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Tesco's in Chepstow have now stopped selling any other games other than Wii and DS games.


That was the only place to get 360 games in a shop without going to Newport. Wonder if all Tesco's that arn't Extra's are following suit?


I've noticed something similar happening here. The local 'normal' Tesco has loads of Wii and DS games and one shelf with 360 games, while the 'Extra' stocks every format. Bit of a pain for 360 and Sony owners having to travel further for their game.

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There's still hope for Zack and Wiki!...




This is the last bit of news that comes from Capcom Product Manager Colin Ferris…


On doing anything again with Zack & Wiki/similar approach to gameplay:


“Well, you know, Zack and Wiki…Another one in a long line of very highly rated Capcom games that unfortunately did not sell very well. We can take a part of the blame on ourselves by having it star a shirtless boy pirate. That is actually a personal favorite of a lot of people in Capcom, so don’t be surprised if you see it again but we have nothing in the works at the moment.”

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I certainly won't be surprised. I've always maintained it's one of those weird little games that would get an unexpected sequel - in a similar way to No More Heroes.


Not because Capcom knows it's a fan favourite, but because Capcom seems to make decisions as a company based of whatever the executives may read in fortune cookies.

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A cheaper-to-produce, cooler and less noisy Wii hardware revision is on its way:


We got a word from a tipster (who frequently tips off Chinese trade paper Digitimes), that Nintendo will be refreshing Wii internal hardware this summer, with 65nm versions of both its CPU and graphics chips, while clock rates would stay the same.


Currently, the IBM PowerPC based CPU is made on a 90nm process and the ATI “Hollywood” GPU is likewise 90nm. Both companies have been making 65nm chips for over a year, while ATI also has 55nm working technology as well.


Furthermore, thanks to the new chips, the Wii is said to be “passively-cooled”, meaning it won’t require any fans.


Considering how cheap flash memory is these days, it would be easy to assume that Nintendo would increase the 512 MB internal flash storage as well. However, according to the source, the new version of the Wii would have no other hardware changes besides 65nm technology and new heat sinks for cooling.


It makes perfect sense for Nintendo to go 65nm, as both Sony and Microsoft have updated their CPUs to 65nm (in Microsoft’s case, the GPU as well) and are currently working towards 45nm. Compared to 90nm, the 65nm manufacturing process not only brings lower power consumption and cooler processors, but substantially reduces manufacturing costs as well. However, as usual, there is no official word from Nintendo. Considering that the company still hasn’t released the official Wii specs, it’s unlikely that they’ll share the news of 65nm parts.


We’ll only know when someone dissects their new Wii this summer.



Not increasing the flash memory makes sense. That would only piss of the 50 million who have bought Wii so far and would just cause confusion like all the different PS3 and X360 SKU's.

Edited by Ren of Heavens
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The funny thing is that they really don't need to go down to a 65nm chip because the power consumption of the console is so low any way that it can't make that much of a difference. If they're going to do it it will be to reduce their manufacturing costs to increase their profits. And they definitely won't touch the internal memory unless they have something in place for those with the current version of the Wii.

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Wow. It really is a crying shame there is no HD on the Wii because those looked nice, with the exception of Mario Kart Wii which looked pretty bad. Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom looked stunning and looked as good as SFIV in its respective video. But lets not dwell on what the Wii doesn't have and focus on what it does have.

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Have you got Final Fantasy on both the DS and the Wii? Just curious that's all. I have been thinking of picking it up but on the DS because the Wii version is getting quite a bit of stick. And plus I loved Rings of Fate on the DS. Might pick it up in a couple of months after exams and a general break from games.

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Have you got Final Fantasy on both the DS and the Wii? Just curious that's all. I have been thinking of picking it up but on the DS because the Wii version is getting quite a bit of stick. And plus I loved Rings of Fate on the DS. Might pick it up in a couple of months after exams and a general break from games.


I bought it on the Wii, Ike bought it on the DS. The Wii version is fine and as I said in the FF topic aslong as you know that its a DS game on the Wii you will be fine.

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same with black knight :D


I've written a review of Sonic and the Black Knight, it should be up after the weekend hopefully, personally I thought it had a few good nice ideas in the game but it's primary shift in focus of almost everything Sonic once stood for isn't good.


It looks and sounds nice though but the gameplay is pretty hit and miss, the game itself is short and there are no other extra stories as such like there were when you played as other characters in previous games, you just get to a certain point where you can opt fo play as the other Knights if you like; you can easily finish the single player adventure in a few hours.


It's not a really bad game but it's just painfully average in my opinion and I think it will be the first Sonic game that I actually trade-in or sell... it's fine if you're looking for a new game to play though, just don't expect it to last a long time, if anyone wants it for £20 (last few sold for about £25 inc postage on eBay) then PM me. :)

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Decided I should make an effort to try and finish the games I have to review so I decided to give Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune a shot. And I'm shocked to say it's not bad. Everything looks pretty good, albeit with very blurry/smudged textures. However, environments are pretty big in scale and do look nice. Reminds me a bit of Toy Commander on the Dreamcast. Wish Sega would give us a sequel to that as it was a brilliant title. The only real problems that I have encountered so far are some glaringly bad control choices. It's a third person shooter but who ever developed it (can't remember the name of them right now) really should have used the IR tracking and pointer for turning because stricking it all on the analogue stick is a bit ridiculous. The only IR tracking it uses is for shooting and it works amicably, although a bit jittery, and for moving the camera up and down, and this has been poorly done because it's so slow. Don't know if it's my set-up or not but I've got a huge deadzone for detection when playing on my tv (about 2 to 3 inches from the right edge inward which is big).


Anyways, it's not bad. Controls are making it a little difficult to progress but I shall persevere and get some more game time in later even though I can't be bothered.

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Ok people, its time to choose my gaming destiny!


I will be coming in from work at 2 this afternoon looking for my next game to play and seeing as you lot asked me for opinions on the games I bought im going to let you decide what I should play next. :)


The list is...


Sonic and the black Knight

Mushroom Men

Broken Sword


Job Island

Family Snowboard and Ski


I will check to see if anyone has posted when I get in, if not I will play whatever the hell I want :grin:

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Ok people, its time to choose my gaming destiny!


The list is...


Sonic and the black Knight

Mushroom Men

Broken Sword


Job Island

Family Snowboard and Ski



I'd say play Sonic next to get the dissapointment over with, it has a few good moments though so enjoy what you can from it. :)

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