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Yes that's right kids... I'm finally back.


I've been dwelling in the land on nada-interneticus for quite some time! But thanks to getting paid and all of these lovely things that come from having a job, I'm can gaze upon these shores once again.


So cmon... speak up you scoundrels! What's been going on.. tell me the news :heh:

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Whatever happened that you dissappeared! And does getting paid mean you found some sort of money gathering activity which the regular people refer to as a job? Not alot's been happening, really. Not that I'm aware of anyway, just the good ol' same ol' N-Europee :D

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Yeah apart from my now NOT girlfriend leaving the forum!


Yeah I started my job at SEGA (yes technically it's all in capitals) and had to move into London which has been raaaaather an expensive manueouve (sp?) I had a bit of a homing situation at first but that got sorted. Then an internet providing problem persisted but now I'm all set up and whole again (y'know bar the girlfriend thing...)

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Hey buddy! Nah I is back. Won't be on as much as I was but I was missing being here. But had no intermenets dammit!


Yep I'm testing at SEGA. Bottom of the food chain entirely right now, I'm on my second project right now and will likely be on a 3rd by Feb so yeah, my CV is racking up quickly.


I'm living in Ealing which is the nicest bit of London I've lived in so I'm not complaining but I have zip-all cash atm. Not many friends so far either in this neck of the woods and I forgot that when you're 20 something, in a new town, working full time AND have no money that meeting new people is v v v difficult.


Plus, the recent climate has not made me "whooo-happy" obviously. But I'm good, my head is just about working.

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Other people posted a lot, I didn't post much at all. As for the news, it would probably be quickest to read through Dante's old readouts.


:indeed: I'm glad somethings don't change.


But yeah, I feel all :yay: and stuff now. King_V's all growing up (and as I think I read has gained certain "tastes" for things that got described in a way that you don't want to read while eating food).


Nice to see all the old faces on the thread too! And blow me, do I see that we have yet another regularly posting female among us?


-I think they're... y'know... organised-

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Yeah apart from my now NOT girlfriend leaving the forum!


Yeah I started my job at SEGA (yes technically it's all in capitals) and had to move into London which has been raaaaather an expensive manueouve (sp?) I had a bit of a homing situation at first but that got sorted. Then an internet providing problem persisted but now I'm all set up and whole again (y'know bar the girlfriend thing...)


Ah, I was wondering who'd bring that up, most glad it was you though. Now everything makes a tiny bit more sense.

Where did you move from before London anyway, and what were you doing? How, in fact, did you get the job testing with SEGA! How is it, also? Got any sneaky gossip for us on some new and upcoming releases eh, eh?? :D

Also, plus side of London means you can definitely make the next London meetup! Whenever it gets arranged. Someone, er, should look into doing that. Yes. Hohumdiddly. *runs*


woo jamba is baccck ^_^, nice to see you!


Plus sega <3


edit: which female is this? I have to say now bluey has gone and nami hardly posts, neither do raining and eenuh, I demand we have more females.


Or somebody force me to have more of a social life.



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Hey buddy! Nah I is back. Won't be on as much as I was but I was missing being here. But had no intermenets dammit!


Yep I'm testing at SEGA. Bottom of the food chain entirely right now, I'm on my second project right now and will likely be on a 3rd by Feb so yeah, my CV is racking up quickly.


Awesome stuff! What are you working on with SEGA, or is it confidential? :heh:


woo jamba is baccck ^_^, nice to see you!


Plus sega <3


edit: which female is this? I have to say now bluey has gone and nami hardly posts, neither do raining and eenuh, I demand we have more females.


Or somebody force me to have more of a social life.


It's Molly, of course.

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Yarp! Cookie for Rummy!




Sega wa quite simple really. Website -> Job listing -> Application -> Interview


I was living with my folks before hand and working in N. Oxfordshire. I had to move to get the job but seriously, you don't really need any qualifications per say to get the job. Just knowledge, a good working attitude and a love for games really.


Awesome stuff! What are you working on with SEGA, or is it confidential? :heh:


Empire Total War atm.... was on Football Manager before. Obviously I can't really answer any questions about either without risking my job, not to mention the other projects that are in my office right now. I can feel you itching to pick up your notebook Nathan! :p

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Hi, Jameby.


Also, we've discussed it before. But, is it Jamba as in strawberry Jam. Or, is it like the Spanish pronounce the J's? Hamba!


To sum up the forum in your time away: It is nice.


Its after the character in Lilo and Stitch you uncultured swine! :p


Welcome back dude. I see you're living in London...maybe we can live together next year :p (note: this is me desperate for a housemate, not a come on)

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Welcome back.


I think as long as I am in french class I will remember you because your name reminds me of jambe which is french for leg and helped me on a recent exam :Þ


I never remember how to say "leg" in french, so I shall remember that.


Being Portuguese, Jamba just reminds me of Brazillian culture and annoying cellphone ads.

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Welcome back dude. I see you're living in London...maybe we can live together next year :p (note: this is me desperate for a housemate, not a come on)


Really? Ah shit... I don't even get the perks of being single! Why whats going on? You have a place but no flatmates? Or are you just looking to move into town?

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Im looking at moving into town when I start my postgrad in September (or during the summer I dunno yet). My current housemate is also moving there but living with her nan, and won't let me stay.


Thinking of going the random stranger route. There was an article in the London Paper (or whatever that one they force into your hands is called) when I was looking at Birkbeck.


Although my friend did cryptically text me the other day saying she may be able to do something but I'm not holding much faith in that.

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Aww, well, at least you're out on your own with a bit of independance in the world! More than I can say for myself, really :(

How long you been living in Ealing? London's quite a fun little town(I've been all over alot lately, and I'm over in west london near Kingston alot, though I dunno how far that is from Ealing). What are the people at work like? I imagine it's never cool or easy moving to a strange new place, I'm sure you'll find your feet soon!


EDIT:Stupid me, just realised you mentioned Birkbeck. How embarrassing.

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Nice to see all the old faces on the thread too! And blow me, do I see that we have yet another regularly posting female among us?


Guilty. Lovely to meet you Jamba! In case you were wondering, I don't think I'm Princess Leia, it was a joke and now I can't let her go.


Lots of love to Rummy and Tellyn :)

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Im looking at moving into town when I start my postgrad in September (or during the summer I dunno yet). My current housemate is also moving there but living with her nan, and won't let me stay.


Thinking of going the random stranger route. There was an article in the London Paper (or whatever that one they force into your hands is called) when I was looking at Birkbeck.


Although my friend did cryptically text me the other day saying she may be able to do something but I'm not holding much faith in that.


Where you planning on going to for the postgrad? I know a fair few guys up in and all over London, if I ever hear of a room near where you need to be, I'll give you a heads up! Assuming I don't go crazy and actually move out myself, that is :p

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Like others have said, not much happened.

I mean, King_V lost his virginity, but I think you were still here.


...That was soooooooo Juuuuune 2008. :heh:


:indeed: I'm glad somethings don't change.


But yeah, I feel all :yay: and stuff now. King_V's all growing up (and as I think I read has gained certain "tastes" for things that got described in a way that you don't want to read while eating food).


Nice to see all the old faces on the thread too! And blow me, do I see that we have yet another regularly posting female among us?


-I think they're... y'know... organised-


Welcome back mate. Bluey has also aided me in the form of a youtube video...so there! ;) But glad you're off the rocks... Its a beautiful thing when life gets you back to your usual habits of luxury. : peace:

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