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^ You're beginning to piss me off now. There is no such thing as an inferior gender. We are both equal. Don't you realise that you are the one being sexist by claiming one is superior to the other? It's attitudes like the one you are displaying which mean things like sexism and other -isms remain in use and remain part of society's attitude. It's a disgusting attitude to hold. Don't care what you say in defense, it's wrong to proclaim one gender as being better than the other because it is simply not true. [/rant]


Apologises to others as it had to be said although I'm sure it'll go unnoticed.


But we're not equal though, the idea of sexual equality was invented by the feminists, and only supported by men as a token gesture. The truth is women are superior, and what is wrong with a little sexism towards men, women have had to endure it for thousands of years.

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You can't go around saying its time for women to be a little sexist, that's just as bad if not worse because lessons should have been learnt.


Although regarding the medical advances allowing women to have babies without men, I read a newspaper article on a plane a few years ago about how it will be possible within next 30 years or so making us men obsolete :o Looks like we better start helping with the cleaning to show we have some use! Lol.

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But we're not equal though, the idea of sexual equality was invented by the feminists, and only supported by men as a token gesture. The truth is women are superior, and what is wrong with a little sexism towards men, women have had to endure it for thousands of years.


Well its retrogressive. Its unfortunate that women have been the victim of sexism for many centuries, as it is unfortunate that other minorities have been the victims of prejudice, but simply turning the tables isn't progress. We're supposed ot learn from our mistakes, not make them again.


And as Nightwolf says (or at least as I interpretted it) if women were to then be sexist to men it would eventually piss the men off, and they'd recipricate. We'd end up going round one big Sadian circle of sexism.

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On a general level you're very aggressive regarding your situation. In this thread, yes, technically Moogle brought up the discussion about your gender, but you yourself started with the highly debatable remark about inferior and superior genders and presented it as fact. That's very aggressive, if you ask me, and is inextricably tied to your situation.


When speaking of truths, you need scientific evidence. And your attempts at proving your so-called truth are quite weak. But no matter, I wish not to derail this off-topic discussion even further when there's not sensible discussion to be had here.

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And as Nightwolf says (or at least as I interpretted it) if women were to then be sexist to men it would eventually piss the men off, and they'd recipricate. We'd end up going round one big Sadian circle of sexism.


Effectively yes, women are important, there's no doubting that, but for humans it's not who can do more, it's doing more together. Being of equal levels. Besides if men became obsolete and died out, how on earth would we be able to procreate? I can imagine we would run out of the means to do it pretty quickly.

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Actually if you look back on the thread you will see that it was Sheikah and Moogleviper that brought up my transgender status by trying to belittle it, I was just being on the defensive.


Give them an idea of their own self worth you mean.


You brought this all on yourself by a) insulting men in general and b) stating that you were suddenly not one of those 'worthless' men anymore that you just insulted (despite you seemingly looking exactly like a man and acting how you always have).


Basically a case of pot calling kettle black. It's like a whale having surgery to try become a dolphin, then trash taking whales and saying they're all a bunch of douchebags.

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You brought this all on yourself by a) insulting men in general and b) stating that you were suddenly not one of those 'worthless' men anymore that you just insulted (despite you seemingly looking exactly like a man and acting how you always have).


Basically a case of pot calling kettle black. It's like a whale having surgery to try become a dolphin, then trash taking whales and saying they're all a bunch of douchebags.


to be fair - it was a bit silly insulting men in a forum of approx 98% men...

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Effectively yes, women are important, there's no doubting that, but for humans it's not who can do more, it's doing more together. Being of equal levels. Besides if men became obsolete and died out, how on earth would we be able to procreate? I can imagine we would run out of the means to do it pretty quickly.


As Ellmeister was saying earlier, advances in medical science will make men obsolete in our lifetime.


You brought this all on yourself by a) insulting men in general and b) stating that you were suddenly not one of those 'worthless' men anymore that you just insulted (despite you seemingly looking exactly like a man and acting how you always have).



I never used the word worthless, I used the word inferior, which is only an insult if you want it to be. A porsche is inferior to a ferrari, but it's still a decent car, right?

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Women are not superior to men. Men are not superior to women.


You can judge if one is more superior than the other in certain respects, however. Even then, it would be on average, generalising. And there's no point in that.


I mean, the one thing that would make women inferior to men would be their tendency to be absolute bitches/bitch about people. But that's a massive generalisation. Most girls I know exhibit atleast a little bit of that behaviour, and I think it just comes with the territory of multiple girls al vying for attention.


But then that's a generalisation. A woman could say that all men they know are jerks in some respect, but again, generalisation.


It all balances out, with neither being superior to the other.

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As Ellmeister was saying earlier, advances in medical science will make men obsolete in our lifetime.


Shall we all turn lesbian now then and be done with it? I don't see why my sexuality should have to be changed.


It would also make myself obsolete, if I don't wish to have children, does that make me an inferior person to some women who does infact have the guts to have a child. What about women who physically cannot procreate? Are they are inferior as men too?

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Shall we all turn lesbian now then and be done with it? I don't see why my sexuality should have to be changed.


You could always get a rabbit, or a blow up doll.


With cloning and stuff, why is it just men that become obselete?


Why would these artificial embryos have to grow inside a real womb, when there's perfectly good test-tube babies being born?


Cloning isn't procreation, it's re-creation.

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Cloning isn't procreation, it's re-creation.


Yeah, but surely eventually, scientists could randomify DNA in each child being created, to give the illusion of mother nature dealing everyone different cards?


Or maybe we'll end up like Aeon Flux. Which could be a joke.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if men are at some point no longer needed in the act itself, don't we still not need BOTH sperm and eggs to procreate?


Besides, it's not in the biological area we should be discussing this. Men and women are generally (and all this is going to be generalisation, which should actually just help inforce my point) different. The way they think is different, the way they act is different. These differences compliment each other, balance each other out. This sounds all philosophical, but there does indeed seem to be some deeper meaning to the fact to create a human being you need to combine a man and a woman, the male and the female, two halves of a whole. Yin and Yang, people.

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Even if we reached a point where natural sperm was not needed (which I don't see happening, and besides couldn't it just as hypothetically go the other way and natural embryos aren't needed, or both) I can't for a second imagine everyone would just accept this unless there was a Y: The Last Man type of sitch (ie all men died suddenly). As a race we're incredibly worried about 'playing god'. Cloning is still a taboo, yet alone negating the need for a whole gender.


Furthermore, as Nightwolf said, women need men (and men need women too) for more than re-creation. We all need provide each other with procreation, emotional support, spiritualism, intellectual engagement and many more things. The female gender isn't going to upsticks and turn lesbian en-masse.

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I never used the word worthless, I used the word inferior, which is only an insult if you want it to be. A porsche is inferior to a ferrari, but it's still a decent car, right?

A Porsche owner would probably consider that to be an insult.

Why is everyone arguing with rok? He's an ignorant, arrogant prick who is purely trying to cause an argument.

Yes, this post helps. :blank:

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I never used the word worthless, I used the word inferior, which is only an insult if you want it to be. A porsche is inferior to a ferrari, but it's still a decent car, right?


It's only inferior by whatever criteria you personally judge it to be.


Generally, men are more muscular, hence stronger and faster, than women, so, from a physical perspective, men are superior.


Is there anyway this whole argument can be dropped as it's essentially troll vs people who don't really give a shit? Get back to the topic, people!

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This is a wholly ridiculous conversation.


Saying that women are better than men, or vice versa, is akin to saying legs are better than arms: you can argue the individual merits all you want, but at the end of the day we're a lot better off for having both.

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Why is everyone arguing with rok? He's an ignorant, arrogant prick who is purely trying to cause an argument.


Pots and kettles darling.


You know the problem with all this equality business, it's that everyone just accepts it without any facts to back it up. There may have been a shift in things, but we are nowhere near equality, men still hold the majority of positions of power, and when women are offered a hand up to get themself anywhere men cry sexism.

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