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To be honest I was annoyed with that prick Dick Dawkins for endorsing an argument that is utterly pointless. Now I have to have this pro-christian crap driven past my face evey day.


Honestly, you can't prove it either way so why even talk about it?


Why do people feel the need to outwardly express their beliefs, or lack of? Isn't it enough that you are happy with the choices you have made without the need to impose them on other people?

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It's nothing new, you see posters along those lines on the Tube all the time. Now they've just taken an advert suggesting people don't listen to their bullshit, and, um, put bullshit in it.


Imitation is the sincerest from of flattery. :wink:


I'd love to see the ASA all over this one.


They'll have a field day. Posting proposals claims as absolutes in an advert isn't going to make you the ASA's bestist buddy.

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there definatly is a god?


could go create a rock so heavy he himself could not lift it?


that simple question shows the omnipotence is impossible, so an omnipotent creater is by extenshion, impossible.


real question, why are busses trying to change how i view the world? time was they were just soul destroying.

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David Attenborough gives them a double dose of beatdown.


Ultimately, evolution shouldn't have much to do with religious belief, although I suppose some people see it as supporting an atheistic position. The only people who don't believe in evolution are those who don't fully understand it or refuse to accept it.

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Why even put a 'probably'?


It just makes the statement limp. I always thought that was silly.


Because science doesn't deal with dogmatic absolutes and never rules anythign out. If evidence comes along which supports a different theory, science changes its views. If evidence comes along which goes against religious dogma, religion changes or dismisses the evidence.


David Attenborough gives them a double dose of beatdown.



Telling the magazine that he was asked why he did not give “credit” to God, Attenborough added: “They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball.


All things dull and ugly, All creatures short and squat,

All things rude and nasty, The Lord God made the lot;

Each little snake that poisons, Each little wasp that stings,

He made their brutish venom, He made their horrid wings.

All things sick and cancerous, All evil great and small,

All things foul and dangerous, The Lord God made them all.

Each nasty little hornet, Each beastly little squid.

Who made the spikey urchin? Who made the sharks? He did.

All things scabbed and ulcerous, All pox both great and small.

Putrid, foul and gangrenous, The Lord God made them all.

-- Monty Python's Flying Circus

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The atheism posters annoyed me, and these ones annoy me more. But like fish says, such things aren't exactly uncommon.


The advantage of the Humanist ones is that they were popular, positive, and not absolute. The religious ones are almost all damning and aggressive.

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Just grow up and respect people's beliefs no matter how much you agree with them.


People seem to forget that respect is something that needs to be earned. Religion often slips through that net. I, for one, can't see why I should respect obvious fallacies. If you tell me that you think the Earth is flat (and especially if you proceed to tell me that not agreeing that it is will results in eternal damnation), then, if I feel so inclined, I wont say "ok, cool", I'll tell you to grow up. If you tell me that you talk to an invisible friend and he/she/it tells you how to go about your life, again, if I feel so inclined, I'll tell you to grow up.


Before anyone jumps on the "OMG you evil, disrespectful little shit" wagon (odd name, I know...), I ask you to bear in mind that, if you don't say something ridiculously stupid, or let these ideas of yours make you try and damage the quality of life of myself and those around me (such as deciding who has the right to marry, not letting people use contraceptives, or the all-talk-no-action "bringing Sharia law to Britain"), then I really don't care what you believe. Stay out of my life, and I'll stay out of yours.


Oh, and as I'm often involved in starting the infamous "religion threads", unless someone says something monumentally stupid, I'm staying away from this thread.

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I sense this turning into yet another debate about religion - if it is not already there.


Well it started as a discussion about the advertising and recruition of religions, rather than the religion itself and hopefully it'll stay.


With the atheist posters I thought it was a valiant attempt but ultimately I doubt it'll have any effect. Nobody is going to drop their religious beliefs because of a bus.

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Because science doesn't deal with dogmatic absolutes and never rules anythign out. If evidence comes along which supports a different theory, science changes its views. If evidence comes along which goes against religious dogma, religion changes or dismisses the evidence.


But then why is science dealing with something that isn't based in logic or fact? You can't use a logical argument against something that isn't based on logic.


All I'm saying is it is a pointless statement.

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well, going back to the origional point, is it even right to use public transport in this way?


i dont care what people belive in, so long as they arnt hurting any one, why do certain groups feel the need to tell every one what they belive?


im aithiest, if some one starts a religious conversation with me, i'll give my views, but when im just getting the bus, whats the point? the advert makes a stament without any facts, as the aithiest one did.


its just flying the flag for your belifes.

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I consider myself an agnostic.


Same here.


In all honesty i think there probably is such a thing as "God" in some sense. I just doubt it's all that impressed by all this worship and the arguments that this worship (note: not religion itself) causes.

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But then why is science dealing with something that isn't based in logic or fact? You can't use a logical argument against something that isn't based on logic.


All I'm saying is it is a pointless statement.


You can certainly use scientific method to theorise on such things.


It always turns into an aggressive argument.



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