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The Wrasslin' thread


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I dunno man, Mania is looking like a bit of a bore so far.


Rock v Cena - Meh - Annoying as you just know Cena is going to win.

Punk v Taker - Will be good, but just such a negative feeling Taker's streak ends, and this annoys me.

HHH v Lesnar - Will be good, but another repeat.

ABR v Swagger - Meh - don't understand the push for Swagger to be a champion contender.


Okay there are a lot of matches yet to me confirmed, but still.

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To be honest, I'm not too fussed on Rock vs Cena, so much for once in a lifetime. I don't understand Swaggers push either, I thought Jericho would have won the Elimination Chamber, ABR vs Jericho could have been interesting. I don't want Takers streak to end either, but it makes sense what you said, Punk being able to brag about finally ending the streak.

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hmmm It might be quite early but I'm finding these days The wwe is begging for more "special" matches.


I always preferred it when they would randomly announce "hell in a cell" etc rather than it being it's own event.


This WM seems to just be ordinary single matches so far.. I'd like switch it up a bit.




Here is my favourite wrestlemania 17 (2001). Look how it breaks up the pace.

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I stopped following WWE/WWF/WWWHAT years ago, but the death of Paul Bearer really, really sucks.


As an offshoot of this thread, do any of you follow Videogame Championship Wrestling? In a nutshell, it's a regular WWE style Internet show featuring CPU matches between famous anime, gaming and TV personalities which have all been created in the Smackdown character creator.


The matches and out of the ring "storylines" are often hilarious. Look it up on YouTube if you're interested.

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Thats what Mania is missing, a mix-up of matches. Using Mania 17 as reference, we had the IC title opener with Jericho vs Regal. A good paced opener indeed. Then a 6-man tag featuring the APA and Taz vs the RTC (a top heel team in the day), then the Hardcore Triple Threat. Then the EU title with Test vs Guerro, another good match. Then Angle vs Benoit. Then the McMahon Street fight, followed by the TLC match. Then a gimmick battle royal followed by Taker-Triple H 1 and the WWE title match with Austin vs Rock (again, all Rumble winners should take this spot vs champion.


Now what have we got, a bunch of 1 v 1 matches with little to no build.

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So CM Punk to end Taker streak then. He better fucking not :(


Taker has practically said that he wants Punk to end the streak, but in the light of the death of Paul Bearer, i'd say hold off the end-of streak until next year.


The way it's going, Punk claims to be the best in the world. Taker respects Punk and has said in the locker "he's the one to end the streak". So who knows.

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Taker respects Punk and has said in the locker "he's the one to end the streak". So who knows.



Wow. Didn't know that.




I wonder if at the end of the match, If Punk does win, will he be sporting and acknowledge taker and do the whole respect thing... Like the Hogan / Rock match where after they were both on great terms.



Or if he's 'Heel' He'll just be a douche.



I'm hoping if he wins he does the respectful thing and give taker some well deserved credit.

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If Punk does end the streak I'm sure it would have been because Taker allowed him to do it. Considering how much of an honor that would be and how it would cement Punks name in the history books then Taker better have said it happens on condition Punk breaks out of his heel character for a bit and show some proper in-ring respect.


That said I do still hope Taker wins and keeps the streak. The legend he is he deserves to retire with that intact!

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Are they, that's bad.


Yeah sorry dude shoulda spoiler-ed really, my bad.



Taker opened Raw apparently and was paying respects to Bearer by doing his old school Undertaker routine of down on one knee hand in the sky towards an urn in the centre of the ring.


Punk comes out and rants about Takers Mania record and how Paul would of always known him as unbeaten, but after Mania everyone else would seem him with 1 loss.. blah blah WM hype...


Kane comes out and attacks Punk for disrespecting Taker & Bearer




In the final match Kane is against Punk. Kane wins, Taker comes out and on the titantron does his one knee drop thing again, Kane does the same in the ring and both doing it towards and Urn, Punk attacks Kane from behind, kindnaps the Urn then does the one knee pose thing that Taker & Kane do with a horrible smile on his face.



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Well, in a way it's pretty standard procedure, the heels are mocking everything in order to gain heat, be it injuries or in this case death. I think it was Mick Foley who said that Vince will do anything, if it's good for business.

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Well looks like Wrestlemania will have one match worth caring about. The Shield Vs Orton, Sheamus & Ryback




Ziggler beating Kane sucked, Does Big E actually ever have single's matches himself, I've yet to see him wrestle this year since I've started watching again.





One of my friends gave me this to keep -





So amazing re-capping some of Raws most memorable moments. Loved watching The Rock vs Mankind for the WWF title in 1999, Mankind backed by D-X and Rock backed by The Corporation.


So you've got some massive stars in and around the ring, then to top it off Austin comes down and smashes Rock over the head with a chair and Mankind picks up his first WWF title. The match was incredible, so brutal. The commentator table being used, the stairs. Just amazing, I miss that type of WWF/E.


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Stip for the Triple H - Lesnar match revealed as
Retirement for Triple H if he loses, not that he will.



Lesnars appearances will be up after Wrestlemania and this is the way to get him to 'quit'


I'd of thought HHH would lose this, but somehow re-appear in time for next years wrestlemania.





Ryback no longer featuring in the 6 man tag team against the shield at Mania.... instead he's facing Mark Henry...





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