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IGN's Pre-E3 2009: Aliens vs. Predator First Look


The basic concept remains the same. Aliens, a Predator and a number of Colonial Marines are mixing it up and you have the opportunity to play as each faction. This time around, there is a strict linear story which plays out Call of Duty style, switching between perspectives after each level. One of the Predator's holy temples has been defiled by the Marines, who in turn have accidentally awakened the ancient Alien Queen living in it bowels. The first batch of "junior" predators storm in and get slaughtered by the Aliens. And thus, one of the elite alien-hunting Predators is sent in to clean up the mess.


We were shown a level from the Predator portion of the campaign, with a promise of an unveiling of the Colonial Marines at E3. The Predator is a bad ass killing machine. He's also one ugly mofo. But despite being armed to the teeth and the greatest hunting species in the galaxy, he's not invincible. In fact, very quickly you'll learn that the Predator is a hunter, not a commando -- you can't run headlong into situations and expect to live. The Predator wins by dividing his enemy and using stealth to catch them unaware. That's not to say the Predator can't survive a direct tussle, but he's best served when played to his strengths.


The Predator is a bad ass killing machine. He's also one ugly mofo. But despite being armed to the teeth and the greatest hunting species in the galaxy, he's not invincible. In fact, very quickly you'll learn that the Predator is a hunter, not a commando -- you can't run headlong into situations and expect to live. The Predator wins by dividing his enemy and using stealth to catch them unaware. That's not to say the Predator can't survive a direct tussle, but he's best served when played to his strengths.


Though we haven't seen how the Aliens or Colonial Marines play, it's hard to imagine either will stack up to the Predator in terms of pure enjoyment. After all, the Predator has a ton of cool toys to play with and some gnarly dreads to boot







Edited by Dante
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vg247.com - AvP will use Steam Cloud, have 18-way multiplay, four-way co-op


Sega said at GamesCom yesterday that Rebellion’s Aliens Vs Predator will have a good variety of multiplayer modes and make decent use of Steam’s feature-set.


All three formats - PC, PS3, 360 - will have 18-way multiplayer, we were told after a demo, and all will fgeature mixed and pure-species game modes.


“If you’re playing on PC, we’re also leveraging Valve Steamworks to provide anti-cheat matchmaking Achievements, and we’re using Steam Cloud as well, so your saved games and settings” can carry over onto any PC you happen to be using, Sega chap Rob Bartholemew said.


Four-player co-op will be present in a Survival mode, where you and friends play as marines facing waves of aliens. Sounds a bit like Gears 2’s Horde mode.


It all looked very good from where we were sitting. Very bloody. Screamy, even. It’s out early next year.


The horde mode sounds very awesome. I'm not liking every game jumping on the L4D bandwagon but considering the feature was in AvP1 they can be forgiven.

Only me and Viper. :(
Well just Viper really! Come on Dante, be posting more of your thoughts and opinions about stuff!


Games looking pretty cool. 4 player co-op should be a nice addition.

They really need to make sure this game is full of drama and tension/suspence etc... and doesn't just become a standard action shooter.

Well just Viper really! Come on Dante, be posting more of your thoughts and opinions about stuff!


Games looking pretty cool. 4 player co-op should be a nice addition.

They really need to make sure this game is full of drama and tension/suspence etc... and doesn't just become a standard action shooter.


I think it's the same team that has made the other good AVP games so really they should know what needs to be done to achieve what you pointed out. Really hope I have the guts to get beyond the first level this time....


Only me and Viper. :(


New screens:






Nope not just...you guys. I read this yesterday but forgot to post.


Thing is though even if it's a standard shooter i'll still love it because I have a pulse rifle and I can shoot Aliens...Aliens and Predator have been my fav films since I was small and so i've been waiting for this for a looooong time. I think there's a pretty huge Aliens fan base too in the development community, you only have to look at the influences in so many games like Halo, Gears, Lost Planet, even CoD 4. To be honest very few FPS warrant a second play through in single player, it really is the multi-player i'm looking forward to most.


Man, I loved AVP2, playing online as an alien was such a huge thrill. Me and my friends even created a mode for it we called the beast, basically everyone except one was a marine and the one left was a queen alien. Many pants were shat.


I hope this one scales well to weaker computers because from the very good looks of it, it won't work on mine.


changed the thread title as it's hardly an announcement now.


game is looking alright. I'm not sure how scary you can make a linear game in a COD style, but I like the series so I hope it works out.


There's something that doesn't look quite right with the Alien in this game. Like, the character design doesn't seem too great at all. In that video, where the Alien jumps on top of that Marine, the shot is great, but I don't think the Alien looks that much better than the ones that were used in AvP2. It needs some refining, but hopefully it'll get that.


Still, I think every Aliens fan out there would rather be getting Aliens: Colonial Marines rather than what is essentially AvP3.

game is looking alright. I'm not sure how scary you can make a linear game in a COD style, but I like the series so I hope it works out.


Read through this;




Custom PC rate the original as the hardest PC game ever made mostly because it's so damn frightening and tense to play through. I've got a feeling the new one will play out in a very similar way but with updated visuals (which might actually make it even worse for fear factor).


Finally the good games are mounting up again, this year's been a little sparse so far (imo).

There's something that doesn't look quite right with the Alien in this game. Like, the character design doesn't seem too great at all. In that video, where the Alien jumps on top of that Marine, the shot is great, but I don't think the Alien looks that much better than the ones that were used in AvP2. It needs some refining, but hopefully it'll get that.


Still, I think every Aliens fan out there would rather be getting Aliens: Colonial Marines rather than what is essentially AvP3.


Dude you're just jealous as you won't be able to play either lolololol :p

Posted (edited)
I'm nicking your Three-Sixteh, Asswipe. ;)


NEVAAAAAAAAAAAR! Though on a serious note I think the problem with Colonial Marines now is that it will instantly get compared to AvP. I would've preferred Colonial Marines over AvP but I can't think what it can add new now that AvP hasn't already done. Sure there's the squad mechanic and different story but essentially you will still be a Marine on an Alien world shooting Aliens. Judging by the acclaim AvP 1 and 2 got for fear factor we can pretty much bet they got the whole 'shit your pants scary' down in the 3rd. Territory I don't think Gearbox has covered as much. I am surprised Gearbox is still continuing with the project to be honest. I don't know how big the company is but surely the majority of their efforts is on Borderlands at the moment and I think if Colonial Marines is to be any good it really needs some focus to beat AvP.

Edited by ViPeR
NEVAAAAAAAAAAAR! Though on a serious note I think the problem with Colonial Marines now is that it will instantly get compared to AvP. I would've preferred Colonial Marines over AvP but I can't think what it can add new now that AvP hasn't already done. Sure there's the squad mechanic and different story but essentially you will still be a Marine on an Alien world shooting Aliens. Judging by the acclaim AvP 1 and 2 got for fear factor we can pretty much bet they got the whole 'shit your pants scary' down in the 3rd. Territory I don't think Gearbox has covered as much. I am surprised Gearbox is still continuing with the project to be honest. I don't know how big the company is but surely the majority of their efforts is on Borderlands at the moment and I think if Colonial Marines is to be any good it really needs some focus to beat AvP.


Ah but there's the Co-Op element to CM. To me, that makes it tenfold more interesting. AVP is going to be a solo affair and, personally, that seems limiting

Ah but there's the Co-Op element to CM. To me, that makes it tenfold more interesting. AVP is going to be a solo affair and, personally, that seems limiting


Hmm so that's confirmed is it? Hmm I think i'll still need more info on it. By the sounds of it it's way off yet. I wonder if we'll even see it next year.


more than confirmed: It's the entire premise. stuff like having Motion Trackers as handheld items instead of HUD features means players have to work together to track Alien attackers and defend themselves with wielded doors and so on. It sounds much more like the feel of Aliens than AVP which, by all accounts and previous entries in the series, will probably be an entertaining but old school, linear kind of game that's scary the first time you play but rapidly turns predictable.


Personally, I'd like either game to head back to the first AVP game of having random placement for the Xenomorphs. That was shit scary.

more than confirmed: It's the entire premise. stuff like having Motion Trackers as handheld items instead of HUD features means players have to work together to track Alien attackers and defend themselves with wielded doors and so on. It sounds much more like the feel of Aliens than AVP which, by all accounts and previous entries in the series, will probably be an entertaining but old school, linear kind of game that's scary the first time you play but rapidly turns predictable.


Personally, I'd like either game to head back to the first AVP game of having random placement for the Xenomorphs. That was shit scary.


Yeh I admit I knew nothing about C:M so that does sound different enough for it to stand out against AvP. I still don't see it anywhere near the release date of AvP though. 6 months to a year i'd say. Gearbox are a pretty competent developer too what with Brothers in Arms so they should have the whole co-op thing down.

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