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Its a new and separate ride. Indoor tower rude with pre and post show elements basically. Ive remained fairly spoiler free myself. Going in two weeks to both


I was just thinking when trying to work out what it might be, and seeing the lift at the end of the video, that Alton Towers doesn't have a drop tower... and this could potentially be an underground one or something.


So with a pre/post show, something more akin to Tower of Terror, albeit maybe not as grand/awesome?... but maybe! :p

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  • 7 months later...

So, just got back from Alton Towers. It was my first time ever and the only experiences I've ever had at a theme park has been at Disneyland Paris and Oakwood. Took along the lovely Ine of course.


What did I think of it? Well, my views are a bit mixed, which surprised me. Let's start from the beginning. Warning, it is a long post, but I have a lot to say


Getting to the park


Getting there was fine, it's sign posted really well and considering that it is in the middle of nowhere (almost), there's a fairly good traffic system coming into the park. However, fuck, the walk from the car park to the gates of the actual park is mundane and a bit too long. Near 15 minutes, possibly more and muddy (more on that later). Doesn't exactly give you a great first impression of the park and doesn't really get you in the mood. I was a bit surprised at this, but it's something you have to live with.




We got an awesome deal, paying just 64 quid or there abouts for two days in the park. For a theme park, even a prestigious one such as Alton Towers, that's an insane price. One area that I think Disneyland does outdo Alton is the Fast Track Pass system. Personally, I liked the idea of paying a tenner and getting onto Nemesis, Air and Oblivion (I think? I didn't go with it in the end) but Ine didn't fancy paying it, which is fair enough, considering it's a tenner per person and we're on a budget. Disneyland has a great fast-pass system and seems quite fair. You pay more to go in, so I guess it balances itself out, maybe.




There are some heavy hitters at Alton Towers that really will take some beating, in my opinion. What I really enjoyed was my first time looking at the map and seeing that it was crammed with content for all different audiences. Looking at it first time, I could spot Oblivion, Nemesis, Nemesis Sub-Terra (had no idea what this was), Air, Rita, Th13teen, Sonic Spinball, etc. There's a lot to take in at once.





Considering we didn't have any other way of eating besides what was available within the park, we both thought that the food choices there were awesome. Quite a lot of variety, the opportunity to sit inside and eat at a pizza and pasta buffet at quarter to 9 and not expected to get kicked out was fantastic. One of the high points there and it added to the experience.


Layout of the Park


A bit hit and miss, to be honest. The front section, where you get the awesome view of the Towers and lake is gorgeous. But, there are flaws here, too. For example, due to the big layout of the park, it is difficult to get from one side to the other. If you are at Air and want to go to Th13teen, you have quite a long trek ahead of you (unless there was a quicker way?) Not sure if I'm a fan of the U-shape of the park or not. There's some nice views by the lake, but it can be a pain in the arse and very time consuming jumping from one section to the other, especially if you are trying to beat the queue waiting times.


I'm going to break it down and say what we went on and our impressions.


Marauder's Mayhem (lol - we had just eaten)


Queue for this was short, so we went on for the lols. Pretty fast, was fun, we had a good time and moved on.


Runaway Mine Train...


This was Ine's idea, and she was determined to try every single ride in the park. Queue for this was about 40 minutes, and it was quite nice. We had a big breakfast so were still waiting for our food to digest before we hit the big ones, which leads us to...


Nemesis Sub-Terra


We both had no idea at all what this ride was about, what the ride actually did, what we'd get out of this. We didn't really find any information on it, so we just went in blind. The queue for this was a bit crazy at 50 mins but eventually we were let inside. Have to say that this left us both bitterly disappointed.


Ok, the theming was excellent/seemed interesting. As soon as we got inside "the room" and sat in our seats, I instantly expected something like the Hollywood Hotel/Tower of Terror from Disneyland, with a drop. We were teased at this with it dropping one floor. Some nice "shocks", but then we had to leave the room because of some mass panic (part of the experience) and all made our way through the lift, through a dark corridor and...back out into daylight.


For a 50 minute wait, it wasn't worth it whatsoever. We both saw this as a massive opportunity lost/wasted. What they should've done is had a drop tower and then kept the rest of the theming and the end panic parts. It would have been awesome. Instead, what we had was a lot of build-up with just nothing at all, no release. By far our biggest disappointment of our time there. Well, possibly. (more on that later)





We both loved this. Pure awesomeness, a great sensation, a big adrenaline rush. Just excellent. Made up for the disappointment of Sub-Terra. Went on this twice. Again, had to queue up for 50 mins but the ride made up partly for that.




One of my favourites of our time at the park. I enjoyed it more than Ine, who maybe expected a bit more. The whole idea of flying was predominant during the experience. I was pretty nervous as I had never experienced something like this before but wow...as cheesy as it sounds, it really felt like flying. My biggest "wow" moment so far. We managed to ride this at night and the queue was short. Only 15 minutes for this.




Ok, we have to moan about this. When we initially walked up to this ride, we were under the impression that there would be a long waiting time. The board said 50 mins, but on arrival we noticed people were leaving. Still, we waited. It took us 1 hour and 50 minutes to queue up...so painfully slow and any excitement we had for the ride had gone. I didn't feel excited or nervous about the ride. In fact, the population of the crowd around us were equally as pissed that it was taking so long. Unfortunately, everytime we passed this ride or looked at the board, we were greeted by either a long queue or a huge waiting time of at least 60 mins.


The ride itself was fine. Good, even. Excellent start, could have been longer (10 more seconds would have been heaven) but the queuing system/management system of getting people on and off the ride, having more carts on it is a bit of a joke, to be honest...




I got pestered to go on this, and in all honesty, I haaaaate these particular types of rides. I don't know why, maybe it's to do with being upside down for a prolonged period of time or something. I went on it, hated it, will never go on again (until next time) but I can see the appeal. Queue was short, literally a minute's wait. Not my sort of thing, but it's good to have variety.




Fuuuuuuuuuck. Probably the best ride of our time there. Loved every second of it. Both times we jumped on it, we were in the front row. I swear all the air gets taken out of your lungs when you're being dropped. Loved it, Ine loved it, we had such a rush. So much so that we couldn't wait to get on again. We got lucky and only had to wait for 5 and 15 minutes for the two times we went on. That's the way it should be.




Again, I don't particularly like this type of ride. But, I went on it, it was quite cool being upside down and seeing the park in that way. Again, good to have for variety and to mix things up.


Sonic Spinball


There never seems to be a short queue for this one. 60 minutes we spent in line for this one, but we waited as it was one of the only ones we hadn't done yet. The queue was constantly moving, and there were about 3/4 karts on the coaster anyway, so there's not a lot more that could be done to speed it up. It's fairly efficient. The ride itself is fun, I got quite a buzz on it. It's not an Oblivion or an Air, but it's a good second tier ride. Some excellent twists and turns.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Like I said, Ine was determined to do eveeeeerything. The queue for this was ridiculous, another 60 minutes, maybe more. As a kid, I'd love it. As an adult, I can't help but think that this ride is begging for a "drop tower" part during the Great Glass Elevator section. It would have been awesome, but it's not meant to be.




Part of this experience was ruined by the gang of idiot kids we had behind us that seemed to follow us through every section. The "ride" was a bit of a mindfuck and I quite enjoyed it, to be honest. The queue was pretty short for this, 20 mins, so why not?




Again, we both knew nothing about this. When looking at the board, we were told it was a 50 minute wait. As it was the last "main" ride, we decided to just roll with it. Upon getting there, we discovered that the queue time had increased by 20 minutes...a bit annoying.


Anyway, the waiting for this was stupid. No other word for it. We were in the queue for an hour and a half before it started to rain, at which point we discovered that the vast majority of these ride queues had no protection or cover against rain. Now, that may sound petty, but we are living in fucking England...we have rain all the time. We get nothing but rain. It's a glaring oversight not to have even shelter above the queuing parts...


So, we're waiting in this queue as the rain lashes down, only to discover that the ride has now become stuck. We can see the stuck coaster barely metres away from us. We wait for an additional 15 minutes before we are told anything...and eventually we are told that the ride is closed for the foreseeable duration of the night. A kick in the teeth. We are soaked, cold and disappointed.


We arrive back at the queuing boards to see what the waiting times for the rides are like. Sonic Spinball is now closed for whatever reason, Air, Oblivion and Nemesis all had 50 minute+ wait times, some had 70 minute queues...when you've just got out of an hour and 3 quarter queue, the last thing you want to do is just jump in another one, at which point we decided to leave the park.


Which brings us back to the beginning, with the mundane, muddy walk out of the park to the car. When things are going a bit bad, you begin to notice flaws, such as the lack of decent lighting in the walk from the park gates to the car park. Or even the lack of a proper walkway. To make matters worse, I had to drive home without shoes, wearing my spare pair of socks as my shoes were soaked right through after waiting for Th13teen.


So, to finish up:




  • Oblivion, Nemesis and Air are all fucking fantastic
  • There are some good "second tier rides", like Sonic Spinball, Rita, Ripsaw
  • Food and drink choices are excellent, particularly the coffee bar right near the entrance
  • Huge variety for everyone
  • Entrance Price was a steal




  • Queue time was atrocious at times. No excuse for having to wait more than 40 mins for a ride, let alone 2 HOURS
  • Some of the ride management is unacceptable in its current states, such as Rita and Th13teen
  • Some of the park layout is a bit of a chore to have to walk through. It's not the easiest to get around
  • Lack of weather protection when waiting in a queue. A kick in the teeth when you already have to wait for a long time anyway
  • Sub-Terra...such a missed opportunity and a terrible waste
  • The walk from the car park to the park itself. There isn't really "a path" and it's just so boring and uninspired
  • The fast-track system isn't as good as the system as Disneyland


Bit of a moan, but there were definitely things we enjoyed. Basically, if Th13teen, Sub-Terra, Queues and the rain didn't exist, we would have a winner. But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ever so slightly disappointed.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I loved that post, and this is going to sound weird... But I actually enjoyed reading about it more than I would physically being there. I hate rollercoasters and anything that suspends me upside down, but I do love the theming and logistics that go into these places. So a genuine thanks for a very interesting read, it's gotten me a bit more hyped for a new Rollercoaster Tycoon on the 3DS.

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I loved that post, and this is going to sound weird... But I actually enjoyed reading about it more than I would physically being there. I hate rollercoasters and anything that suspends me upside down, but I do love the theming and logistics that go into these places. So a genuine thanks for a very interesting read, it's gotten me a bit more hyped for a new Rollercoaster Tycoon on the 3DS.


That is one of the nerdiest posts i've seen on here, well done. :geek:


I would say that queue times can drastically change your view on a ride.


Forexample, most of the times i've been on oblivion, the queue has been in excess of 30-40 mins, and personally, i don't believe the ride is worth this long a queue. It's only about a 5 second ride, and i don't think that the pay-off is worth the wait. For that reason, Oblivion is quite low down my list of favourites.


Runaway Mine Train however, although i acknowledge how lame it is, i will always have the memory of going on it at closing time once, and the queue being non-existant. The operator even let us go around four or five times whihc seemed cool at the time. Because of this, (and subsequent short queue times) Runaway Mine Train is one of my favourites.

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In total you were waiting for around 8 hours(!) would you say that's standard for theme parks? I guess paying an extra £10 would've saved you a few hours wouldn't it?


Well' date=' there's so many factors to take into account. For example, we did that over 2 days (well, one and 2/3rds, perhaps) and it doesn't take into account time for getting into the park, toilet breaks, walking between rides, food, etc. But, yeah, the queue times were long, to say the least.


Also, I'm in the unfortunate position where I can only take my breaks during half-term, due to my profession. So, for someone else who has more freedom when taking their breaks (for example, when it is not half term/when kids are at school), I would imagine that the ride queuing times would drop drastically. I would imagine this is the case based on my experience for Disneyland, where I went one time during the first week with kids being back at school (whilst I was at uni) and the other time during the summer holidays. The first occasion was much, much quieter and the queue times were practically non-existent in comparison to the second.


As for paying extra, they have separate packages for different rides. So, one deal saw you riding Air, Oblivion and Nemesis for a tenner, whilst another saw you doing something different, etc. Yes, if you can afford it, it does make things easier. But, it does mean that things can end up being a bit expensive, as I'd rather use that money on food or petrol getting to and from the park. Next time I go, if the ride queues are long, I would be tempted to fast-pass it.


Although, saying that, I've just had a look on the Alton Towers website and found this:


Fastrack tickets allow you to join the Fastrack queue line, one time, for each ride listed, giving you more time to enjoy your day!


So, you pay a tenner extra and can fast track certain rides for the one time. Not sure if it is worth it after all. :hmm:




I loved that post, and this is going to sound weird... But I actually enjoyed reading about it more than I would physically being there. I hate rollercoasters and anything that suspends me upside down, but I do love the theming and logistics that go into these places. So a genuine thanks for a very interesting read, it's gotten me a bit more hyped for a new Rollercoaster Tycoon on the 3DS.


I really recommend you do go because for the big thrill rides, you will never experience anything else like it. Oblivion is just incredible...really has to be experienced at least once in your lifetime. Air blew me away and I'm a bit anxious when it comes to heights and being upside down, but this was possibly my favourite ride there.


That is one of the nerdiest posts i've seen on here, well done. :geek:


I would say that queue times can drastically change your view on a ride.


Forexample, most of the times i've been on oblivion, the queue has been in excess of 30-40 mins, and personally, i don't believe the ride is worth this long a queue. It's only about a 5 second ride, and i don't think that the pay-off is worth the wait. For that reason, Oblivion is quite low down my list of favourites.


Runaway Mine Train however, although i acknowledge how lame it is, i will always have the memory of going on it at closing time once, and the queue being non-existant. The operator even let us go around four or five times whihc seemed cool at the time. Because of this, (and subsequent short queue times) Runaway Mine Train is one of my favourites.


Totally agree, the queuing times utterly killed my enjoyment for Rita and turned what should have been a short and sweet ride into almost a chore. Given that the ride is literally over in seconds, you can't justify a queue that is 2 hours long for it. In fact, I'd be hard-pressed to suggest any rides that it is worth it for.


One reason that we both loved Oblivion is because the queue times for it were so short, as we went right at the start of the day. It was only at around 2-6 that the queuing times became ridiculous for the rides, anything before and around then, you can get lucky. We had the ability to queue for Nemesis and then Air directly afterwards at around 7:30 to 8-ish and ended up on the front of the ride both times. It just increases your enjoyment so much when you can go from one ride to another without having to wait for hours in between.


I have a fondness and a good memory of the Runaway Mine Train as we were both laughing at the announcer people who were obviously given a script that they had to say. CHOOO CHOOOOOO. :laughing:

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Excellent post. Sounds like my idea of hell though....(I know you had to go now) but I would never go to AT at half term/holidays.


It is a real shame, because when you are having to do those kinds of queues its just silly. Rita ALWAYS has a big queue, always the biggest in the park (due to throughput). I go off peak, when queues are between walk on and 5-10 minutes, and I don't think I've ever seen Rita at less than 25 minutes.


Oblivion is incredible. It has a massive throughput which is why you had a great queue experience.


As for the walk from park to car park - you were staying at the hotel, right? What about the monorail? Could have been an overflow car park.





It looks like their new coaster is called "The Smiler" and to put it into context, its about a doctor who hypnotises/brainwashes you into enjoying the ride or something along those lines.

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Excellent post. Sounds like my idea of hell though....(I know you had to go now) but I would never go to AT at half term/holidays.


It is a real shame, because when you are having to do those kinds of queues its just silly. Rita ALWAYS has a big queue, always the biggest in the park (due to throughput). I go off peak, when queues are between walk on and 5-10 minutes, and I don't think I've ever seen Rita at less than 25 minutes.


Oblivion is incredible. It has a massive throughput which is why you had a great queue experience.


My term dates are changing in school as we're independent. So, I'm hoping that there will be a time in the future where I do have half-term that doesn't coincide with the state school's half term break. If that happens and I do go to Alton Towers again, it'll be interesting to see the comparison.


We were looking at the queue board and the times for both Rita and Th13teen seemed insane. I did enjoy Rita (in the end and looking back on it) but it's not really a top tier ride. It's a very good second tier ride behind the likes of Oblivion, so it doesn't really justify the queue time, as it's not worth the wait.


Also, perhaps this is a criticism of the park, but Rita and Th13teen both occupy the same section of the park (The Dark Forest), with very little else next to it. It could almost do with another ride or two just to break up those queues and give people more options. Compare that area to the Forbidden Valley where you have Air, Nemesis, Nemesis Sub-Terra (meh, but it's there), Ripsaw and Blade.


As for the walk from park to car park - you were staying at the hotel, right? What about the monorail? Could have been an overflow car park.





It looks like their new coaster is called "The Smiler" and to put it into context, its about a doctor who hypnotises/brainwashes you into enjoying the ride or something along those lines.


I didn't clarify that properly, sorry. We stayed in a Travelodge about 15 minutes or so away. So, we made our way in and out of the car park both days and it was easy, very manageable, not stressful, good staffing. But, the walk from the Car Park itself was a bit annoying and could just do with a bit of a makeover, to be honest. An actual dedicated walkway where you feel some sort of sense of magic before you go through the gates.


Also, new rollercoaster gets a massive thumbs up from me. It's good to see that new things are being brought to that park, and it'll help it get even better. There's already an abundance of coasters, so this will just further strengthen its reptutation. What I would looove is some sort of drop tower. That would be amazing for me.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I used to enjoy going to Alton Towers but I became a bit disillusioned after they started only building (as Fierce LiNk astutely describes them) "second-tier" rides. That doesn't mean they aren't fun, but I always thought such a busy park should build more high-capacity rides like Nemesis and Air (B&Ms, quite frankly). As far as I'm aware, Air was the last ride that even needed planning permission (I'm sure Rez will correct me) - all the coasters since then have been built in areas under a "General Development Order", meaning they don't need permission as long as it doesn't go above tree height (and presumably there is a noise range too). Again, doesn't mean they aren't good, but they tend to be smaller and low-capacity (look at the queue times Fierce LiNk had for Spinball/Rita/Thirteen).


Still, it's not really Alton fault. They applied for an enormous wooden coaster in 2003 and it was so controversial, they withdrew it (and they've pretty much run out of space too). Trouble is, I haven't been able to see the park the same way since. Maybe I should stop being grumpy though, as I used to love Nemesis and Air!

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(As far as I'm aware they've still had to apply for planning permission, but if its built within the golden areas, then its a near-certain that it won't get denied, unless its on noise), certainly they HAVE applied for planning permission for (everything I think?) definitely Rita, Th13teen, Nemesis Sub Tez and The Smiler.


I adore Alton Towers. Whilst I think that A+++ additions are important, I am also a massive fan of dark rides, smaller rides and frills.


I fucking adore Hex. I think Th13teen was just marketed awfully....they advertised it as the scariest coaster ever, which it absolutely is not. IMO what it is, is the absolute PEAK of family coasters. I think its a little bit of a masterpiece, the whole package, and how it really is a well oiled machine, regarding the queue....I've been in it when its been busy (45-1hour) and it doesn't stop moving too much....decent throughput. The post-drop bit really feels like the waving of a branch. So good. But as you say....its not a giant beast, and that is something they've been missing since Rita (I think Rita counts...its very big and fast).


Flink hit the nail on the head, and its reassuring/interesting that a non-enthusiast said the exact same comment that all the "coaster people" think about Dark Forest. Its a joke....two flat rides would be so easily doable in the area, and open it up a little but, and help with Rita queues. A topple tower and a giant swing or some kind of S&S ride....whatever.


Sub-Terra isn't....mind blowing. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it....really like it a lot, but I knew what to expect. Its not the kind of ride that deserves hour long queues.


Like I say, I only go when its quiet and because of the way its set out (you go around once and thats it basically) it feels a lot more magical, and secluded in comparison to Thorpe. Its more of a journey.


And Scarefest is so brilliant. I'm sad I didn't get to go this year! :( However, I went to Thorpe Fright Nights and had an absolutely AMAZING time. We went first Friday of FN and it was pretty dead, DEFINITELY doing that again! We also got there at about 2pm, which is something I've not done before, so it was a lot easier and less tiring to stay till closing.


The Swarm in the dark, is BY FAR the best ride I've done in the dark. Its 127 feet and the chain pull is fairly slow....this makes the view, absolutely INCREDIBLE. If you sit on the left you get a wonderful view across London and you can see Wembley. Absolutely....breathtaking.

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  • 2 months later...
Not happening in the UK with our utter piss poor queuing systems and only one or two carts on a ride.
True, the Mine Cart at Alton Towers does always lets you go round twice though and that's a brilliant rand also popular ide. Rita is SO piss poor with it's 30 second ride, after queuing for 1-1.5hrs and if its not broken.
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Whoa whoa whoa. Don't go when its busy. You can re ride to your hearts content.


Also this isn't finished yet. It will be the longest ride time coaster in the country (probably/excluding Lightwater valley) at about 2.5 minutes.


Obscured element is heavily rumoured to be a washing machine type element meaning the ride will break record for most inversions - 14.

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