other day. Took a picture of the scores.


Got that today aswell, free for all on rust. Was bloody crazy :P


Also everytime i try picking team deathmatch i keep ending up in free for alls......

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Just had team deathmatch on Rust. Didn't think you could? well it was the first time EVER that I have had that level on deathmatch.


I fuckin love Rust! Only had it twice and was awesome on both occasions!


Just unlocked the ACR now....fuckin love it. That and the M16 should be getting a lot of kills over xmas! haha

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Just had team deathmatch on Rust. Didn't think you could? well it was the first time EVER that I have had that level on deathmatch.


I got it for the first time a couple of days ago on Team Deathmatch and then again today. Considering TD is pretty much all I play I reckon it must be new in the playlist.

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