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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


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I'm getting this today as a leaving/promotion present from work! Waaaaaay!! :D Probably going to play it though on easy first myself, so I can plough through the story without the frustration of repeated deaths, before I read any spoilers and because my girlfriend really liked watching the first game. Then I'll probably go through again on hard.

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I have got my copy only problem is I'm work till 5! But will be straight on with this when I get home...so what difficulty would people recommend to start on? considering I very well do a second playthrough...yet to on the first one for trophies actually.


Hard. Its not too bad, you can still absorb a bit of gunfire. Plus if you get really stuck you can just drop the difficulty down from the stage select screen.

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Hard. Its not too bad, you can still absorb a bit of gunfire. Plus if you get really stuck you can just drop the difficulty down from the stage select screen.


Yeah thats what ive started it on and its been no trouble so far.


I was on nightshift last night, finished at 6am and went straight to 24 hour ASDA to pick this up. I grabbed a McDonalds breakfast and then came back home and started playing and ive just stopped playing it now. Im well knackered :D

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Picked it up at about 12pm and played for about 2 hours or so. Up to Nepal, chapter 5 or something, so that may seem slow but I like to get a good look around the levels and have been trying to find the treasures.


So my synopsis so far: looks great (bought a HDMI cable just for it although it only outputs in 720p and not 1080p), plays well (although some of the little niggles I was worried about are there), controls are alright but the camera controls suck if you touch that right stick for looking around. But yeh, probably the best thing that I've played on my PS3 since I got it. Playing it on normal as this is the first time I've played a third person shooter on the PS3 so want to get used to it on that difficulty before upping it. Might take a dip into the multiplayer this evening if I can be bothered but when I have this, Brutal Legend and Dead Space Extraction to play through on the 3 consoles, each really has to get its turn.


If I increase the difficulty midway through playing the single player, do I get the trophy for playing on that increased difficulty or do you only get the trophy for the difficulty you started on instead of what you changed to?

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Any tips on how to get the 50 stealth kills and also the Trophy for killing 10 people with melee attacks after softening then up with gunfire?

Run up behind enemies and press Square to stealth kill; it won't work on the heavily armoured guys with face masks or minigun-toting basketball players. Dragging people off ledges — press Square when they're standing above you whilst hanging — and corner takedowns — press, you guessed it, Square when in cover and an enemy is patrolling near you — should count towards the Trophy as well.


To soften enemies up just run towards them whilst tapping R1 to fire a few shots into them then follow the lead up with an iron first. If you do it right you'll knock them down in a single punch/kick rather getting into a two-way fight. The difficulty you're playing on will affect how many bullets enemies can take, so just try to get a feel for how much punishment you need to dish out before going in for the kill.


If I increase the difficulty midway through playing the single player, do I get the trophy for playing on that increased difficulty or do you only get the trophy for the difficulty you started on instead of what you changed to?

It keeps track of the highest difficulty upon which you've completed each Chapter, so if you did switch up midway through the game you would have to replay the earlier levels on that difficulty to unlock the appropriate completion Trophy. It says in the selection menu the difficulty at which you've finished a Chapter so you don't have to keep track yourself.

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Any tips on how to get the 50 stealth kills and also the Trophy for killing 10 people with melee attacks after softening then up with gunfire?




Also, with the stealth kills. If you load up chapter 2 (the museum heist) there are a lot of stealth kills in there. Just get to a point where there is four or five people to stealth kill, then reload the checkpoint when the enemies have been stealthily despatched. Keep doing that until the trophy pops.

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Also, with the stealth kills. If you load up chapter 2 (the museum heist) there are a lot of stealth kills in there. Just get to a point where there is four or five people to stealth kill, then reload the checkpoint when the enemies have been stealthily despatched. Keep doing that until the trophy pops.


Same goes for weapon trophies. Reload checkpoint = WIN

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I finished this last night. My god... This is one of the best games I have ever played. I'd say it's the best game this generation, with maybe only Mario Galaxy in the same area.


Everything about it is full of polish and love. The animation is bloody fantastic, it has exceptional voice over work and the characters are so well portrayed that you get attached to them.


ARRGGHH! It's just crazily good. The levels are fantastic and it manages to mix up elements better this time than the first game. Man there's so many "holy fucking awesome" moments. I just... Man Naughty Dog just made one hell of a game.

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Well started it and love it! Only played about 40 mins but everything about it already is awesome but up a notch. The core gameplay is still there but with better graphics, better story telling and more besides.


One thing that struck me about the first game which I said on here alot is how organic and real the world seems. You don't feel like you are jumping around a world that has been constructed simply for platforming game mechanics, you feel like you are in a fully breathing world with real buildings, environments and situations (in case of the opening climbing part of the game) that just happen to be in a video game. It's something naughty dog have really nailed and not sure how many other games if any have done it as well...

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I've just finished it and all I can say is EPIC!


Mario Galaxy? *shrugs shoulders* Call of Duty 4? meh. Halo 3? pfft. All of these games simply cannot touch Uncharted 2 in anyway, shape or form its simply that good. Everything has been polished to perfection and its set a standard that honestly I don't think many developers will be able to match let alone beat this.


When playing this game I was completely drawn into the world of Drake. The music, which is one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a game, really sets the tone for each enviroment you are in. The graphics are simply second to none with everything looking stunning. The story and voice acting are amazing and the quailty of the work really helps you care for the characters. This is game making of the highest order.


This is what I wanted from this generation of gaming, a game that can deliver on all fronts. You don't need no motion controls to immerse yourself in a game, you need a team of developers you care about their product and set themselves a high standard and then meet that standard and then some. Naughty Gods indeed!


Im off to mop up my final kill trophies on the easiest difficulty and then I will start Crushing mode! Bring on the pain.


Oh one last thing....Clowns LOL.

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Got myself up to the train chapters. Very impressed with this bit, although it is getting a little stale, wondering when the hell you're going to get to the front of it, if that's what you're doing. Also impressed that the game manages to run at a silky smooth frame rate here as well. Given the presentation, I'd have thought there might have been some slow down but no. So yeh, very impressed.


I did manage to glitch the game earlier though. Think it was in the chapter leading up to the hotel and I stood around the corner of this building with railings on the left, riot shield in hand and grenades landing in front of me. One goes off and I shoot through the scenery and I'm left hanging on the interior of the building with no way back other than to reload at the checkpoint. Was rather strange. Only problem I've come across but it's nothing big.

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Apart from a couple a tight fights Crushing wasn't that much harder than playing it on Hard. Despite what many have been saying I still think it was more difficult than the first due to the amount of enemies you encounter and fights you get in to.


I checked the store when I'd finished and surprisingly I had enough cash to buy eveything, even had a spare 50k when I was done. :D

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Apart from a couple a tight fights Crushing wasn't that much harder than playing it on Hard. Despite what many have been saying I still think it was more difficult than the first due to the amount of enemies you encounter and fights you get in to.


I checked the store when I'd finished and surprisingly I had enough cash to buy eveything, even had a spare 50k when I was done. :D


Which difficulty do you think is best for the game?

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