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Girl Stuff- what would you do?


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Ok so I really don't know where to turn to so I am going to post on here. I have a girlfriend who I have had for the past 3 years. Recently though I havn't felt that same kinda feeling for our relationship and I really don't know what it is. But there is definitely something a miss.


However I have found myself attracted to a fried I work with for quite some time now. But obviously being in a relationship havn't done anything about it. I have also found this time very confusing and questioned my relationship etc...


At the staff christmas party the other night she told me that she liked me as well, and said damn you for having a girlfriend. That it was pretty obvious she liked me to and that she had for a really long time. She said sorry and that she shouldn't have told me and just to ignore as she was drunk. I told her I felt the same and she said where does that leave my girlfriend as if she found someone and was with them for years and found out I said that to her she would be devestated. I perhaps in hindsight should have not returned the sentiment...


This has left me really confused and wanting to talk with her more to see what she meant. If perhaps there is something there or I dunno...


Now the problem is I saw this girl the day after but it was at a staff meal and I didn't get the chance to talk to her as so many people were away. Do I try and contract her by sending a message on facebook, I don't want to add her as a friend for fear of problems it may cause... plus I don't even know if she uses facebook all that much, she is on there though...all I'd say is hope shes ok and ask her if we can talk sometime. I don't have her mobile number as lost it when my phone broke.


or do I leave it until the first day back at college (work- 5th January) and talk face to face with her?

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You're still in a relationship? Weren't you the guy who had the problem with your girlfriend where she and some guy robbed your e-mail accounts? Or am I thinking of someone else...


yeah wasn't me... I have posted on here once before saying about how we had hit a rut and wasn't feeling it, but that was a while back

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Ok so I really don't know where to turn to so I am going to post on here. I have a girlfriend who I have had for the past 3 years. Recently though I havn't felt that same kinda feeling for our relationship and I really don't know what it is. But there is definitely something a miss.


However I have found myself attracted to a fried I work with for quite some time now. But obviously being in a relationship havn't done anything about it. I have also found this time very confusing and questioned my relationship etc...


At the staff christmas party the other night she told me that she liked me as well, and said damn you for having a girlfriend. That it was pretty obvious she liked me to and that she had for a really long time. She said sorry and that she shouldn't have told me and just to ignore as she was drunk. I told her I felt the same and she said where does that leave my girlfriend as if she found someone and was with them for years and found out I said that to her she would be devestated. I perhaps in hindsight should have not returned the sentiment...


This has left me really confused and wanting to talk with her more to see what she meant. If perhaps there is something there or I dunno...


Now the problem is I saw this girl the day after but it was at a staff meal and I didn't get the chance to talk to her as so many people were away. Do I try and contract her by sending a message on facebook, I don't want to add her as a friend for fear of problems it may cause... plus I don't even know if she uses facebook all that much, she is on there though...all I'd say is hope shes ok and ask her if we can talk sometime. I don't have her mobile number as lost it when my phone broke.


or do I leave it until the first day back at college (work- 5th January) and talk face to face with her?

Do what feels natural, in the end your not gonna take our advice. You just want someone to tell you your decision is a good one.

Good luck no matter what you do.

You're still in a relationship? Weren't you the guy who had the problem with your girlfriend where she and some guy robbed your e-mail accounts? Or am I thinking of someone else...

I dont think thats him, but dont quote me on that.

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Ah right, too many people on here.


I would say don't even go to her yet since you already have a girlfriend. You might not really like the girl, but since you don't know her as well as your girlfriend she seems more of an interest and someone new.


If you really don't feel much for your girlfriend anymore then it's best to break up with her first rather than pursue other interests. It's not really fair on your girlfriend, and even if you're just adding her on facebook you ultimately know why you're doing this, so it's not a good idea.

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Ah right, too many people on here.


I would say don't even go to her yet since you already have a girlfriend. You might not really like the girl, but since you don't know her as well as your girlfriend she seems more of an interest and someone new.


If you really don't feel much for your girlfriend anymore then it's best to break up with her first rather than pursue other interests.


It's not as much to pursue other interests but just to check she is ok and stuff as well...


I do agree though I need to decide what to do with my girlfriend. Whether or not I tell her what has happened and that I have doubts.

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It's not as much to pursue other interests but just to check she is ok and stuff as well...


I do agree though I need to decide what to do with my girlfriend. Whether or not I tell her what has happened and that I have doubts.


Just make sure it's not that the 'freshness' of a new girlfriend (that sounded wrong) isn't just more tempting than the actual girl herself. It might just be lust driving you towards the woman. What do you know about her personality?

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You're feeling your relationship has gone stale, the pr0ness of the excitement of a new relationship with this lass has dwindled over the years.


The pr0ness of the excitement of a new relationship with this other lass does sound temptedings to you, but you should try something with your missus to reignite the flavour that you two find so appealing of each other.



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Just make sure it's not that the 'freshness' of a new girlfriend (that sounded wrong) isn't just more tempting than the actual girl herself. It might just be lust driving you towards the woman. What do you know about her personality?


I know her quite well we have been friends for a few years.


You're feeling your relationship has gone stale, the pr0ness of the excitement of a new relationship with this lass has dwindled over the years.


The pr0ness of the excitement of a new relationship with this other lass does sound temptedings to you, but you should try something with your missus to reignite the flavour that you two find so appealing of each other.




I can understand this. Similar things have happened in the past and we have reignited so to speak. But this has lasted much longer than before and doesn't feel like its going to change. I felt this way before the new girl said anything....


Sorry, but you've already sinned.


Save your girlfriend from any pain.


How have I sinned? Nothing happened with the girl I just admitted I had found myself having similar feelings. Nor will it... Perhaps I should have kept my feelings in check but then so should she knowing I have a girlfriend. I know I have a girlfriend and shouldn't go round saying things like that to other girls...

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Whatever you do, don't rush into anything - but you already know this.


I can easily imagine the situation, and I'm afraid I can only give you the answer you don't want to hear but probably know is the only right one: There is no easy way out. The only thing there is to do is follow your heart. But don't just react on the first the best impulse. Think things trough, try to find out what you're actually and truly feeling deep inside. Be honest to yourself and others.

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Hmm, it does seem like you have lost interest in your current relationship, and you're beginning to look elsewhere.


So, forget about this other girl for a second. You don't have her. You have someone else, so look at what you've got with her. Why aren't things they way they used to be? Maybe you've both become too comfortable, and as a result, neither of you are making that much of an effort anymore?


Look at that, and then look at what you can do to fix that. If it can't be fixed, only then should you start looking beyond what you have.

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Well all I can say is when you throw a fish back into the see, you most likely will never catch it again. If you make the decision to throw away what you have right now you have to be certain you can live with the consequences. Those being that if things don't turn out right between you and the new girl, there is nothing to return to. All I can say, is don't throw away a diamond for trash, only to then become trash yourself. (something like that need more work on my sayings)

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Straying is something I just can't comprehend for the life of me. When I've CHOSEN to be in a committed relationship, then I stay committed! What makes you think the feeling you have with your current girl won't arise with this new one?... Then the never ending cycle begins... Until you're like middle-aged and single wondering what went wrong.


No matter how bad things get, i'd never be serious about going after another person, only until we have both come to an agreement to end it and even at that stage it must have been something terrible. Stand by your loved one and work things out... I don't think this new girl is the answer. In fact, i'll bet on that.

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Straying is something I just can't comprehend for the life of me. When I've CHOSEN to be in a committed relationship, then I stay committed! What makes you think the feeling you have with your current girl won't arise with this new one?... Then the never ending cycle begins... Until you're like middle-aged and single wondering what went wrong.


No matter how bad things get, i'd never be serious about going after another person, only until we have both come to an agreement to end it and even at that stage it must have been something terrible. Stand by your loved one and work things out... I don't think this new girl is the answer. In fact, i'll bet on that.

Feelings are feelings, you can't control them. And if he doesn't ponder how he feels and what to do, how on Earth is he supposed to find out?

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Feelings are feelings, you can't control them. And if he doesn't ponder how he feels and what to do, how on Earth is he supposed to find out?


Discipline. Because once you get emotionally involved with another, its not just about you. Feelings are feelings, but just because I 'feel' like screwing that chick, I won't because I'm not selfish. Actually, i am in control of my feelings and I restrict them from running wild.

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Discipline. Because once you get emotionally involved with another, its not just about you. Feelings are feelings, but just because I 'feel' like screwing that chick, I won't because I'm not selfish. Actually, i am in control of my feelings and I restrict them from running wild.

Of course not, I'm not stupid. One must always consider the feelings of others as well. But you sounded like him even thinking about it made him guilty. And that I disagree with.

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