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^ And all the better we were for it. ;) *damn you Nintendo, you teased us all with a motherfucking Hyrule War, damn YOU!!*


I think I'm going to have to watch the E3 Trailer (hopefully they dont do a full on gameplay presentation like with Twilight Princess) and then that's it for me as far as info goes... otherwise frankly no Zelda ever stands a chance.


It worked for Ocarina (I saw nothing but a couple of magazine reviews)... lets see if it can work again.


It worked for Spirit Track and from the reception, it's all been positive. I bet if Nintendo showed it off and then brought it out 2 years later, during that time showing lots of footage of the game, it would have not got the reception it has.


Seems like Nintendo learnt from Twilight Princess

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Mark Bozon has left IGN.


While IGN faithful and Wii owners alike are still trying to recover from the pain of what felt like a knife in the back with the recent Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast 60 and Matt Casamassina's "Nintendo is Lazy" column, even harsher pains might be ahead if certain rumblings from behind the scenes are to be believed.


Rumor has it that talk is ongoing within IGN Entertainment to take a drastic new route with it's Wii and DS channels by adapting a "casual" approach to Nintendo news. A source who works close with IGN Entertainment told me "They (IGN) are reading the writing on the wall. Now that Nintendo has changed their approach to developing games, they feel there is not a large enough hardcore following to keep the Nintendo side unchanged. They see Yahoo's Wii specific gaming site now getting twice as many clicks as theirs, and they want those casual clicks". When asked what changes this casual approach to Nintendo news would actually bring, he shook his head and replied "Lets just say it is as bad as you can imagine".


Movements are already being put in place for this change, With the sudden departure of Matt Casamassina being the first of many. "I don't think you will be seeing Craig, Bozon, or the others around for much longer. I'm hearing a whole new cast is being brought in for the Wii and DS channels." another source told me.


No word yet on when this change will fully take place

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I think its weird how we've seen no Zelda even though its apparently out this year when we saw Twilight Princess like... 4 years or so before it was released.


30 months. ;) I think that was the problem. The initial trailer (E3 2004) and all the demos up to late 2005 were spaced OK, but it felt like they didn't need the final 12 months. OK, I admit I was hyped, but they did actually ruin the game a lot in that last year, making it run on the Wii. It was a unique situation that hopefully won't happen again.


I'll be avoiding anything with major spoilers, but I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from watching trailers and everything else. I've always found that part of why Zelda games are so exciting is the way everyone gets so hyped up for them. It can be a great experience information free as well, but personally, I need a bit of balance.


Same for me. I'll view any videos and screenshots they release, because that's part of the excitement. I have to admit though, I only watched the first trailer for Spirit Tracks, wasn't hyped for it at all and almost didn't even buy it. However, I ended up loving it!


But, did this make the experience better? No. Excitement and hype is part of life - I dare to be excited!! :D


lol, casuals aren't going to check a dedicated gaming site for their news!... IGN fail!!


Yeah, they probably just check Yahoo when they sign out of their email.


The situation at IGN is sad, and a bit of an overreaction to Nintendo's position. I used to love IGN, anticipating Twilight Princess and the "Revolution" especially, but I hardly ever check it now.


Now, I don't think the Wii is a great console and it's never going to be one of my favourites, but let's not get this out of proportion. Nintendo's developers are as talented as ever, and Nintendo are making just as many "core" games as ever. We've got Mario, Metroid and Zelda to look forward to after all. It's just the limitations of the machine that make me less excited about them than I would be, and I think once you can accept that, you can accept the console and not think "Nintendo are for casuals" etc.

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Has Nintendo announced which date exactly they're going to have their conference at E3? I have a shitting History exam on the Wednesday, so I'm praying it will be then at the earliest so I can stay up.

Nope but the e3 dates are June 15-17 2010.

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Guest Captain Falcon

E3 is the three days the venue (the LA Convention Centre) is open to the press. There is a very good reason the conferences are referred to as the pre E3 media briefs because that's exactly what they are - the platform holders have their say and the press go out and sample the goods for 3 days.


Given it's running from Tues to Thurs this year, it's unlikely all Nintendo's booths are going to be closed until they announce their games halfway through the show.


The question is, will they all do their show on the Monday?

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Iwata dishes on GameCube’s secret 3D abilities.


The following information comes from the Q&A portion of Nintendo’s latest financial results…


“…In fact there have already been discussions for a possibility of a 3D video game for a long time. To tell you the truth, GameCube is secretly designed to load graphical circuits which display graphics for right and left eyes respectively, for a future possibility of realizing 3D gaming experience. So actually we have had interest on this technology, but I have some doubt about everyone needing glasses to play.”


This news makes you wonder if the Wii has the same functionality as the GameCube in terms of providing 3D experiences. However, as we know, Nintendo isn’t too big on 3D gaming at the moment.


So the rumours did have some truth to them.

Edited by Dante
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Two Gamecubes!?... You wouldn't know it!


LOL! In all seriousness, it's probably not as powerful as two GameCubes. Since Microsoft removed the dedicated chips from Natal, it allegedly now consumes 15% of the Xbox 360's processing power, meaning in crude terms Natal titles will only be 85% as "good" (graphics etc) as a traditional 360 game could be. Likewise, I'm sure the Wii's motion control uses an awful lot of processing power.

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Nintendo are holding a media conference on 25th Feb, Nintendo Power are stating they'll have big announcements next issue which is after the European conference...


I'm PREYING FOR Luigis Mansion 2 to be unveiled at this event..with release dates for certain games. Thats why we haven't been given a updated release schedule.


I'm not getting too excited cause it never reaches the heights of what we always expect..but release dates for games would be cool!

Edited by Owen
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Adding to what Owen said.


â€That’s right – I suggest you mark 12 March in your diaries now, as we have something very special lined up. That’s all I can say for now, so until then, enjoy the mag!†– Official Nintendo Magazine


Nintendo Power and Official Nintendo Magazine both teasing something for their next issues. I think it's pretty much confirmed that Nintendo has some very big news to show off in the coming weeks. Time to start the speculation!



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Starfox, Kirby, Mario Party...9 is it?, Luigis Mansion 2, Kid Icarus (does this even exist? lol)..these have been swirling around rumour ville for quite sometime..you never know!


I have no idea if Nintendo will announce anything new..but..how great would 'Luigis Mansion 2' be using the motionplus and the vitality sensor? Wasn't the first all about Luigi being frightened? How about if the vitality sensor, sensed this from the player and it effected gameplay? Cool right?


Mario Party is pretty predictable really..it will happen eventually..and it will use the motionplus and balance board for mini-games....if i was a bookers this would have odds of 2/1..

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