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Dead Space


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I had a very quick run on it earlier. Wasn't impressed. Just found it a little frustrating, running out of ammo and having no reload button apart from using the aim and shoot buttons. I'll have a longer run on it in awhile. I can see that the demo isn't going to show me much and I'm still going to get it at Xmas. It is ashame though that this and Mirrors Edge havent sold great.

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Yeah I think it's just that the demo doesn't give a very good impression. It's just a small room with you and a few monsters, it gets frustrating fast.


From the videos I've seen the full game looks great, really atmospheric and some interesting puzzles.

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I had a very quick run on it earlier. Wasn't impressed. Just found it a little frustrating, running out of ammo and having no reload button apart from using the aim and shoot buttons. I'll have a longer run on it in awhile. I can see that the demo isn't going to show me much and I'm still going to get it at Xmas. It is ashame though that this and Mirrors Edge havent sold great.



It's an horror game, it suppose to take stuff away from you :D I also ran out of ammo, but I just bought more! :D It's a damn good game is Dead Space. I'm not sure what you mean about reload but onthe PS3 to reload you just held aim then pressed square and it reloaded.

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I wasn't a big fan of RE4, but I absolutely loved Dead Space to bits, even with a keyboard/mouse setup (I don't find it comfortable).


It's also got a great learning curve. Ammo isn't a problem for the first half of the game. Then you slowly realise that you're using up more and more as you go along.

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The Missus has gone to MeadowHell today, asked if I wanted anything..........'Dead Space please'


That should be all the games I want for this year bought, maybe pick up MotoGP 08 at some point.


Gonna play it tonight, dark, lights off, pull the chair up close to the telly.

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The Missus has gone to MeadowHell today, asked if I wanted anything..........'Dead Space please'


That should be all the games I want for this year bought, maybe pick up MotoGP 08 at some point.


Gonna play it tonight, dark, lights off, pull the chair up close to the telly.


Won't be doing that for long, let me tell you :heh: Eventually had to play it in doses as it used to creep the hell out of me. Gets easier further you get into it and stronger you get but there are LOADS of shocks to be had.

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^ the scarier the better. Can't wait to get this. Getting it on xmas so even though it's a bit late in the year for scares, it should provide adequate entertainment for those late hours of the night/morning.


WARNING: This game breaks some conventions:


Enemies WILL follow you, not neccesarily through doors...The also know the environment better than you.


Safe areas are NOT SAFE: what care do enemies have for save points?


Enemies wont wait for you to finish shopping: Hmm what's that noise? Oh enemies just broke into this place. Ah well, im at the store so im perfectly safe right? Right?


Always watch your back, and left, and right.

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Well so far gameplay wise its ok, does not really get me excited. The horror aspect is great though. I can see why people like it. Only done Chapter one but i hated the maze like aspect of moving around. The scares so far are great though. Good game to play at night with the lights off.

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Its definately getting better though i am stuck at the bit where you go to the first zero gravity area. I cant shoot the key into the swittch...


The game is good but i hate the backtracking. Backgrounds look fairly samey. The horros aspects are genious though. But i dont feel too motivated playing it. Will keep at it. Many games pick up at some point for me.

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Its definately getting better though i am stuck at the bit where you go to the first zero gravity area. I cant shoot the key into the swittch...


The game is good but i hate the backtracking. Backgrounds look fairly samey. The horros aspects are genious though. But i dont feel too motivated playing it. Will keep at it. Many games pick up at some point for me.


If I remember correctly, you just drag te key into the switch or /e. Playing through it again to get a few easy trophies so maybe i will come across and understand your problem.

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I actually shat myself last night. Upto chapter 7 now, I love ths game. It has managed to keep my attention longer than BioShock. Some of the best graphics I have seen since Uncharted.


OMG the worm things that grab you to pull you in are awesome



Probably finish it tonight, then gonna go through it for the Trophies.

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Finished this game last night, this is definately one of my favourite single player games. Sadly it has been overlooked due to the recent pre-christmas gaming blitz. It is one of the few games that as soon as I finished it, I immediately started back at the beginning on a harder difficulty setting. Superb.

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