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I would probably vomit blood if I had to buy a new console to complete the trilogy. I'm hoping to run my 360 for a good long while.


Out of curiosity, what are everybody's main-playthrough stories thus far? The third game is going to be interesting just to see which significant decisions run together and how.



- Saved the Rachni

- Killed the council

- Saved Wrex

- Saved Ashley over Kaiden

- Nailed Liara (apparently there are going to be repercussions for romancing characters in both 1 & 2)



-Survived with all team members

-Half the crew KIA

-Destroyed Collector base, told Illusive Man where to shove it

-Reprogrammed the Geth

-Nailed Tali




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I'm on my second playthrough now on 'Hardcore'. It really is damn hardcore. If I don't start getting some upgrades i'm going to get owned a lot. I never managed to fully upgrade my weapons in the first playthrough even though i'm pretty sure I went everywhere and did everything. I guess I missed some shops. Really want to perfect my choices too for ME3.

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It seems some of the achievements (the one where you have to hit an enemy with a biotic skill while he is still affected by a different biotic skill, or the one where you need to set shields or barriers on fire) seem to be glitched...I should have gotten every achievement of this kind by now, but they don't seem to work properly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but acutally I don't think so.

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You incinerate armour, not barriers. A good way to do the 2-biotic-skills one is to get a teammate to use pull, then quickly use throw.


For the Warp/Incinerate ones, the skill has to be the thing that actually destroys the armor/barrier/whatever, so if you use it on one and it doesn't do enough damage to destroy it it won't add one to the tally for the achievement.


Ok...Well then, I guess I just suck. Thanks for letting me know, though :p

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Question for those who have passed beyond Omega 4


What happens if you don'tupgrade the Normandy? I bought new engines, new shields and a massive cannon for the old girl that, in a sequence of linked cutscenes that looked like they could be different, saw me dodge and evade some drones before laying the smack down on the collector cruiser. Can you finish the game without them or is there another way the game ends?


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Question for those who have passed beyond Omega 4


What happens if you don'tupgrade the Normandy? I bought new engines, new shields and a massive cannon for the old girl that, in a sequence of linked cutscenes that looked like they could be different, saw me dodge and evade some drones before laying the smack down on the collector cruiser. Can you finish the game without them or is there another way the game ends?


Apparently for each upgrade you don't buy a member of your team is killed as the Normandy isn't tough enough to make it through without major damage



Completed it this morning, then started on an Insanity run through, recruiting Archangel was a fucking bitch, died looooads of times.


I'm considering restarting as an Infiltrator cause I'm not really liking my current Vanguard class and if I'm struggling big time on my second recruitment then god knows how I'm gonna get through the rest of the game...

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iiinteresting! Do they die before you land then, or is it the ones that die on the base itself? I lost Legion and Miranda once I'd landed, though I can see that it could be from other choices I made, too.


I think they die before you land but didn't do it myself so not sure. I only lost Thane, which is annoying. Think it's because I chose Miranda to use the bio force field, rather than Jack or that Asari (can't remember her name :heh:)


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I think they die before you land but didn't do it myself so not sure. I only lost Thane, which is annoying. Think it's because I chose Miranda to use the bio force field, rather than Jack or that Asari (can't remember her name

As well as your team choices, characters can die before you land if you don't do all the ship upgrades . Also anyone who doesn't have a "Loyal" rating dies in the mission. Not giving each character their weapon upgrades might also affect their survival chance but I'm not sure.

Sidenote - I only rescued half my crew - seems not leaving immediately after obtaining the IFF leaves them (including Yeoman Kelly) to get ground to mush.



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Apparently my second run through disagrees with me and the Illusive Man refuses to give me the derelict ship mission even though I've recruited everyone. Well, Bioshock will be here tomorrow, so nevermind.


Certain events trigger after doing so many missions, try doing some of the other missions like loyalty missions etc and it will happen! I Only know this coz when i did my insanity run through i just wanted to stick to the main stuff but found i had to do a little bit of other stuff to trigger further story missions.


As well as your team choices, characters can die before you land if you don't do all the ship upgrades . Also anyone who doesn't have a "Loyal" rating dies in the mission. Not giving each character their weapon upgrades might also affect their survival chance but I'm not sure.

Sidenote - I only rescued half my crew - seems not leaving immediately after obtaining the IFF leaves them (including Yeoman Kelly) to get ground to mush.



Loyaly has a impact but is not a definate. It seems to be abit of everything. For example my first run through only Jack was not loyal coz i lost her with her little fight with Miranda and she was the only one to die on the final mission BUT i redid it straight away and just picked a different character to go with me for the final boss and they all survived!


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Just finished it as my renegade character (2nd playthough), who I personally thinks looks awesome.


I was, however, disappointed as it seems more like I'm Ceberus' bitch than a badass, and none of my squad seemed to like the choice. Also, characters didn't seem to react to the useless people that I got killed (Zaheed and Jacob) - I would have thought that Miranda would be upset about Jacob.


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How the hell do you save the ones who were kidnapped. Gaggle said you can if you leave straight after you get the reaper IFF but isn't Legions loyalty mission after that? So would you have to ignore that to save them all? I'd rather not because it's an important side mission what with the Geth heretics fate and all.


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How the hell do you save the ones who were kidnapped. Gaggle said you can if you leave straight after you get the reaper IFF but isn't Legions loyalty mission after that? So would you have to ignore that to save them all? I'd rather not because it's an important side mission what with the Geth heretics fate and all.


For me, I did the IFF mission and then did Tali and Legion's Loyalty mission. Then I got the cutscene where the whole squad flies away to...do...something (it's by far the weakest point of the plot), and the Joker bit.


After the Joker section you have the option of heading straight through the relay or to wait a bit. If you head straight to the relay from here you'll save the whole crew.


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Am I the only one constantly getting bugs where Shepard points in the wrong direction? Usually after scanning something while moving....


Edit: Also, I can't use Grunt's 4th power even though he is loyal? :/ (has the little red circle, second costume, says "loyal" in info window, but power is not available)


Edit 2: And also I'm finding some sounds don't work? My guess is maybe they're not on both disks like they should be? Certain recordings or bits of dialogue that instead of playing, just go silent.

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I don't know if everyone is already aware, but there's a few pieces of DLC that were given away free with purchases of Dr. Pepper in the US.

It was found out that the redemption codes are not unique, so anyone can get the content (which, once redeemed, works for both PC and Xbox 360) by following these instructions:



And speaking of DLC, I managed to trade the extra C.E. code I had for an Inferno Armor code, so currently I'm only missing the Terminus Assault Armor and the Incisor Rifle (the later only included with orders for the Deluxe Digital PC version of Mass Effect 2) from the bonus DLC.

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They look cool but I can't be bothered to do all that for a 5% stat bonus. :heh:

Your call, but it takes less than 5 minutes to register all codes. When you create your accounts at Dr. Pepper, it doesn't confirm the info you fill in (for example, you don't have to use real emails).


The cool thing about the code(s) is that, like the Collector's Edition and the pre-order bonus codes, each unlocks the content for both versions, so if for example you own the Xbox 360 version and pick up the PC version at a later date, the content is present in your account.

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