Letty Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 1. Beating a random guy in HMV at a game of Soul Calibur 4. It was awesome. I destroyed him at 3 rounds. In front of a few people waiting to play. I hope he was sufficiently humiliated. 2. Finishing DMC 4. I know in terms of gameplay, it was mediocre, and in terms of storyline, it was awful. And I definetly know that in terms of dialogue, it was absolutley poor. But being the fangirl I am - I /loved/ Nero. So sexy >.< 3. My 360 being delivered back to my house. Just in time for Fable II!
The Bard Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 1. Other people getting to play Chrono Trigger, and thus significantly diminshing my status as a rambling madman whenever I go on about it 2. Simultaneously getting a second arcade stick and the release of SF2T: HD Remix. As a result, I've got so many uni friends addicted to Street Fighter. Awesome! 3. Finally getting my hands on Gears 2. Wooo. Now I just need to start playing multiplayer...=D
Goron_3 Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 1. Other people getting to play Chrono Trigger, and thus significantly diminshing my status as a rambling madman whenever I go on about it 2. Simultaneously getting a second arcade stick and the release of SF2T: HD Remix. As a result, I've got so many uni friends addicted to Street Fighter. Awesome! 3. Finally getting my hands on Gears 2. Wooo. Now I just need to start playing multiplayer...=D Which arcade stick are you using btw? I want SF2T:HD remix but the 360's d-pad...eugh.
The Bard Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 There's only one good one available for the 360 atm. It's the Hori EX2. I got it from Amazon.co.uk for 40 quid brand new. Got two of em now. They've gone down in price actually, I got my first one for 80 quid, but that's when they were discontinued for a while. Definitely get yourself one .
Chris the great Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 having played world at war today i could make a list of 2008 greatest gaming moments based entierly on the opening few levels of that. and i will 3. guilt. after a battle i was survaying that damage, saw a group of dead nazis, all horribly disfgured by the grenade id hit them with, seeing there mangled bodies made me feel like a bastard, and realise once again just how awful war really is. 2. shooting a flamethrowers fule tank. that was increadable, and took out a small group of em 1. bayonetting a japanise guy. he ran at me, trying to stab me, i got there first. un belivable to see a man stopped, a look of shock on his face, then drop to his knees dying, only to have me bayonette him again. anouther god war is awful moment, mostly due to stuperb animation.
jayseven Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 1. Completing the Rock Band ultimate set list with nami and shorty. Took an age and lots of swearing but we did all seventysomething songs without melting the xbox. The rest of my list'd just be what everyone else has said RE: Braid/Fallout 3
ipaul Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 3. Playing Oblivion Begrudge the game a little bit now because of how long it is taking me to complete but when I was playing through this initially I just couldn't stop playing it. So many different quests to get on with. Shame that they only use about 5 voices in the entire game. 2. Bioshock Just in here becuase I thought it had a lot of character. Nice to play and extremely atmospheric at times, though not without it's flaws. Difficulty curve springs to mind. 1. Getting Xbox live Was never too fussed for online gaming until I really tried it. Very easy to use and adds a lot more value to existing games. Makes me so glad I sold my Wii to get a 360 Wii fanboy incoming alert
Domo Kun Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 1. Metal Gear 4 2. Replaying Metal Gear 4 3. GTA 4 How generic of me... I wish I could say I really enjoyed Sleuth and Monkey Island 2. Edit: Okay I admit it, 1 = ABBA Singstar.
Wesley Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 1. Starting Braid 2. Shooting for the first time in GTA4 3. Finishing Braid
dwarf Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 3. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - Graphic powerhouse...What a game, I never could have imagined how good it is! Incredible incredible racing game. PS3 owners must buy! 2. Resistance 2 Just picking people off in 60 player online match with a friend - Brilliant 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 - The whole thing was magical. One moment in particular made me smile and cry at the same time. "You discover the Shadow Moses helipad again and you're greeted with epic music, you wonder around and the scene that got me was where you see the Surveillance camera in a flash back and then it falls off the wall and you see a glint of sorrow in Snakes eye. Amazing stuff"] Honourable mentions Fallout 3 - One of my favourite games this year, just a QUALITY game. VATS still hasn't got old and there's always new things to do and kill. LittleBigPlanet - brilliant user-created content and I especially like the MGS add-on stuff. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - some really funny moments and beautiful environments. 'What's wrong? Never seen a U-Boat in the middle of a jungle before??'
Daft Posted December 27, 2008 Author Posted December 27, 2008 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 - The whole thing was magical. One moment in particular made me smile and cry at the same time. "You discover the Shadow Moses helipad again and you're greeted with epic music, you wonder around and the scene that got me was where you see the Surveillance camera in a flash back and then it falls off the wall and you see a glint of sorrow in Snakes eye. Amazing stuff"] One thing I loved about MGS4 is I swear that the graphics actually get better as you progress. The bit when you finally get through the microwave tunnel at the end and the ending fight just looked amazing. First time my jaw literally dropped. Sublime. I don't see game matching it for graphics for a while.
Shorty Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 3. Completing Mass Effect 1050/1050 2. Reliving classic GameBoy memories in HD through Bionic Commando: Rearmed 1. Completing the Rock Band ultimate endless set list with nami and shorty jayseven. Took an age and lots of swearing and pain but we did all seventysomething 58 songs without melting the xbox. Although it may have contributed to its current state of disrepair
Diageo Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 1. Super Smash Bros Brawl - First in black and white and then bought it again in colour XD 2. Discovering how absolutely awesome Guitar Hero 3 is and getting so good so fast I had my friends watching me with mouths agape. 3. Playing Littlebigplanet, that is a superb game!
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