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Chorizo and roasted pepper tortilla/frittata thing topped with cheddar and balsamic glaze:




For some reason these always come out blurred...


oh wow that looks yum!


On a cooking related note - looking more and more likely that i''ll have to adopt a non gluten diet....which basically means no bog standard bread/pasta/flour/biscuits/cereal/pretty much everything that contains flour.


I freakin' love bread. I love subway. GOD DAMN IT :(

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oh wow that looks yum!


On a cooking related note - looking more and more likely that i''ll have to adopt a non gluten diet....which basically means no bog standard bread/pasta/flour/biscuits/cereal/pretty much everything that contains flour.


I freakin' love bread. I love subway. GOD DAMN IT :(


You'll get used to it and find workarounds. My ex housemate is allergic to wheat and gluten (and dairy) but we always made awesome cakes and stuff. Plus the stuff off the shelves isn't too bad (although not tried any bread).


Plus isn't it the case that sometimes if you remove it from your diet for a year or two you can try and slowly re-introduce it?

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Genius bread is the way to go, my housemate eats it, its about £2.00 I think, not bad.


Having no wheat in your diet is only really affect when you go out, sainsburies has a great freeform (freefrom?) range, its massive, cakes, bread etc.

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fyi; Wheat (and all its forms) is gluten. I went to Tescos this morning, bought some pizza bases and some crumpets. Gonna try making some bread myself at the weekend - breadmaker for the win! A lot of Thornton's chocolate is gluten free too. Score =D


I'm still learning to be honest, and I haven't got it to an exact art yet - bought a bag of crisps this morning but they made me feel a bit sick despite it having no obvious wheat ingredients (probably the flavour powder)! I don't feel that much better.. so it may be more complex. Haven't seen a specialist yet - just some suggestion from my GP to try it to relieve my pain.


A lot of my medical history is trial and error, and I seem to hit many errors before any success =D It's all good though. I can still eat some stuff I enjoy (chocolate, pizza) so i'll be okay. And the crumpets I had earlier today were decent enough..


When I make an effort to MAKE something i'll try and remember to take photos haha :D


I'm not really sure about the reintroduction, probably need to talk to a dietician or relevant specialist..

Edited by Raining_again
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fyi; Wheat (and all its forms) is gluten. I went to Tescos this morning, bought some pizza bases and some crumpets. Gonna try making some bread myself at the weekend - breadmaker for the win! A lot of Thornton's chocolate is gluten free too. Score =D


I'm still learning to be honest, and I haven't got it to an exact art yet - bought a bag of crisps this morning but they made me feel a bit sick despite it having no obvious wheat ingredients (probably the flavour powder)! I don't feel that much better.. so it may be more complex. Haven't seen a specialist yet - just some suggestion from my GP to try it to relieve my pain.


A lot of my medical history is trial and error, and I seem to hit many errors before any success =D It's all good though. I can still eat some stuff I enjoy (chocolate, pizza) so i'll be okay. And the crumpets I had earlier today were decent enough..


When I make an effort to MAKE something i'll try and remember to take photos haha :D


I'm not really sure about the reintroduction, probably need to talk to a dietician or relevant specialist..


Crisps are a bit hit and miss. I know Squares are fine. Should say on it whether its okay for coeliacs (sp?). From what I remember the more expensive crisps are the safer they are.


You can still eat pizza? But that's on a base of bread! :p

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Crisps are a bit hit and miss. I know Squares are fine. Should say on it whether its okay for coeliacs (sp?). From what I remember the more expensive crisps are the safer they are.


You can still eat pizza? But that's on a base of bread! :p


bought pizza bases from tescos that are wheat-free


Walkers don't exactly specify but some of them have dodgy ingredients that you cant be sure about, I imagine the flavour probably has flour in it so it sticks to the crisps. And if soy sauce is in the flavouring then its a definite no no

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If you ever need a massive list of what is edible when staying away from wheat/gluten I can send you one over. Becka stays away from all wheat now (she can't even smell bread as it makes her sick).


Most packaging will tell you whether its got wheat in it, which is easier to look for than gluten free. :)

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If you ever need a massive list of what is edible when staying away from wheat/gluten I can send you one over. Becka stays away from all wheat now (she can't even smell bread as it makes her sick).


Most packaging will tell you whether its got wheat in it, which is easier to look for than gluten free. :)


Yeah, I'm struggling lots and still eating foods I shouldn't be. But at least it means that they can go on the no list.


I find myself a LOT fuller on nonwheat products too oddly enough.


Any info you guys have would be awesomesauce (but hold the sauce, it has gluten!) :heh::grin:


I'm finding this REALLY hard being used to just eating whatever and not really being picky at all, to being considerably limited.. In time i'll get eet.


I'm going to source some ordinary non gluten bread tomorrow. I'll be so disappointed if toast is crap because I live for toast :(

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It gets easier.


Freeform is a good range to start eating from, its more expensive but it has everything including cakes, flour, pasta etc and now it even has genius bread as well as a frozen section for pizzas and whatnot. So check them out first!


With that its really easy to cut things out, going out wise, just ask! Thats what the chefs should know anyway!


Otherwise go to shopping markets and check, most things will say wheat or wheat flour, if it does its not going to be good for wheat or gluten as its practically hand in hand. :)

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If you check around local restaurants you'll soon find ones that do wheat free, or can accommodate with prior knowledge. In my pokey little university town there were four restaurants that could/would change to wheat free ingredients upon request.


Anyway my friend said:


Walkers crisps are a BIG no no the bastards lie about what goes in them!!!! red sky are walkers soooo i dont eat them any more, ketal crisps and tyrills are good


My bad about the Red Sky. Last time I saw her she was eating some :p

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If you check around local restaurants you'll soon find ones that do wheat free, or can accommodate with prior knowledge. In my pokey little university town there were four restaurants that could/would change to wheat free ingredients upon request.


Anyway my friend said:




My bad about the Red Sky. Last time I saw her she was eating some :p


Most crisps are out of the question, although pringles are fine. :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...


Oh snap, dude thats fucking pro!!!!!!!!


They were fucking nice, I'd suggest everyone give them a go, hell of a lot better than normal pop tarts and TBH...the scraps were so much better than the pop tarts, and if you don't like Nutella or Cinnamon sugar use your own favorite filling, I was going to add icing sugar to the top of them...but it didn't really turn out too well so I scrapped it >>


Next on my cooking list is Cupcakes though can't wait to finally make them (well tonight I'm making Beef stew and Dumplings but i'm going to do them after that at some point)

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  • 1 year later...

Brownies R FTW.


Claire's parents are away atm, so (I've) been ("cooking") (oops, sorry Shorty).


But yeah. I do quite like cooking/am reasonably badass/especially at chopping peppers and lettuce and seasoning mince.


We've had;


Tacos! (YUMZORS), Chilli (packet), Pizza (Chicagotown obv) and salad (epic chopping), Birdseye Chicken Pie and chips (we recently rediscovered the awesomeness) and Tesco Finest Korma/Tikka Massalla w/ Taste the Difference Nan bread.


Not a lot of cooking above, but don't scoff.....I executed all the minor cooking that was needed to be done with expert precision.


Tacos are so great.

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I've never had tacos or indeed any Mexican food before! Somehow I don't think my family would like it, and there aren't really any Mexican places in Dublin (but I'm not even in Dublin anymore). I would like to try them someday though. Post some pics of your most impressive cookery feats!

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