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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles


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Weekly Blog:

Hi, I’m Yasuhiro Seto, the director of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles here at Capcom. I’m going to be writing weekly blog entries to bring you an inside look at all the cool things we’re doing with this new entry in the Resident Evil series. I directed the previous game in this series, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.



The title of the blog is “TALKING EVIL”, and I plan to do just that every week as I go in-depth about all of the cool aspects of the game.


One questions I think a lot of you are asking is “So why the subtitle ‘The Darkside Chronicles’?” For me, this subtitle illustrates the contrast between the story of this game and the story of the Umbrella Chronicles.



Umbrella Chronicles was all about the big events that made up the rise and fall of the Umbrella Corporation, mainly from Wesker’s perspective. If you were to create a chart showing the major episodes in Umbrella’s history, the events in that game would be on it. On the other hand, there are also a lot of darker, more intimate stories that illustrate the Resident Evil universe that wouldn’t necessarily make the list of big events in Umbrella’s history. These stories are the concept upon which The Darkside Chronicles is based.


We use some of the great personal stories from Resident Evil 2 in The Darkside Chronicles. Resident Evil 2 was a darker, more intimate story compared to the chapters that we put into Umbrella Chronicles and I tried to highlight that difference when creating this game. Let me explain a bit further.


When I think back on Resident Evil 2, I see a game that had a lot of remarkable elements. It expanded the scope of the game from the fear found in a haunted house to the terror of being in a city overrun and on the brink of total destruction. The various supporting characters really start to fill out the universe; we meet the sexy and mysterious Ada, the young Sherry, and Brian the twisted police chief. I think Brian’s madness is really the scariest thing in that game! Ada and Leon’s love story is woven into this robust background which makes for a rich game experience with a scale far surpassing the first game.



In that sense Resident Evil 2 made Resident Evil much bigger while at the same time being more intimate. While in most other Resident Evil games the characters must escape from a biohazard and then face down elements of Umbrella, Resident Evil 2 tells the story of individual battles characters go through when they are caught in a desperate and dangerous situation.



These are the stories that would fall through the cracks when the history of the Umbrella Corporation is writ large: The bonds between Leon and Ada, between Claire and Sherry. The story of the collapse of the Birkin Family. These relatively insignificant stories make Resident Evil 2 an unforgettable game.



We focused on these intimate stories of love and family in The Darkside Chronicles. Tragic romance, the destruction of a happy family...



...isn’t that a bit on the Darkside?



■About me

I was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, and I’m around 40 now. At Capcom I directed Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles as well as Beatdown, and was involved in a number of other Resident Evil games. I can’t wait to talk more with you about the games I’ve worked on!




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Ada and Leon’s love story is woven into this robust background which makes for a rich game experience with a scale far surpassing the first game.

Which will make their relationship in Resi 4 feel all the more wierd!


Anyways, Code Veronica is also a very family/relationship orientated game... The Ashford Twins, Chris and Claire, Claire and Steve, Steve and his Father etc...


Quite like the story direction this is taking! Should provide some good background info.

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To be honest, I just think Capcom is going the cheap and easy way with making these games on-rails. The only RE-games made exclusively for Wii (UC and this) have been on-rails, and while I can understand why they decided to make UC on-rails, I really don't get it why they have to do the same thing here too. I think it's a limited gaming experience and after these games it makes it seem like Wii is only some secondary system for game developers like Capcom- (RE5 for 360 and PS3, and we get a very very nice looking game.. but on-rails.)


First off, sorry if it seemed like I bit your head off when I made that other post, I was really addressing the viewpoint that others seemed to share, so just thought I'd clear that first.


To be fair, the gameplay seemed to work in Umbrella Chronicles, so Capcom have seen the potential there and have created this. It just makes the most sense since Umbrella Chronicles focused on certain games in the series, and this focuses on others that weren't mention in UC. It's almost like filling the gaps.


Does it mean that we won't see a traditional Resident Evil style game, 3rd person with full control? I don't think we should ever rule out that possibility. Re4:Wii Edition didn't sell too bad from what I know, so gamers would want to see more of that at some point, I think.


But, on the whole, I don't honestly know which direction Capcom are taking the series in, as a whole. Resident Evil 4 seemed very un-resi-like, in my opinion. The thing is that the game was also the first Resident Evil game for many gamers, so they obviously wouldn't notice how different the game truely is to the original ones. So, what's more interesting for me is seeing what Capcom plans to do after the release of this. Will Capcom create a third in the "Chronicles" series, to make it a trilogy, or do something different? I dunno.

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He's seriously...buff in Resident Evil 4. I was looking at his shoulders and pecs with jealousy.


Try Chris in RE5. Atleast RE4 is believable, whereas Chris hasn't got arms. He's got tree trunks growing out of his sholders.


Still, it's not as bad as...





He looks like an action figure in the resi 2 pics


That was cutting-edge rendering in the ol' days. And prerendered at that. Couldn't get any better. How graphics have evolved since then. Even real-time renders are better nowadays.


Anyhoo, this game looks great! Quite liked UC, so I'm looking forward to this one. Still, that nagging feeling that it could've been a RE4-style game persists. Oh well, can't have everything, eh! ;)

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Hopefully something that's not part of the RE2 story sections. It's clearly something new (and ridiculous looking).


I'm not totally sold on all the models. Mr. X/the T-103 looked better with the more calm and emotionless face found in the the old artwork. I don't think the scowling look suits him at all!


Birkin isn't looking as cool as he could do yet but it might be the angle.


Anyway game still looks good as a whole so far, though I wonder how different the story will be as a whole.


I guess I didn't really mind the differences in the Umbrella Chronicles RE1 scenario though.

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