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We have a pets thread - and its even on the first page!


Fish are deceptively difficult to keep. If the balance of the water goes they get all sorts of sickness and disease. One of my fish had a huuuuge tumour on the side of it (to the point where it was knocking of the poor things centre of balance) and it died recently.


I do love them however. My uncle breeds tropicals and he had 4 tanks full of baby discus fish. So cuuuuute. :3


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Our dog has not enhanced our lives yet. How long does it take until it starts being more than just a hindrance to one's life? It's young, but I'm so bored of it pointlessly shitting beside the mat it's supposed to.


[/callous, but doesn't really see the point]

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Well it's my sister's dog, really. I didn't want a dog, nor do I dislike having one now we do. It's just perturbing.


I'd rather have a baby. I want children by any means necesary in the future. I don't understand people who say they don't want children.


But then I worked out I want children at least in part because I need something to continue on as evidence of my existence after I die. I might have to deal with that if I end up having to adopt or something.

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Heh I love my dog. As a puppy she could be a bit annoying as she would bite anything and anyone, and made a mess of things.


But honestly, if you train your dog (use treats!) it will know where to poop quite fast. Our dog knows to poop and pee in her pen, so she will run all the way there, then come running back to receive a treat. She's so clever that she even does it in two turns: goes to pee first, come back for treat, then run back to poop and receive another treat. =P


Yesterday I got to give her a present as well. Had wrapped up a new squeaky toy for her. She ran around with it for ages, still wrapped up (but of course already squeaking like crazy). Eventually she tore off the paper and proudly held onto her new gift haha.





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