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he made a lot of sense on his points though.. he may not be right but his attitude is shared among most developers..


No it's not. There's a way of providing constructive criticism... and then there's this guy. I kind of lose respect for them immediately when they start swearing unnecessarily.

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His rant is priceless, he's a complete idiot. The best quote for me is when he calls Nintendo's Wii strategy "Going after the niche mass-market". Ahahaha.


I can sort of see where some of what he's saying comes from, and the profit margins arn't exactly too nice on the Wii for American sales at least, plus the fact retailers are so shitty about taking in Wii games. He's made is far too biased to take serious though.


The Invisible Walls crew were all clearly taking the piss out of him as he said it too lol.

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Wii MotionPlus




It seems that Wii Sports Resort won't be the first game to showcase MotionPlus' abilities in Europe, with an announcement of a Bundle with Grand Slam Tennis.


According to the NewLevelGaming Blog, there will be a July 2nd release of the Wii Remote Add-on, and it will arrive with EA's MotionPlus-adapted Tennis offering, at a price point of 60 Euros, or roughly £40. Although the game will also retail separately for 10 Euros less, many positive Previews of Grand Slam's playability with Motion+ should entice gamers to pick up the bundle.


There is no word on whether Wii Sports Resort will release earlier, or even later with or without the Add-on, but at least a solid date has been set for Nintendo's Wiimote-Enhancer.

That's a very nicely priced bundle!


Will be getting that for sure!

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Looks like EA and Nintendo are nicely in bed together then. It's pretty obvious that Nintendo were going to miss their originally promised date of Spring with Wii Sports Resort, so asked EA to premiere the peripheral instead. It'll get the accessory out there so to not piss off other developers who used it, and it will no doubt bump up sales for Grand Slam Tennis.


The right move, I say.

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It'll be released in September alongside a new Wii Bundle including it and M+.

I predict the big Nintendo games released in late November / Early December will be Pikmin 3 and Pilotwings

Zelda WiiM+ will be shown at the end of E3 for a Christmas 2010 release which will end up being delayed to Summer 2011.

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I think Wii Sports Resort may launch quite a bit after. Development problems or whatnot


There were some rumours about developments issues- but weren't they problems with the recalibration of the device, rather than games themselves?


Either way, I honestly can't see Nintendo issuing new tech without its own showcase software.

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No it's not. There's a way of providing constructive criticism... and then there's this guy. I kind of lose respect for them immediately when they start swearing unnecessarily.


he's not right and he sounds like an ass.. but a lot of developers ever since the n64 era have believed that only nintendo games sell on nintendo systems. It didn't really change this gen.

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he's not right and he sounds like an ass.. but a lot of developers ever since the n64 era have believed that only nintendo games sell on nintendo systems. It didn't really change this gen.


I think it has changed. Publishers like EA, THQ, SEGA and Activision have had some great successes with core titles for Wii- hopefully, they're starting to think its quality that sells and not just Nintendo.

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Tesco's in Chepstow have now stopped selling any other games other than Wii and DS games.


That was the only place to get 360 games in a shop without going to Newport. Wonder if all Tesco's that arn't Extra's are following suit?

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