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I've not bought House of the Dead or Umbrella Chronicles because I just don't like on rails "light gun" games, I think they don't sell well because they are definitely a niche. I don't recall these types of games selling better on other platforms when they've been released.

Madworld for me was a bit too repetitive and No More Heroes just puts me off itself whenever I watch any of it, it's bit too f**ked up for my liking, so they never warranted a purchase from me.

If I feel like that then I imagine a few other people do too.


Resident Evil 4 sold well on the Wii, I've a feeling Monster Hunter Tri will do well, 3rd Parties can definitely have success on the Wii with "core" games but they've got to be the type of games that appeals to the full spectrum of core gamers!

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Industrygamers = Pachter's Podium

IG: What will it take for more third parties to succeed on the Wii? Will it improve in 2010? Can Nintendo do anything to help or is this more due to publishers simply putting out crap games?


Pachter: I continue to believe that the Wii audience will buy good games, and think that third parties have done a poor job of making them for the Wii. There are a handful of exceptions (my favorite is Zack and Wiki), but most third party Wii games just plain suck. The third parties don't appear to be giving the Wii owner what he/she wants, which is an approachable, high quality game. The bulk of titles are shovelware, and once a Wii owner has a bad experience with a poorly crafted title from a third party, they are even more likely to return to buying only Nintendo products. This is most definitely NOT Nintendo's fault; they can hardly be blamed for making consistently good games. It's the fault of studios that think it's ok to make a lousy game and put the word "party" in the title.



Third Party - The Wall Of Shame









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Pachter: I continue to believe that the Wii audience will buy good games, and think that third parties have done a poor job of making them for the Wii. There are a handful of exceptions (my favorite is Zack and Wiki), but most third party Wii games just plain suck. The third parties don't appear to be giving the Wii owner what he/she wants, which is an approachable, high quality game. The bulk of titles are shovelware, and once a Wii owner has a bad experience with a poorly crafted title from a third party, they are even more likely to return to buying only Nintendo products. This is most definitely NOT Nintendo's fault; they can hardly be blamed for making consistently good games. It's the fault of studios that think it's ok to make a lousy game and put the word "party" in the title.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Today we mark a very special occasion. Not only has Pachter, for the first time ever, hit a nail on its head, he's smashed the f*cker into the ground.


I safely say I agree with him here. :)

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Spot on (for once).

It's interesting to see that because Nintendo brought out their core franchises en masse at their recent summits, only now are journos actually realising that third parties have really damaged their own credibility on Wii - pushing more gamers (new and old) back into the arms of Nintendo. (That seal of quality still evidently exists for Nintendo titles).


Remember when IGN were bitching about NSMB and how Nintendo have been lazy? They brought other Nintendo titles into the mix such as Wii Music/Fit and slated them for not having features that 'other' consoles would have had. Even the key publications gamer's flock to were getting it wrong. IGN were totally misguided and have (on another note) shown themselves to be a pompous, tech/gadget focused publication.


Dante: that wall of shame is truly shocking.

For every title that you would consider to have some value, there are 5 titles which are dire copy-cat party/animal games.

Nintendo created a console that was a safe haven for developers to make money formed on a backbone of core gamers who's long time passion for games knows no boundaries and a new audience who were there for the journey. Just look at the numbers Red Steel did at launch. The audience was there - Ubi just shunned it for Petz.


And the third party excuses?

Unfortunately, 3rd parties complained of a lack of tech, wealth of consumers only interested in party games and a console with a lack of online features (magpies and sheep come to mind) showing those developers to have both a lack of common sense and any philosophy about what constitutes a good title. If there are so many party titles and the consumer 'only' wants those titles why not make something that appeals and go all 'blue ocean' on them? Hey, it worked with the console itself...


Sure, we would all like more quality third party titles on Wii yet when those titles have come along they have been a little unorthodox (always a difficult sell). For instance, I wonder how Dead Space Extraction/De Blob/Z&W/A boy and his Blob/Boom Box/Eledees/Madworld would have done on any console.

Yet, arguably, if we'd seen key third party titles like Street Fighter/GTA/Tekken and not poorly made ports of recognisable third party games (like Dirt2/FIFA/Farcry etc) Wii owners would have bought those titles. Look at Call of Duty for proof. Solid numbers.

Instead, developers focus on COPYING Nintendo.


You could argue that the following happened:

After Nintendo brought Wii Sports to everyone, developers sat up and decided to copy the format, flooding the market.

Because Nintendo brought out Nintendogs on DS some bright spark thought that 'the kids' wanted petting games on the DS and Wii. None of which matched the quality of Nintendogs.

Wii Fit came along - A thousand copycat titles flooded the Wii market but Nintendo's title outshone them all.

Nintendo released Link's crossbow training/Mario Kart/Smash Bros...

There were a ton of 'Zapper' games/No-one barely dared to challenge Mario Kart/TMNT was a blatant Smash Bros. Clone which didn't match the quality of Nintendo's game.



The Wii owning Market is cleverer than it is given credit for. There are a lot of long-time gamers in there and a lot of system owners who have never gamed before but having played Wii Sports may really want to. (As Pachter states) unfortunately they are being put off by the endless copycat titles littering store shelves. I liken it to renting a movie and seeing a thousand Arnie films, picking one (which is £40 in gaming terms), realising that it is dire and never buying anything but Nintendo titles again going on to ruin Arnie's reputation.



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If the games aren't stocked in the shops and put on display, how can they sell? And, finally, because many gamers do not deem these games worth spending money on. That's a big reason. "It's on the Wii, so I'll pick it up when it's cheaper." Everyone is guilty of this. I wonder how many of those games you mentioned have sold since they were dropped in price, or picked up second hand, or bought through special deals?


Not enough!


I usually like being there day 1, and most of the time I am, but its quite understandable for people who want to wait for games to drop in price especially when it comes to the Wii. Alot of people can now tell when a game is going to fail by retail standards and drop in price within a few weeks so they just hang on til then and I honestly don't blame them. I got burned a few times last year when I bought a game on release and about 2 weeks later it dropped in price.


*points to MadWorld & Final Fantasy: Echoes of Time*


The games not being stocked or shown in the shops is my biggest gripe at the moment. As I mentioned the other day, the whole Silent Hill confusion is staggering, especially as it looks to be a solid 3rd party release.


Aaron mentioned when he picked up Tatsunoko Vs Capcom that it was tucked away in GAME yet some tripe was out in the open to see is just another example of this. Retailers have a big part to play when it comes to this problem.


I haven't a clue how it all works but do publishers have to pay for shelf space or something? I always thought if its a new release then it gets shoved down the consumers throat which clearly isn't the case with certain Wii games.

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I haven't a clue how it all works but do publishers have to pay for shelf space or something?


Yes, it's just another form of advertising. And it's just further proof of these publishers putting the blame on Nintendo when they haven't made the effort to sell their products in the first place.



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Just been to ASDA, advertising the hell out of Silent Hill via in store radio, video and surprisingly...having the title on store shelves! I fainted into my trolley!


Very nice!


I find it hilarious that a supermarket has the game in stock and actually pushing it where as a games specific retailer such as GAME don't have the game in stock and didn't even seem to know it was coming out. :laughing:

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Very nice!


I find it hilarious that a supermarket has the game in stock and actually pushing it where as a games specific retailer such as GAME don't have the game in stock and didn't even seem to know it was coming out. :laughing:


Games days as a high street retailer are numbered in my opinion. Supermarkets offer cheaper prices, midnight releases due to 24 hour opening, better rward schemes, and nowadays most staff in Game have as much product knowledge as supermarket staff anyway.

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Hmmm, it might be yeah. Works for some DVD's.

If it costs £10 I'd reckon it would do well. Anything more and maybe it could be pointless as I've seen each of these titles for £4.


I'd rather they spent the money re-bundling them by actually advertising those games more in the first place.

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Hmmm, it might be yeah. Works for some DVD's.

If it costs £10 I'd reckon it would do well. Anything more and maybe it could be pointless as I've seen each of these titles for £4.

I can't see this starting less than £19.99, or maybe £29.99 (Sega would probably think £10 a game was fair), depite the games being available for much cheaper!


This must be a new trend, because I noticed this on Amazon the other day...



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I'm not sure if that's wishful thinking or not. I know it looks like it from that angle, but having just watched some videos of the mounatin on youtube you certainly never see it in any others... though I can't seem to find the exact video it comes from... turns out it's not the part of the game where you learn a song as wolf link on death mountain.

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