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Mass Effect 2


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I've just purchased this but, arghhhhhhh I don't remember the first one at all! (it's been like 2 years since I finished this)


Maybe there's a 'previously on' video I could look for :D


I was thinking this the other day, that sequels should have a 'previously on' at the start, surely wouldn't take that much effort to add one.


Personally I've gone for the re play route so the story is refreshed, and I'm enjoying it so much that I'm on my fourth playthrough, probably gonna need another one after as well to get my level 60 shepard!

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If anyone happens to have any of the bonus content codes (except the one from the collector's edition) that some stores were giving (for example, Play), and is willing to trade for the one included with the collector's edition, let me know.

I bought the Collector's Edition for both the PC and Xbox 360, and having registered the first of the Collector's Edition codes I noticed it actived the content to both the PC and Xbox 360 versions.

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Just had the...thing, with the collectors...after we picked up the IFF.


Also realised that my character has a thing for Tali. Not me. My character. She's definitely the only female member on the normandy other than the doctor I like though.


Too bad she's a Quarian.


Woah. Did I just type that? I need to stop playing this ASAP.

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Just had the...thing, with the collectors...after we picked up the IFF.


Also realised that my character has a thing for Tali. Not me. My character. She's definitely the only female member on the normandy other than the doctor I like though.


Too bad she's a Quarian.


Woah. Did I just type that? I need to stop playing this ASAP.


I'm trying to bed Miranda or Kelly, I also have been playing too much...


Just done the mission where you meet Legion. So not all the Geth are hostile....shit, didn't see that coming. Thing is the Quarians are preparing to attack them, really hope that doesn't happen. Next mission is to the 'heretic' stronghold. So far the most annoying enemies are the Husks and their evolved versions. Constant shockwaves struggle to keep them off!


Edited by ViPeR
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Playing it too much? I got it Friday night and finished it Sunday evening. Took me 26 hours. And then I started again with my other character straight away.


As for romancing...


My female character got to choose between Thane and Garrus.


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We were inundated with tips this week about supposed "proof" that code found within Mass Effect 2 on PC "confirmed" the presence of a PS3 version of the game. It does not.


Seeking to clarify the situation, a statement on BioWare's forums reads:


The Unreal Engine is cross platform, hence the PS3 code. This was brought up back in Mass Effect 1 days as well.

Mass Effect is for the PC and Xbox 360.


Lockdown indeed. If you check the code for other Unreal Engine games - like Gears of War - you'll find the same thing.


Nothing to see here, people.

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Just completed it yesterday, pretty epic. Going to give it a rest I think for a bit. Deciding whether to go through my renegade bitch profile or 2nd playthrough. After all that Miranda didn't even sleep with me! I guess i'll have to try harder next time. There's also a few choices I think I might change.

I must say though there doesn't seem to be any 'major' choices until the end, not that I remember anyway. It's also done cleverly to throw you off who you think is going to die. I was going under the impression that everyone I selected to do something was probably going to die, but it didn't end up like that. Thing is there's an achievement for keeping everyone alive, so there must be specific people who are just better at that sort of thing. Must be a trial and error type thing. I chose Tali to go through the vents, Miranda as 2nd team captain. Then Zaeed for the 2nd part and Jack to help the survivors. Jack survived and Zaeed died so I won't use him again for that. Also at the end Mordin randomly died and I can't remember who I left in charge to hold the door. Weird though it feels less like a suicide mission if everyone survives. Yet I know I don't like it when someone dies lol

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I must say though there doesn't seem to be any 'major' choices until the end, not that I remember anyway.


To me, I think that there may be big consequences regarding the Krogan Genophage and Quarian/Geth war due to your actions


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To me, I think that there may be big consequences regarding the Krogan Genophage and Quarian/Geth war due to your actions


Yes there were some major decisions with other characters side stories, like Morlans, Talis and Legions. I was more thinking about main story wise. I only remember Freedoms Progress and Horizon. I mean I suppose the end decision whether to keep the collector ship or not is pretty big. I destroyed it.


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To me, I think that there may be big consequences regarding the Krogan Genophage and Quarian/Geth war due to your actions


Yeah, the genophage was mentioned alot more in this than ME1 and yeah that would be interesting with quarians & Geth since ur friends with both! (well i suppose that depends on ur choices)


I know i wouldn't say no to a full arse Krogan army to to help against the Reapers!



I must say though there doesn't seem to be any 'major' choices until the end, not that I remember anyway. It's also done cleverly to throw you off who you think is going to die. I was going under the impression that everyone I selected to do something was probably going to die, but it didn't end up like that. Thing is there's an achievement for keeping everyone alive, so there must be specific people who are just better at that sort of thing. Must be a trial and error type thing. I chose Tali to go through the vents, Miranda as 2nd team captain. Then Zaeed for the 2nd part and Jack to help the survivors. Jack survived and Zaeed died so I won't use him again for that. Also at the end Mordin randomly died and I can't remember who I left in charge to hold the door. Weird though it feels less like a suicide mission if everyone survives. Yet I know I don't like it when someone dies lol


Yeah, the first time i did it i had tali in the pips, garrus leading both squads, Samara for the shied and grunt to take the survivers back. I had garrus and Miranda go to the final boss. Only Jack died (jack was also the only one that wasnt loyal to me).


However i tried it again for the cheevo, all i changed was Miranda lead the second team and i took garrus and Thane to the final boss and everyone survived....


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So here I am, probably wasted 5000 of my precious Element Zero just to get a new skill. Fucking annyoed because I only got the Loyalty Skill from Zaheed and it sucks arse. Now I need a different loyal member and another 5000 Element Zero. :blank:


Enough ranting.


9 hours into the game. It's fun. :)


After my first playthrough of ME2 I'll start working on getting 1000g in the first game. Then: same procedure with the second one.

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So here I am, probably wasted 5000 of my precious Element Zero just to get a new skill. Fucking annyoed because I only got the Loyalty Skill from Zaheed and it sucks arse. Now I need a different loyal member and another 5000 Element Zero. :blank:

You think that's bad, I accidentally bought the same loyalty skill twice.

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