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Looks interesting as does all the DLC. Wish I had this on the 360.


Turned it on for the first time in over a month yesterday and found myself on the way to the Jefferson Memorial. Don't know how far along the main storyline I am but that's where I am. And Rivet City is a pain in the backside to walk around. Confused the hell out of me trying to find the science labs. Looks cool though with all the planes sitting on the deck. You'd think they'd perhaps use them to help people out.


Starting my second playthrough of this. Going for evil this time and trying to hone the sneak ability. Already got a nice critical hit on a raider and guarddog with a frag grenade, was entertaining.

It's weird how easily you breeze through the start when you know what to pick up, know where to go and the best way to go about things in general. Pretty fun.

Starting my second playthrough of this. Going for evil this time and trying to hone the sneak ability.


I pretty much honed all the important skills in one playthrough. It is kinda easy to do. Ignore Unarmed, Melee, Barter, Energy Weapons and Speech (if you already have the Silver Tongued Devil achievement Speech serves no purpose, especially since you plan on being bad. Just let your Combat Shotgun do the talking. :grin: ). And you can also ignore Big Guns in the begining.

Also, boost Intelligence to at least 6, but 7 would be better, and get the Educated perk as soon as you hit level 4 for maximum skill points per level.


I ended up my game with Small Guns, Science, Medicine, Sneak, Repair and Lockpick all above 85, if I'm not mistaken. And that was not planned, it just happened in the course of the game. I also ended up with Big Guns above 70, which was a surprise to me, since I pretty much ignored it for a big part of the game.


Well I never bothered with bobbleheads so I didn't do that well when I got to level 20 (good karma), but I did get big guns to 100 or something, with repair, energy weapons, small guns and hacking at 60 +


In my opinion, Big Guns isn't useful at all, unless you plan on tackling the Super Mutant Behemoths. Other than that, Small Guns is the way to go. My weapons of choice throughout the whole game were the Hunting Rifle (awesome from afar), the Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol (I prefered the Silenced version) and an assault rifle (be it the regular or the chinese one, which pack more punch). Also the scoped weapons such as Sniper Rifle and the .44 Magnum (or the more powerful version Blackhawk which you get for completing a special part of Agatha's Song).

Of course, that is my style, and this is a game which each player will play in his/her own style


I pretty much used every weapon because I was capable of using all of them. I could empty lead all day and still have ample supply of weapons. Big guns if fun purely for the missile launcher and Burnmaster.


I'm a little confused about Broken Steel. Can you still take on side quests that you haven't done? Or is it just the new main story missions. Also it increases the level cap yes? What if I downloaded The Pitt afterwards, would I be be able to get XP from missions within it if i'd downloaded Broken Steel beforehand?

Didn't stash my gear before i went into the Pitt. Hope i get it all back after i complete it.


Yeah you get it all back later, it's all in a locker after the arena thing bit IIRC.


I can't wait for Broken Steel. Fallout 3 is tied for my favourite game of this generation with MGS4.


Just finished the main story arc on the PS3 (so that's it really because there's no DLC although I have a save file before the last quest) and I have to admit I as underwhelmed by the end quest/ending in general, mostly because the Liberty Prime kept glitching on my game and there was huge amounts of slow down. I do have a question though so I'll tag it for those who haven't finished it (which shouldn't be many but it's better safe than never):


Ok, I chose to go into the chamber thing myself and put in the number on the purifier. But I had Fawkes with me so could I have sent him in to do it and how would that have affected the ending? As I said, I do have a save file back a bit so I may well try with Fawkes and see what happens.



Anyway, yeh. Sucks about there being no DLC on the PS3. It's rather strange that its come for both the 360 and the PC but not on the PS3. Is it just a dislike of the PS3 in general on Bethesda's behalf or something? I know they took their time over the Oblivion DLC on the PS3, packaging it on disc (don't know if it was made available to download). Just wish it was there to play. Don't really feel like buying it again on the 360 and playing through just to play the DLC.

Ok, I chose to go into the chamber thing myself and put in the number on the purifier. But I had Fawkes with me so could I have sent him in to do it and how would that have affected the ending? As I said, I do have a save file back a bit so I may well try with Fawkes and see what happens.



Fawkes says "no". Apparently it's not for him to do.



DLC will apparently change that.



I didn't mind the ending I just wanted a boss. All I got was 3 fairly tough humans, in an uninspiring short space of a room. I was preparing myself for something big like a behemoth or something yet I just creamed the enemies with a rocket launcher...

I have to admit I as underwhelmed by the end quest/ending in general


Come on, just hearing that robot babbling about chinese communists is enough to brighten my day. :laughing:



Ok, I chose to go into the chamber thing myself and put in the number on the purifier. But I had Fawkes with me so could I have sent him in to do it and how would that have affected the ending? As I said, I do have a save file back a bit so I may well try with Fawkes and see what happens.



Just reload your last auto-save which should be just when you enter that room and do it again as many times as you want. That's what I did, I watched 3 or 4 different end sequences in 15 minutes. :laughing:


Although they're not worth it, the end sequence is just a bunch of stills with narration and the narration changes depending on your karma, your final decision, etc.



Been playing this recently thanks to a friend getting his bro into the game. Am now hooked but totally crushed when I remember that there is STILL no DLC for the PS3. Although after a little searching at the bethesda forums, there are rumblings that E3 will announce a change to all of this.


I wouldn't buy the DLC I don't think, doesn't look like you get a whole lot for the money. Plus I don't think Fallout is that cinematic. Just look at the last mission.

I wouldn't buy the DLC I don't think, doesn't look like you get a whole lot for the money. Plus I don't think Fallout is that cinematic. Just look at the last mission.


Haven't done the last mission yet. Trying to do that last as I go around completing other objectives, and after my last few finds, I am playing the game on Very hard. Boy is it a different beast. But from looking at the vids, it seems there is a whole load more of content.

Firstly, extra weapons that actually look different rather than just a name change, is very welcome. And after owning the hardest creatures around, namely the deathclaws, a few new enemies to face would be nice. I can't imagine what it has been like for players who reached the end a while ago. I still have loads to do but some new faces would really spice up the whole game again.

Wait, what?!
So the Lone wanderer still dies? If so, then that's a bit crap, plus I don't see how it'd work...


Just read that even if you choosen to die you wake up 2 weeks later in hospital or something still alive!!



Just bought Broken streel, downloading now!! Hopefully it ent buggy like The pitt was at first.

Haven't done the last mission yet. Trying to do that last as I go around completing other objectives, and after my last few finds, I am playing the game on Very hard. Boy is it a different beast. But from looking at the vids, it seems there is a whole load more of content.

Firstly, extra weapons that actually look different rather than just a name change, is very welcome. And after owning the hardest creatures around, namely the deathclaws, a few new enemies to face would be nice. I can't imagine what it has been like for players who reached the end a while ago. I still have loads to do but some new faces would really spice up the whole game again.


I squeezed quite a lot out of my first play-through with positive karma up to level 20 but that was the only trophy I got because they patched it the day I achieved it, so I'm re running through being evil. It's more fun so far, not having to worry about stealing and killing. I still feel bad doing it though which is stupid.

I squeezed quite a lot out of my first play-through with positive karma up to level 20 but that was the only trophy I got because they patched it the day I achieved it, so I'm re running through being evil. It's more fun so far, not having to worry about stealing and killing. I still feel bad doing it though which is stupid.


I already had two characters when the trophys were patched in. So gonna have to redo evil as well as good, AND have had to redo alot of missions, but because those two are ssooooo different, have had different struggles with each, and different successes, e.g. one is evil, sneaky, and generally does not get hurt doing what she does best, killing and pillaging. If these games have taught me anything, being evil pays.

While my saintly character struggles for cash, but somehow, always has enough to give to those who need, including his time and services. A brutish tank, he is a master of the energy weapons, explosives and big weapons, and enemies know when he has arrived.

The good guy is level 19 while the evil one is level 15, but knowing 20 is the limit is annoying as the enjoyment of leveling and gaining new abilities which really make a difference, will be gone. Hence why the broken steel DLC would be right up my street. Shame Bethesda seem to like cold hard cash more than their fans. But that's business.

Just read that even if you choosen to die you wake up 2 weeks later in hospital or something still alive!!



Just bought Broken streel, downloading now!! Hopefully it ent buggy like The pitt was at first.


Ah, that's good to hear then, ty for that. Methinks I need to purchase all the Fallout 3 DLC soon, being as it's all out now.

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