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@ReZourceman I am envious of your ability to make macarons. I completely failed when I tried a few years back. Never again.



I made a vegetable croquette Katsu Curry last night. I usually make it with chicken, but as we're having that tonight I decided to try something new out.


They were delicious! It's basically mash potato with diced cooked veg in a patty, covered in bread crumbs and fried, with a sweet curry sauce. Lovely!


Here are the recipes I sort of followed:


Croquettes (use whatever veg you want): http://www.examiner.com/article/how-to-make-panko-crusted-japanese-croquettes-at-home


Chicken Katsu Curry (use breadcrumbs and add more flour): http://www.channel4.com/4food/recipes/tv-show/cook-yourself-thin-recipes/chicken-katsu-curry-recipe

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I can thoroughly recommend this book.




I think its attention to detail in the ingredients. Don't deviate in a way that could affect the science. Sieve the ground almonds, discard larger pieces. Be precise with weights. I've seen some recipes that say "three egg whites" for example, which seems mental to me....it should be a weight. Etc.


I am looking forward to making my next batch. Going to do Vanilla Coke flavour and Mint flavour.

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I'm actually going to put that on my Christmas list, cheers Rez.


It's scary how just being out by a teaspoon of flour/sugar/milk/egg can be a complete disaster in some recipes.....


I added an extra tablespoon of flour to my GF bread recipe once, and the whole thing stuck to the paddle of the breadmaker and spun round, instead of being mixed o_o


Whenever our loaf comes out wrong it always ends up looking like a stodgy pancake. But when it goes right, mmmm nothing better than freshly baked bread. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Nice, what's that Cube?


I made banana bread (I am aware it looks nowhere near as good as Sheikah's) first attempt - I now know what to do next time.




And a victoria sponge (also my first. As an adult, on my own. I'm sure I would have done this as a child).




Also my best batch of Macarons yet, #ImNailingIt




Also...I really like making Lasagne. We've recently tried to sub out as much meat as possible for vegetables (well, whilst still being meat) and loving the results. I'm sure lasagne recipes are all much the same but...




1 Onion

2 Garlic Cloves ish

1 Carrot

1 Stick Celery

1 Red Pepper

1 Green Pepper

250g Lean Mince

Herbs (whatever)

Red wine

Can tomatos




Edited by ReZourceman
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So I decided to learn to make at the end of last year, so I've been baking a lot recently. And then I remembered this thread. These are a few of the many things I've made in the past couple months (starting from most recent to the Marble cake I made maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago). Let me know what you think.


Made Bagels on the weekend.







While the dough was proofing I also baked some Dark and White Chocolate Chip Cookies. I added an extra egg so the dough was pretty gooey, which wasn't good. Didn't really have an tray big enough either so they all melted into one giganta-cookie, so I sliced it into pieces. Ashley decimated them so they couldn't have been too bad. :P





The weekend before I made Banana Cake with White Chocolate Chip. OMG, this tasted amazing and was SO easy to make.






I also made Ashley a birthday cake. I think it looked better than it tasted. I still haven't really got down how to do big cakes. :(




Also attempted to make Brioche for the first time. Super easy. You just need to proof it for like 8 hours (over night). Added a glaze at the end for a touch of sweetness.








I think I would like to tweak the recipe to make it a little more bread-like, this was a little more cake-y in texture than I was hoping for.



And FINALLY, I made Marble Cake. This was a little stressful to make for the first time because I couldn't really tell how the marblinmg was going to go and I always assume the worst.




It turned out pretty marvellously, if I don't say so myself.






...or should that be...MARBELLOUS!! AMIRIGHTGUYS?!

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  • 4 months later...

Haven't baked in ages and people at work were getting vocal about it.


They demanded chocolate cake.


So I made chocolate COLA cake.

Apparently something in the half a bottle of coke and bicarbonate of soda does some chemical thing to give moist sponge galore.


And boy is it moist.


It even has cola in the icing! :D






It's like a chocolatey, caramely fudge cake.

I cut it and had a piece earlier and it was still warm. All it needed was ice cream! : peace:

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Recipie me!!!


Ask and ye shall receive!




Also, if you're thinking of making it, just watch for baking times. Some people have said an hour, the recipe says 40 min, it took me 30 min but our oven is fan assisted...


And one more thing! I lined the bottom of my tin with grease proof paper and used butter round the sides. So I let the cake cool loads until it was just warm, then removed from tin and peeled off grease proof. Then I made the topping and poured it over. If the cake is anything more than warm, don't touch it! It will break it is that moist! As happened to me earlier in the week when I first attempted it. :(


Happy cola caking! : peace:

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  • 2 months later...

I figured that it was really bad that I hadn't posted in the cooking thread which I made ages ago but I really haven't cooked much that warranted posting in a while.


Today though I decided to make Leftovers Omelette which had Rainbow Potatoes - silly name as it's just three varieties of Potato - with red onion and peas...




Eeet was good!


: peace:

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  • 1 month later...

Being that it's Christmas I was going to make mince pies but at the last minute decided to just make two large Mince Pastries instead.





A whole jar of mincemeat, some fresh/dried cranberries, two rolls of pastry and a dash of Cointreau later...




Eeeet was good! : peace:


Should be enough to last a few days too. :santa:

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:santa:Christmas Dinner :santa:






It turned out really well this year as we had Turkey and Beef with roast potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, mini sweetcorn, onion, gravy plus I even made a bit of cranberry sauce this year just to see what all the fuss was about. :indeed:


Anyway it was nice. : peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Those look nice @Cube (apart from that mushroom poking out, don't like mushrooms :P ).


I made a Flemish beef stew yesterday to have it with my Dutch friends. Only the third time I've made it so I was a bit cautious about making it, but I think it turned out alright. Jim is eating some of it now and enjoying it. :)


It takes bloody ages to make though, this one took me about 4 hours as there was more than 1kg of meat! It is usually served with chips and apple sauce, mmmm. Doesn't look appetising in this picture but I can assure you that it really is!





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