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Argh. Do Nintendo deliberately act like dicks when scheduling? Fatal Frame AND Pikmin on 6th Feb.


I've always hated when publishers schedule games to come out on holidays in some countries also. Nov 11 has always been a popular date to release games on, but many stores are closed then because its remembrance day in Canada.

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Here's a tasty rumour that has been posted on GoNintendo.


Every once in a great while, our friend Falafelkid has some juicy rumors for us. Today, he’s got a pair of very interesting tidbits concerning Factor 5 and Silicon Knights. Both of these are 100% rumor, but Falafelkid has come through in the past.


Factor 5


- Factor 5’s projects will indeed continue on, and an announcement about their titles should come about in 2 weeks time


Silicon Knights


- The developer of Eternal Darkness may have a Wii title in the works, but there are no other details at this time



Eternal Darkness 2 please!

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Here's a tasty rumour that has been posted on GoNintendo.


I call bullshit. If anything the thing that SK adn F5 have in common is that they are likely to go bust too. Long and costly development times which are very high risk.


These guys need to find a way to make themselves some money right now.

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Nintendo still own stock in Silicon Knights. I highly doubt they'll allow their investment to go down the crapper.


Their entire business strategy is super high risk. They have made 3 games in the past 12 years (that accounts development time too). Frankly that's just scary.


Now the next games they are going to be releasing are going to be the other 2 parts of the trilogy to a game which did not get recieved well. I'd say that SK have some serious peddling to do.

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Too Human really sort of sucked. A friend gave it to borrow and I really just wanted it over with. Hated the controls, gameplay and camera at times and it was terribly frustrating to play. And that stupid death sequence with the 'angel' coming down wasted so much of my time. They just shouldn't even bother considering making any sequals. Least they actually got round to releasing it.

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Is there another Mario and Sonic game on the way?




Spanish Nintendo Magazine ‘Nintendo Accion’ is dead-set on confirming the existence of Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics. The small scan above is the only proof we have, and I’m still not convinced. With that said, a move like this would make perfect sense. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games was a big hit for both Sega and Nintendo. This sequel seems like a no-brainer…but I wouldn’t call it confirmed just yet. Thanks to Redacción for the heads up!
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Then there's Spore Hero, a version for the Nintendo Wii, which will be an original adventure game that will utilize the system's motion controls in some fashion. The game, like the rest of the Spore products, will emphasize "creativity and evolution." Spore Hero is currently scheduled to be released this fall.


Finally, Spore Hero Arena for the Nintendo DS makes it possible for handheld gamers to generate fully-3D creations and bring them into fights with others. This will also be made available this fall.


Taken from IGN. Spore and the already released DS version are still on my to buy list. I'm definitely interested to see what can be done with it on Wii.

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Although expected, Red Steel 2 confirmed for fiscal year 2009-2010




Yves Guillemots, Ubisoft CEO, accidentally confirmed a sequel to Red Steel 2 for fiscal year 2009-2010.


A second entry in the franchise has always been expected, and even publically discussed by Ubisoft, but when we'd be seeing sword and gunplay again was unknown. It seems like a sequel's definitely on the way though, and soon too.


Wii Fanboy reports that Guillemots announced that "We have lots of products coming for the Wii next [fiscal] year. We have Red Steel..." Before pausing and apologising for the slip.


With that in mind it's safe to confirm that a sequel poke, slash and stab its way into stores during the next fiscal year.

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Not meaning to bring a whole debate up but...

Does anyone else still think the first Red Steel was 'OK' (in hindsight). I think it took too much of a bashing. I really enjoyed the first level (it felt like I was playing Die hard 1) but after a while it certainly lost its way. I certainly thought we would have seen RS2 by now. Seems lik Ubi are dangling a carrot to Wii owners whilst shitting all over them from behind.

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I was bored of Red Steel by the point I got to the slow motion bit. Saying that, I had Twilight Princess unwrapped waiting for me to play it, so I guess once I started that Red Steel was an after thought.


Red Steel 2 is interesting, it was in developement hell for Ubisoft for a while. I think they're banking on the success of the first too much with the sequel probably over-estimating how much appeal the second has, but if they can get good reviews it should be okay.


Will be interesinting to see something non casual from Ubisoft though.

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Not meaning to bring a whole debate up but...

Does anyone else still think the first Red Steel was 'OK' (in hindsight). I think it took too much of a bashing. I really enjoyed the first level (it felt like I was playing Die hard 1) but after a while it certainly lost its way. I certainly thought we would have seen RS2 by now. Seems lik Ubi are dangling a carrot to Wii owners whilst shitting all over them from behind.


I think Red Steel got better towards the end! Funhouse, anyone? It is easily in the top 3 games that I've played on Wii, beaten only by SMG and Zelda. Quality game and the best SINGLE PLAYER FPS since Perfect Dark on the N64. Love it.

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I think Red Steel got better towards the end! Funhouse, anyone? It is easily in the top 3 games that I've played on Wii, beaten only by SMG and Zelda. Quality game and the best SINGLE PLAYER FPS since Perfect Dark on the N64. Love it.


Bioshock says hi...


and Half life 2.


And Halo 1 :/.


And lots more, er yeah.


Red Steel was a good game with horrible horrible flaws.

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Not meaning to bring a whole debate up but...

Does anyone else still think the first Red Steel was 'OK' (in hindsight). I think it took too much of a bashing. I really enjoyed the first level (it felt like I was playing Die hard 1) but after a while it certainly lost its way. I certainly thought we would have seen RS2 by now. Seems lik Ubi are dangling a carrot to Wii owners whilst shitting all over them from behind.


Yeah, I think this discussion tends to pop up now and again. :heh: I got RedSteel with my Wii and I really liked it. I've been meaning to fire it up again for a level or two to see how it holds up! The only bad thing I can remember about it is the sword fighting being a bit tedious and unresponsive. I didn't even notice that too much til near the end of the game when the battles were more difficult... I remember some of those "Power Rangers" ninja's being pretty damn hard to beat.


On the whole it was a quality effort seeing as it was a launch title. :hehe:

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Bioshock says hi... I didn't like it and don't really class it as FPS, more like metroid.


and Half life 2. Got very bored, very quickly


And Halo 1 :/. - I.M.O good, but VASTLY overated and over-hyped. 1 was excellent, in parts, 2 and 3 were atrocious.

And lots more, er yeah.


Red Steel was a good game with horrible horrible flaws. Each to their own I suppose. I thought technically, while obviously rushed, it was very good. Destructable environments? Excellent lighting? Awesome bump mapping? As mentioned above an excellent effort for a launch title:D

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