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Red Dead Redemption

Guest Jordan

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I'll add you (or you could add me) and I'll be around tomorrow during the day to try it online?


Not played online yet, not even sure what it will be like.


I've been playing it on and off all day.


I'm not quite sure I'm liking it, the landscape to run around in is great, the missions are pretty good to co-op. But this posse things is annoying me, it's far to easy to end up without a posse and far to many people are going around repeatedly shooting me as you respawn in the same place. This seems to be happening to quite a few people as I keep hearing it on chat.


Maybe I'm playing at the wrong time of day, I did however, do a lot of missions with one guy, which was fun, luckily! But why can you also shoot your own side!?


edit: I'll be taking my xbox back home with me tomorrow, I'll try to remember the cable so I can play.

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We could always set up a private Free Roam, then you'd only have to play with arse holes from here.


Personally I'm going to be out for pretty much the rest of the day, but if other 360 owners register their interest perhaps we could set a time.

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I picked this up yesterday and im really enjoying it. I haven't touched the single player much as I spent most the day playing online, either in free roam or just doing the co-op missions.


I love the co-op missions but sometimes you get paired with random people who just decide to shoot you. It happened load to me and my mate on the river level where you're on the raft. Everytime we got on the raft the other guys would shoot us. :(


I spent alot of time just clearing out all of the hideouts on free roam aswell. Nobody would posse up so I had to do it myself, took a good few hours but it was worth it for the exp and the achievy wasn't bad either. :D

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I should be on when I get back to home, I'm leaving about 2 so should be online about 5 :)


Elli whats your gamertag? I've got a few people on my friends list who I'm sure I know who they are, but I can't quite be sure. I can't even recall if I have shorty on my friends list!

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You'll recognise me, its Ellmeister 666, I don't know many others called Ellmeister so hopefully it should be me!


I'll be on in a bit as well, tried online briefly, had no idea what was going on. Was shooting some guy and he just wouldn't die! So he shot me and I died...

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Yeah if you're new to online it will likely be like that. The reason is that at L1 (you level up with XP online) you basically have really crappy weapons. As you level up you get new weapons, horses and titles permanently. On the other hand, you're free at any time during an online session to go to a gang hideout and take one of the weapons (as indicated by the grey gun symbol on the map). In fact, that would be a very good idea if you plan to play online for a reasonable amount of time in one session.


The reason is that you keep those gang hideout-obtained weapons (and they automatically restock ammo upon death) only for the duration of that online session, disappearing when you quit.


You can also pick up someone elses (better) weapon if you kill them. And another tip - look out for dead eye refills scattered randomly on the map. With dead eye online, which you activate like in single player, you essentially get guaranteed kills with 100% accuracy.

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Anything you do as John Marston on single player will not affect online multiplayer. But you can go online and just play by yourself and take down gangs and whatnot. If you see an indication of dollars/XP in green come up on the screen, you're getting XP.

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I picked this up yesterday and im really enjoying it. I haven't touched the single player much as I spent most the day playing online, either in free roam or just doing the co-op missions.


I love the co-op missions but sometimes you get paired with random people who just decide to shoot you. It happened load to me and my mate on the river level where you're on the raft. Everytime we got on the raft the other guys would shoot us. :(


I spent alot of time just clearing out all of the hideouts on free roam aswell. Nobody would posse up so I had to do it myself, took a good few hours but it was worth it for the exp and the achievy wasn't bad either. :D


Had that happen as well, people shot me and my mate all the time. Even on the co-op and in posse's.


Yeah I'm free for most of the day and will probably be on. Anyone can add me. I added Wolfy and a couple of others that I sneakily nicked from shorty's friends list :p


I may add you guys later, need more people to play with. Kind of gets boring just me and my mate playing.


Same for anyone looking for an active RDR player, my addy's below.

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All hideouts in one single roam? Hell yah! Good teamwork Wolfy. I came into that cellar and it was dark and scawy so I just shot everything, unfortunately you got caught up in the crossfire. I did apologize :p :hug:


As for why you didn't join me on that carriage ride, I'm still waiting for a reason :nono:




After finding out what you are actually supposed to do online, its a lot more fun now. Starting off crap is annoying because its initially hard to do much. The crap donkey onto crap horse thing is the worst!


I want to unlock the buffalos, that will be great.

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You shot my horse! You killed me TWICE! I thought it was amusing though. You need to put in your mic, it makes things easier.


It is a lot more fun when you setup your own posse rather than joining someone elses, I found it difficult at first but with better levels I'm able to aim better and such.

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I shall be on throughout day until 5 haha.



Yeah joining posse is good when you know people, those little shootings and killing the horse and throwing friends of a horse make it random and fun. The hideouts are sometimes stupidly hard when there are so many of them. Going it alone seems almost suicidal especially when they are on different levels (vertically) to you.

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