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Post Your Animal Crossing Pics!


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Redshell you saw the balloon man and the UFO! I still haven't seen either. I didn't think the UFO went by in the day? I saw a shadow recently and think I may have missed it :sad:


Darksnowman I think you've just posted some incriminating evidence as to who trapped Friga the other day :heh:


and Mat what are you doing posing for a picture when there's a present floating in the background!


A few pictures from me:










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First, Chip and I talk about this supposed "fishing" tournament.... Things don't look too good...



Whats he tying to insinuate here...??



Then Chevre tries getting in on the "fishing"action...



Then, although its hard to read, Tutu tries dealing me some dodgy stuff...



But yeah, Animal Crossing is a game for ages 3+ isn't it?!

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Nice pics Katie, the frog suit is just brilliant. :grin:

Still can't believe that you won the fishing tourney in my town though. :heh: Did you get a another trophy for it? I got a letter from the cat today, with a lovely phone as a present. :smile:


Also, what do you have to do for David's charm? I really like the sound of being able to find more gyroids, so would like to try that one out next time I visit his place.

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I feel a bit guilty about winning your tourny :blush: who knew I'd get another 7 so quickly! I got a letter and trophy from your Chip today, you can come visit it whenever you want.


You just have to plant a tree in David's town, I think he wants cedar saplings.

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Darksnowman I think you've just posted some incriminating evidence as to who trapped Friga the other day :heh:


Hey, maybe so but those pics are from ages ago, not the other day! I haven't trapped your villagers recently... it was defo Uros the other night that did it!


The frog outfit is class. "Can I cat it?"

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I think all those pics might show the 4 of us play a bit too often though...


The race is on for you and Redshell to capture Pekoe, I wonder if she'll end up in either of your towns!


I'll have to check my SD card I'm not sure how many pics I've taken lately.

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The race is on for you and Redshell to capture Pekoe, I wonder if she'll end up in either of your towns!
Ooooo, Mine hopefully! :wink:

Plus, Lucky is all packed up and ready to leave Saltopia so there will be a space soon. :yay:


In other news, I had a gargantuan shoe shine disaster today. Forget pink shoes, oh no it's much much worse than that... I took pics, will post them up next time I check my SD card. But let's just say, you don't want to be getting your shoes shined by style while wearing the frog hat. :shakehead


*Prays that Kicks will be in the city tomorrow to fix it* :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forgot to post about your last pictures Redshell! You certainly did go to town with selling at the flea market.


A few pictures of our gaming tonight...


Our "wedding" pictures. There was no official ceremony however we did have two witnesses!






and then me showing off my princess bird cage that Stevo got me! Not forgetting my frog from Adam and cat from Redshell.



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Haha yeah we had the witnesses but Uros couldn't even bring himself to look! Sadly we didn't get to consumate the marriage as I had to dash off to watch 24. We can play catch up and make up for lost time... or just go straight on to the honeymoon...! Atleast I got you a wedding present, but you "forgot" mine. :indeed:

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Lol at the Animal Crossing wedding. :laughing:


The shoe shine goes of your clothes, not your hat.
That's what I thought too, but then I started not changing my shirt, (that sounds weird :heh:) only hats. And would get a different shoe colour depending on which hat I was wearing. So it definitely does affect it.

Anyway, I got my red shoes now, so I'm happy. :smile:

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I try to bully my least favourite neighbours as often as possible



I have been trying to take a picture when he is jumping off the bridge. Close, but still not perfect.



Me bragging




Manolito's house I think.



My first money tree.


Want to know how much I got? It's way too much.

30 000 for each bag.


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My second Coelacanth which I wasn't even looking for.



Caught a scorpion. I hid behind a tree and equipped my net the scorpion attacked me but hit the tree. After that it didn't know where I was and I managed to sneak up behind and capture it.



These were a pain to catch in the DS version, seemed a bit easier in this one. I had seen a few earlier but they always disappeared after they flew off screen while I stopped to equip my net. Mysteriously.



This one was pure luck, I was hunting for beetles on the coconut trees and I was going to enter the house you see above me when I realised I ran past the tarantula, I turned around and swung my net which I thankfully had equipped and caught it before it could turn round and eat my face off. Makes up for the huge fish and beetle I missed moments before.



Now I've got 3 of the hardest bugs to get in the game.

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