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I went a bit OTT on the veg but oh well it contributes to my 5 a day :p What's in the first pasta dish you posted? The one with peas. It looks good.


It's all good, courgette with tomato sounds like a nice combination :smile: in the first pasta dish there was bacon, leek and cheese while the pasta itself was cooked in a tomato and herb sauce. :)

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^^^ Nice cupcakes Ashley :)


About time I posted here again I think... :p






I wasn't made from scratch, but it was cooked in parts and it was just... awesome :) probably because I haven't had beef in a while but yeah it was good.


le Croissant




Another thing I hadn't had in a while, Croissant with ham and cheese in, simple but really nice.


Bonus Pic!


Triforce Toast




I know it isn't cooking but meh, just thought I'd post it for teh lolz :p

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Recipe?? Cheesecake is great :love:


hmm lets seeeeee... Its a bit ad hoc, but here it goes! :D





Low fat digestives - about 14-16 of them

Margarine - couple of tablespoons (I used extra light flora)


Condensed milk - one of the little tins (could be 250mls?)

Light Philadelphia - half a tub: 100g

Sugar free strawberry jelly - one sachet (could also use full sugar stuff)

Sweetener/sugar (I use about half a large mug of sweetener, and a couple of teaspoons of sugar)


to make:


1. Break the biscuits!


2. Melt the marg (about 30 seconds on mid power)


3. Mix thoroughly, add more marg if required! I kinda do it as I go along..


4. Put mix into a tin (8 inch tin usually is about the right size.) Flatten as much as possible. I use cling film over it and squish it down with my hands (gets messy without the cling film)


5. Put biscuit base in fridge to harden




6. Put jelly powder into (a little bit less than) a half a cup of water, stir like a bitch, leave to sit while taking next steps (helps the solidifying process)




7. beat cheese and sweetener/sugar

8. Add condensed milk (plenty of elbow grease or an electric beater)




9. Add a bit of cold water to the jelly mix to cool it.

10. mix in with the other ingredients

*make sure its well mixed, the cheese takes a lot of beating to mix properly*




11. Put in fridge

12. once set add (optional) toppings. Flake is a winner. :smile:


**Do not add the jelly powder directly into the mix - the gelatine is activated by hot water.**



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Cheesecake Remix! Raspberry Version :D




Same recipe as before, except with Raspberry Jelly, and I blended raspberries to make a jammy texture and spread it over the base, before I put the cheese mix over. And put raspberries on top ofc. ^^;


Welldone Rainning. It looks yummy. :)

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I'm a bit funny with desserts and don't like fruit flavoured cheesecake/ice cream. Raining you did inspire me to buy a cheesecake mix and flake to go on top though :p


I just made nice satay chicken and rice but I didn't take a pic, you'll have to imagine it.

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