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This thread has brought me many laughs. And giggles. And snorts.


Man, Eenuh is more awesome that I thought she was. This is a brilliant thread!


Though on the subject of long hair, how long is too long?


Of course I'm awesome, tssssk! Where have you been that you hadn't noticed that before? =P


And this is a personal opinion, but any hair that reaches past your ears is too long. Actually, even before it reaches the ears. Though maybe it depends on the haircut. But yeah, for me personally, I don't like long hair on guys at all; short hair FTW!


Ine certainly is good at giving advice. :)


I thought of Inevestigation about the same time I read Dan Dare's post. :p


I would ask if I should get started on doing some of the terrible amounts of schoolwork I have for Monday, but I already know the answer - and I know I don't want to hear it.


You know it! Time to get working you! *cracks whip*


I've only just got it. There's been a few times recently where I've missed a few things. I think I'm...


...maturing. *shudders*


Don't worry, I still don't get it! =D




Also, playing with my name in words is fun. My old site was actually called Inespiration.com. Yes. It was awesome.

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Of course I'm awesome, tssssk! Where have you been that you hadn't noticed that before? =P


And this is a personal opinion, but any hair that reaches past your ears is too long. Actually, even before it reaches the ears. Though maybe it depends on the haircut. But yeah, for me personally, I don't like long hair on guys at all; short hair FTW!


I did notice! I just didn't realise you were even more awesome than I thought! Though the hair thing upsets me, and leaves me nowhere the wiser with my hair, which is currently beyond my shoulders when straightened! Though Dan's suggestion of 'as long as you can look after' is quite good, but it'd mean I have to have tiny hair cos it's the most awkward mop evar. Anyway, this isn't a thread about my hair, so I shall let it continue...


I do need another decision though...nutella/cheap imitation chocolate spread or peanut butter(smooth or nutty too?)? I've been having the former for a good few years now, but I used to eat peanut butter as a kid all the time I was so hooked, and I recently had some again and have a serious hankering but I'm afraid I'll eat too much...

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Eenuh (btw, are Eenuh and Ine pronounced the same way? In my head they are), should I quit my job? On one hand the economy is in the shit and getting new ones are hard, but its only part time, I'm not in desperate need of money, the work sucks, it takes up my whole weekend leaving very little time for doing stuff with friends and I hate 90% of the people there.

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