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The Wrasslin' thread


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cena vs hbk was good...kane vs orton was ok..


yea there was some intruptions and chatting but its just in build up to future stuff


y2j got "fired" (he'll be back very soon no doubt)


ted jr joining legacy


and the annoucement that austin will be in the hall of fame.


thought was good raw



me and bro will be there when austin gets inducted to HOF :D

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Watched Raw for the first time in nearly a year yesterday and my god it's absolutly atrocious. I think it's the worst I've ever seen WWE... Unimpressed.


I bet thats largely because you want to hate it. I was the same. I'd watch it thinking "im so over this" but now im back into it i see the good more than the bad. Plus you're always thinking back to the glory days and thats never good. It wont ever be like that, not for our generation anyway. There are new superstars now and new upcoming stars. I think i had to accept that before i could even try and like it.

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The Monday Night Wars are long dead. WWE have no need to try and do something amazing to pull in the viewers every week so they won't bother. TNA need to become a proper rival, like WCW was back in the day, before WWE do anything as good as it was back in the Attitude "Error".



Stone Cold being inducted into the Hall of Fame...'bout time. Nobody managed to revolutionise the industry like he did. Good for him. :smile:

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I think he was forced into retirement from injuries. His knees were pretty bad and I doubt his neck has ever been that good since that botched piledriver.


I reckon that, had he not been put into retirement, he might have continued in the WWE for a few years longer. He might have packed it in by now anyway, but Ric Flair proved you can still wrestle even when you're over 50.

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His knees and neck injury have alway caused him trouble. But the thing is, he was still exciting regardless. I liked it even when he was on the show but just talking and stuff as he;s funny as hell. Plus theres nothing stopping him doing a stunner once or twice a month is there? It's my favourite move ever! Followed closely by the Rock Bottom of course. This is quite fin actually, what are your top 5 favourite moves? Mine would be...


1: Stone Cold Stunner

2: Rock Bottom

3: Swanton Bomb

4: Pedigree

5: Shooting Star Press (but no-one does it anymore)


I quite like Jericho's new Codebreaker as well. That looks painful! And Sweet Chin Music is always a favourite. Hmm, picking the best is quite hard!

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Evan Bourne does the Shooting Star Press. Try and find a vid of him performing it. Absolutely amazing! :o


My fav finishers:


1. Stone Cold Stunner

2. Rock Bottom

3. Pedigree

4. RKO

5. Sweet Chin Music

6. Swanton Bomb

7. Shooting Star Press

8. The Last Ride

9. Mandible Claw

10. STFU (But only for its ingenious name.)

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F5 was good. Still cant believe Brock Lesnar left to play in the NFL. What happened to him in the end? Did he make it on a team?


I find the Clothesline from Hell a bit lame to be honest though. GTS is pretty mean, in fact it looks like a move that actually hurts. He broke someones nose the other week =/


I do like Christian's Imprettier though (i think its that not Unprettier). Its a very cool move. Speaking of TNA, i have to mention Styles Clash. Thats a cool move. And of course they have Angle with the Olympic/Angle Slam. He does the best Moonsault i've ever seen too. I would list the best Submission moves but the Ankle lock wins every time.

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BME (Best moonsault ever) by christopher daniels is best at them i think :)


Brock lesnar is in UFC think hes the champ there at the mo


Sometimes the clothesline doesnt look all that good but most the time he hits it and it looks devestating


yea styles clash is awesome (if top 10 included tna would have but it at number 5 or so)

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Crippler Crossface, Ankle Lock and Walls of Jericho (the version he did to Cena when he ambushed him. The one that actually looks like it hurts), are my favourite submission moves. Also, that submission maneuver Edge does once in a while (not a finisher, but pretty sweet)


As for normal finishers, RKO, Stunner, Rock Bottom (any good variation), Sweet Chin Music, F-5, Goldberg's Spear, Jeff's Swanton, Styles Clash, Canadian Destroyer, Angel's Wings (does he still do it?), MuscleBuster, etc.

I also like a well-done Batista Bomb, but it has been looking weak for quite a while (last good one was against Umaga)

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Swaggers been on ECW for awhile now... don't think he crossed over to Raw or Smackdown though (maybe a few times). As far as I remember I think he;s also undefeated, but I don't recall him being put in with anyone other than jobbers, seeing him get a push like that is a bit sudden... but just proves that the ECW title is considered 2nd tier, no way a 1st tier title would change hands in such a situation even if he was undefeated.


My guess is they could be freeing Matt up for the Royal Rumble match... could be he wins that and goes to Wrestlemania either to go for the World Heavyweight Title while Jeff defends the WWE title and ending Wrestlemania with the Hardys holding both titles.... or maybe even a brother vs brother match for the WWE title?

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Dont put such thoughts in my head Franklin! I would love it if they had both titles, but even a match against each other would be awesome (so long as Jeff wins :P)


RAW was good. Awesome match between HBK and John Cena. The rest was a bit crap, apart from Jericho getting fired, but we all know he will be back. Next week should be sweet with Vince, and its the last show before the Rumble :)

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My Top 10 Finishers Ever Areeeee....


1. Tombstone Piledriver. Not a single mention off you guys (that I could see...pffft!)

2. Chris Benoit's Diving Headbutt

3. Rock Bottom

4. Stone Cold Stunner

5. Mandible Claw

6. Pedigree

7. Chris Jerricho's old Lionsault (moonsault)

8. Downward Spiral

9. Last Ride

10. Swanton Bomb

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must be a reason why they had matt drop the title close to the rumble.


i do wonder if they will have him win the rumble as mr mokong said. Last few years thou it has been won by TOP superstars hbk and taker and cena so hopefully it will be a unpredictable up and comer this time.

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aye that was 2005 that was the last time a up and comer won it.


last two years its been won by the number 30 entry (cena and taker) they better not have no.30 win again.....for a long time


Would love to see a no 1 entrant win it. But i think we will see a no 30 entrant win again. But i would like to see an unpredictable winner though.


WWE have confirmed Victoria will be retiring after this weeks Smackdown after her match with Michelle McCool.

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WWE have confirmed Victoria will be retiring after this weeks Smackdown after her match with Michelle McCool.


Shame, she's a great wrestler :(


No doubt Michelle will lose but somehow end up beating Victoria up afterwards on her current mean streak.

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