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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Ren of Heavens

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I know I'm quoting you out of context here mate, and apologies if necessary, but seriously:


The only thing I'll admit is that the last screenshot doesn't look to hot. But I'm certain it'll spook the hell out of me in motion. Giving me that Zelda-facehugger feel and all... Yuk.


No i completely agree, this game does look outstanding.


All i meant was that, compared to something like Mario Galaxy or as Dante just reminded me, even Silent Hill 3, you can tell they could have pushed it just that little bit more.


I'm not really a graphics person though. As long as a game has some style or a certain flair with it's visuals (which this game has definitely shown) then i'm happy.


But yeah, some of those screens are sexalicious.

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It looks to me as though they decided to sacrifice AA for the excellent lighting and interactivity with objects (judging by the pop can thing). Graphics of the year, I don't think so since most people ignore lighting unless it's nonexistent or everything else matches up to it. Not that the models or textures are bad, but people always notice AA, mainly the lack of AA.

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Always knew you completed me Retro ;)


But yeah, does look like they've sacrificed sharpness and anti-aliasing for awesome lightning. Seeing as the game still has a long development cycle ahead (I would think?), they're bound to up the ante on at least one front.

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I quite like the graphics.

Admittedly some things don't look brilliant, but I really like the graininess (i think thats the word i'm looking for) quality to them, like in the picture below:


I think it'll help create a tense atmosphere.... Anywho, i'm expecting this to look suitably great when we get some better footage :grin:

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Think it was the 'Ice Transformation' clip at the end of that trailer that left the underwhelmed feeling.

IGN had built it up to be one the best visual effects on the Wii and possible ever. Yet from that short clip I thought visually it looked really bad.


Hopefully that was just a bit of a dud clip from an early build.

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Damn that walkthrough looks tense in places!!

Not sure about the part after the town transformation though [which did look cool], just seemed a bit hectic.

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After reading the first previews, I was so hyped. All it needed to do was prove itself in motion.


After seeing that walkthrough, those anticipation levels have well and truly been met; maybe even elevated. This is certainly one of my most wanted games this year.

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Until I watched the third video I was about to lose all hope for this game.


The chase sequence was suspenseful and it clearly evoked a real sense of danger. Something most games don't do anymore.


Still I have some doubts.


The pacing was all wrong. The first ten minutes gave no impression that this was horror game at all. It was pretty boring until shit got icy actually.


This brings on to my second qualm with this game. I'm not a raging Silent Hill purist but the fog and the rusty otherworld were key visual motifs in the franchise for good reasons. The icy otherworld just isn't as scary or unsettling.


There are other things I'm skeptical about but they could be amended within the next few months.


Oh well, fingers crossed.

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Just watched the three videos. One word: Bluddyfuckinghell! The build-up when walking around at the start was great. And then, the confrontations with the freaks was awesome. Seriously hectic. There was one segment where the character walks through a set of doors, then down a small corridor (empty) and through the next set of doors which had quite a long corridor. Seeing the two things from the other end of the corridor, emerging from the darkness, running at you...awesome. The lack of combat really does make thing more tense. You just run! Being able to move those objects to create obstacles...brilliant.


I was already interested in this, but now I'm pumped.

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The pacing was all wrong. The first ten minutes gave no impression that this was horror game at all. It was pretty boring until shit got icy actually.


Wouldn't say that. The lighting really does add to the suspense, and so do the apparitions. You can vaguely see their contour, and then whip out the phone and BAM! Ghost extravaganza!

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If anything, I thought the pacing was spot on. The action came at just the right time. There were nice little bits of exploration at the beginning, and the dialogue section with the cop was well timed. Only thing I'm a bit miffed at is the fact that you can't hear the voice of the other person on the other end of the phone.

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Only thing I'm a bit miffed at is the fact that you can't hear the voice of the other person on the other end of the phone.
That's because both phone conversations and static noise come out of the Wii-mote speaker; you use the wii-mote like a real phone, answering it when it rings etc... hence why you couldn't hear his mobile ring in the dinner.


And yeah, if anything I found the first 10 or so minutes the scariest part. I think I kinda new the enemies only came out when Silent Hill froze over, but before that, it was the darknest, the not knowing, and wondering if I'd glimpse something out of the corner of the flashlight.

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That's because both phone conversations and static noise come out of the Wii-mote speaker; you use the wii-mote like a real phone, answering it when it rings etc... hence why you couldn't hear his mobile ring in the dinner.


And yeah, if anything I found the first 10 or so minutes the scariest part. I think I kinda new the enemies only came out when Silent Hill froze over, but before that, it was the darknest, the not knowing, and wondering if I'd glimpse something out of the corner of the flashlight.


Ooooooooooooooooooooh! I did not know that, or at least I forgot it.


In that case: Best Trailer Ever, haha.

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I would personally preferred the game to start a little like this:



In comparison this remake just feels a little slow. But each to their own.


Opinions aside if you guys are impressed with this (the remake) I highly recommend you check out the first three games of the series. Especially Silent Hill 2 which holds up amazingly to this day. (well, apart from the voice acting...)

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*Has a custom "There was a hole here" spray for Left 4 Dead*


Yes, Silent Hill 2, still awesome to this day.



I'm really looking forward to this, one thing that worries me though is the environments, all the other Silent Hill games manage a lot of variation in their environments despite following the same theme, I can imagine it will be hard to keep up that trend when everything just glazes over.


I don't really get why they decided to use Harry, with the way the game is looking they could have used completely new characters and no-one would have been the wiser.

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