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Factor 5 going belly up?


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If it is true, could that mean they weren't developing Icarus Wii? Because I don't see Nintendo letting them go under while they were handling one of their own IPs, especially one so desired as KI. Then again, there's plenty more second parties to load it onto...


After all this, I'm so glad Retro Studios are owned by Nintendo.

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PS3 kills another! The problem with gams like Lair and Haze are that they were so expensive to develop - when they didn't perform that was it, kinda like all or bust! Either way, Nintendo are overloaded with cash at the moment and I think they should Factor 5 as they were a great a developer, it was just Lair and their PS3 support that sucked.

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Great! In a few years Nintendo will be the only publisher/developer left. Then our only option at retail will be an archaic console and whatever Nintendo decides we are mature enough to play. I know im pumped!


Ok i went overboard there. Im glad Nintendo has found success with Wii, but them having a stranglehold on the market leaves 3rd parties in a bad predicament.


Can we have a universal console now? Please???

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Great! In a few years Nintendo will be the only publisher/developer left. Then our only option at retail will be an archaic console and whatever Nintendo decides we are mature enough to play. I know im pumped!


Ok i went overboard there. Im glad Nintendo has found success with Wii, but them having a stranglehold on the market leaves 3rd parties in a bad predicament.


Can we have a universal console now? Please???


No it doesn't leave 3rd parties in any predicament at all. Both those developers could have supported the Wii - Factor 5 went as far as to bad mouth it. Instead they supported financially risky alternatives, and when their products flopped they went down with them.


It's not Nintendo's fault. In fact both developers had a pedigree of making great games for Nintendo in the past and being successful - Factor 5 with it's Rogue Squadron games and original members of FR with Rare and later with TimeSplitters.


Maybe the developers should have stayed loyal to Nintendo? I know I'd have loved an exclusive FPS from FR and a new Rogue Squadron game from Factor 5!

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I think it's more the recession / credit crunch that's forced these companies to go bust.


Haze and Lair weren't exactly retail successes (Both sold okay mind you), but Sony put alot of money into the developement of the titles so I can't see the companies having been hit to hard by the sales either.


The problem was both companies couldn't output games quick enough to keep a steady income of revenue, and so when the global climate goes into a recession (Hit worse by the fact they're UK developers) the fact is they'll go under.

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I doubt you will find sympathy if you mention Lair or Haze. FR and F5 have made good selling games in the past but not recently.


That's part of the problem. Great content in the N64 era (for factor 5 certainly and of course members of free radical) and certainly last gen but this gen nothing massive. I think I might go and play some rogue squadron to remember the good old times.

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That's part of the problem. Great content in the N64 era (for factor 5 certainly and of course members of free radical) and certainly last gen but this gen nothing massive. I think I might go and play some rogue squadron to remember the good old times.


Loved the first and second one. Third was one was 'meh' (on foot was terrible)

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Loved the first and second one. Third was one was 'meh' (on foot was terrible)


yeah I acutally got rid of the third one I hated the on foot bits that much. It's at its best in ships, and N64 rogue squadron and the gamecube launch one are two of the best space combat games ever...

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yeah I acutally got rid of the third one I hated the on foot bits that much. It's at its best in ships, and N64 rogue squadron and the gamecube launch one are two of the best space combat games ever...


I think the Cube launch one game was the best out of the lot of them. Theres nothing like cranking the sound up and fighting in the Return of the Jedi battle over Endor. Flying around in the Falcon when the music hits and then taking on stupid amounts of Tie Fighters while dodging Star Destroyers in the process just made for a fantastic experience.

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*waits for some clever person to say Rogue Squadron looks better than all Wii games*


To be honest, however much of a Wii Fanboy I am, if Factor could have pushed the PS3 like they pushed the Gamecube then I would love to have seen a pure flying Rogue Squadron 4!!!


Lol, kinda true though... Factor 5 sure did know how to produce excellent graphics!


I feel like playing on them now!

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