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I completely agree, Tellyn. Playstation Move not only appears to work better than Wii Motion+, but devs are actually supporting it. I really don't understand why Nintendo aren't pushing WM+ - like you said, it just looks like they can't be arsed. To be honest, though, I think it's also partly due to the fact that it still doesn't work as well as it's supposed to (as you have to recalibrate after every ten seconds of vigorous waggling..). At the end of the day, though, I still don't think Playstation Move is going to be as much as a success as the Wii, as it's arrived too late this generation. Now if the PS4 comes with it as standard next gen, and if te starting price is low enough, Sony could have a hit on their hands. (None of this discussion, of course, takes the possible success of Natal into account - I'm really not sure if that's going to work or not.)

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Nobody seems to actually want 'Move', though...


Not to mention that it seems to have fundamental issues already. It's kind of predictable that many who have gone hands-on with it have come to the conclusion "There is noticeable lag... but hey! Cool!". I'd rather live without 6 frames of lag at 30fps.


And am I wrong in thinking that Move can track only 300 degrees compared to Wii MotionPlus' 1600? Tech isn't really my strong point.


It's baffled me how there is already this assumption that it's superior to MotionPlus where every hands-on I've read have also stated it doesn't actually do anything Wii can't.


But still. It IS funny watching opinions towards motion turn around so quickly when a non-Nintendo company does it. Very funny.

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I think the core will flock to the PS3 for motion controls, especially when they're that accurate and the console itself is so powerful they can program some decent stuff for it. Causuals just want waggle.


That's a really nice spin.

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Poetry aside, .....NINTENDO @ GDC 2010 ? ?


Spirit Tracks was announced at last year's GDC (I've just checked the first post in its thread and it was 25th March), so I am hoping to see something from Nintendo this year as well.


As for Move, I'd have to agree that there doesn't seem like there's much demand for it. MotionPlus does everything I want a motion controller to do, and I don't have any complaints about it whatsoever, and yet I hate to say it but even that doesn't seem to have entered the public consciousness yet. I really can't see the "Wii" audience buying the PS3 (or Xbox 360 for that matter) and peripherals.


When Nintendo invent some crazy new thing, however, then yes, they will buy that.

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Nothing really new about Other M in the panel, other than Sakamoto saying the lack of nunchuck support was down to team (Team Ninja wanted to include it). I thought there were supposed to be gameplay videos released at the conference, though - I must have been mistaken. :wtf:

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How does this look more accurate than WM+?! To be honestl I find the whole thing risible and a tad embarassing to be honest. After their knocking Nintendo for doing it, and then literally not being able to rip them off any more with this...makes me sick and want to eat my PS3. Seriously; the fucking gimp hosting table tennis, saying usually all you do is waggle, but on this you can top spin, slice, backhand....fuck me as he PLAYED Wii Sports Resort?!


I think this and more so natal will bomb completely!!

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Yoshio Sakamoto, Metroid's co-creator, has said he originally planned for Metroid: Other M to be an on-rails game.


"I thought Samus should move along a set path," Sakamoto said during his talk at GDC. "That's right. Samus would be moving along a rail, as long as the camera angle was capable of keeping up with the action."


It was Team Ninja, the co-developer on the project, that changed his mind.


"They proposed a full 3D map, where Samus could move to other points with the control pad," he said, adding that when he tested the control scheme "it was perfect."


is this guy serious? i mean really?

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How does this look more accurate than WM+?!


The fact that, I assume, you don't have to keep recalibrating it all the time makes its performance preferable to WM+ for me. I'm hoping that once I've played Zelda Wii and it turns out they've fixed this issue (which ruined the likes of sword fighting in Resort), I'll feel more positively about it.

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Doctor Wii?

Nintendo has signed a £10 million contract to bring Doctor Who to Wii and DS consoles, according to tabloid reports.


The Sun says that the company plans to have the game, which will be based around Matt Smith's Doctor, in shops in time for Christmas 2010.


"This has been in the pipeline for years," an insider is quoted as saying. "We're delighted to have finally nailed down a deal.


"We went with Nintendo as they have huge appeal for families and Doctor Who is very much a family brand. The Wii console is key for us as it's something families play together."


The BBC is apparently keen to monitor the game closely and has rejected anything too violent.


The insider continued: "BBC Worldwide, which licenses BBC shows, has been trying to find some way of doing it. But you can't have Doctor Who blowing things to bits with a laser gun. That would massively change the nature of the show."


If true, it's most defintley a third party not Nintendo, and hopefully won't be another Top Trumps game. A point and click adventure would suit Dr Who best.

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Interesting from that IGN article:


"Speaking of Nintendo, everyone seems to be waiting for word on the company's next system. It's the go-to question in interviews. "Yes, I understand Wii sold a bazillion units in December alone, but hey -- when's Wii HD coming?" Yeah -- I'm guilty of that one, too. And it's no different when I talk to developers and publishers, nearly all of whom receive the obligatory query about new hardware -- what and when? I always resign myself to the no comment or the no idea, but at GDC I struck a bit of a niblet when a developer said Nintendo told him it would be ready to roll with Wii 2 in 2012. Anybody with a brain would probably guess as much, but it is even so always refreshing to hear so from a semi-official source. "

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Doctor Wii?


If true, it's most defintley a third party not Nintendo, and hopefully won't be another Top Trumps game. A point and click adventure would suit Dr Who best.


Its the press to them having games on a Nintendo consoles mean Nintendo are making all the games that appear on the console.


is this guy serious? i mean really?


As I said in Metroid Other M topic it is Kotaku making hits by removing parts of what he said "on-rails side-scrolling adventure" ie 2D.5 sidescroller but Team Ninja talked him into adding 3D foreground/background exploration.

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Yikes, IGN have had some nasty impressions of the Playstation Move. Apparently many of the titles on show don't even stack up against plain old first generation Wiimote launch stuff.




I liked that article. Actually reminds people that developing for motion actually takes effort, and you won't get a better product just because the tech is better. It's all too easy for the anti-Wii crowd to bash for now, but soon everyone will find out that motion has the facility to be just as crap on HD consoles.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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Yikes, IGN have had some nasty impressions of the Playstation Move. Apparently many of the titles on show don't even stack up against plain old first generation Wiimote launch stuff.




That's a really great article, felt much more honest than most.


It's interesting to note how badly Natal has gone down with developers and the idea that launch games will be from Rare and Lionhead rushed out to meet release, just seems too true at this point.


Playstation Move, I just have no respect for. It's a complete knock-off except with a slicker, dildo-looking design. I'm sure great games will be made for it, but it just further proves how much of a follower Sony is.


It's just the same old story in the end. People will say Nintendo are doomed and it's competition will crush them. Meanwhile Nintendo continue to reinvent themselves and push the market in ways unimaginable while it's competition follows blindly hoping to reach the same level of success.


Whether they do or don't at this point still remains to be seen. But I don't feel they would deserve it if they achieved any level of success with either of these gadgets. No matter how technically great they may turn out to be.

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Doctor Wii?


If true, it's most defintley a third party not Nintendo, and hopefully won't be another Top Trumps game. A point and click adventure would suit Dr Who best.


Would be great if somehow Telltale was on the case. The only thing is I dunno if I want a game as the new Doctor. Time will tell but a (quality) Doctor Who game based on Tennants Doctor would have been sweet.

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Well he has just done a brilliant interview with Reggie. He may not have gotten much out of him, but boy did he try.




Reggie makes laugh.


I love the way he talks like a shopkeeper. "We have got..." "I've got this and that etc..."


Quality. Really drives home the way Reggie is a man of the people. Now...if only he had a cockney accent, the world would then be perfect.

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